The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 3001: Jade is the key

Seeing this, Su Yang couldn't help but move.

In this way, the Seven Heavenly Lords are actually using the power of this space.

It can be boldly guessed that the power of the Seven Heavenly Lords cannot break this overlapping space.

Or, they themselves are subject to some restrictions and cannot break the overlapping space, so they have to use the power of this space to break the seal of the overlapping space.

And from a certain perspective, the person who once left this space has at least the same strength as the Seven Heavenly Sovereigns.

In this way, Su Yang found two existences that could be equal to the Seven Heavenly Lords.

One is to leave that overlapping space and seal those white shadows.

The other is the person who protects this space in the black mist.

What is the relationship between these two people and the Seven Heavenly Sovereigns?

Their strength, compared with the Seven Heavenly Venerables, who is strong and who is weak?

In addition, the Seven Heavenly Sovereigns are tossing so much in the big world. Is it because they are afraid of them that they have caused so many things?

Of course, what makes Su Yang most curious is, what is the relationship between the Buddha and this space? Why does the power of the Buddha and this space come from the same vein?

Before Su Yang could only guess in his heart, but now Su Yang suddenly has some clues.

Or, if you find the Buddha or the Skykiller, you will be able to figure out the situation.

While thinking about it, Human Sovereign suddenly rushed into the black mist and said anxiously: "Leader Su, that white shadow has come out."

Su Yang just remembered that the overlapping space was opened, and a white shadow should have been sealed inside.

He quickly rushed out of the black mist, and as expected, there was a white shadow outside, trapped by a group of people with powerful force.

However, this white shadow kept struggling, and the joint seal of these people could not completely trap it, and the tower was about to break free from the seal.

In fact, this is also normal, after all, Bai Ying has no entity. Everyone wants to seal such a non-physical existence, of course the difficulty is very high.

Su Yang didn't hesitate, rushed over, sealed the entire space where the white shadow was, and then brought it into the world tree.

Still using the previous method to trap the white shadow in an overlapping space, Su Yang left the World Tree.

After that, Su Yang also took the overlapping space where the white shadow appeared just now into the World Tree.

At this time, the Black Mist had already planned to leave.

Human Sovereign and the others are working together to block, but it only slows down the speed of the Hei Mist people, and nothing more, it is impossible to completely stop the Hei Mist people.

Su Yang hurriedly chased him, and after clarifying the situation of the black mister, he knew that it was meaningless for everyone to stop the black mister.

No matter how people attacked, they couldn't hurt this black mist person, because this was not a person at all.

This is a space shrouded in black mist, neither the power of the black mist nor the power of that space can be shaken by the strongest. Therefore, even if everyone exhausts all their power, they will not be able to affect it in the slightest, and it is even more impossible to leave this black mister behind.

However, this black fog man has been wandering around in this big world, looking for overlapping space everywhere, breaking the overlapping space everywhere, and releasing the white shadows inside, which is always not a problem.

If you can think of a way to stop this black mister from acting in the big world, wouldn't the crisis caused by the white shadow be solved?

But, is there any way to stop this black mister?

After thinking for a while, Su Yang suddenly remembered a situation.

This black mister is not a person, but a space.

The reason why it can walk in the big world and break the overlapping space is the result of being controlled by the seven heavenly deities.

And how do the Seven Heavenly Lords control it?

If you can figure out this problem, can you figure out how to stop this black mister?

Think carefully about the situation inside.

That space is definitely not controlled by the Seven Heavenly Venerables, otherwise they don't need to be so troublesome to do so many things, and use the black fog to draw out the power in this space.

Therefore, the Seven Heavenly Venerables can only do such a thing if they control the black mist. Those black mists are also under the control of the Seven Heavenly Venerables, and will condense here, eliciting the guarding power of that space.

However, how did the Seven Heavenly Lords control these black mists?

The first thing Su Yang thought of was the jade pendant that appeared before.

There is no doubt that Jade Pei is the key to the seven heavenly beings to control these black mists.

The jade pendant can condense the black mist, absorb the protective power of that space, and release these protective powers to break the seal of overlapping spaces.

So, it seems that the key to cracking this black mister lies on this jade pendant.

However, this jade pendant just appeared in a flash, after breaking the overlapping space, returning to the black fog, it disappeared.

How to find this jade pendant is troublesome, not to mention cracking the jade pendant, making it impossible for the jade pendant to control the black mist, it is even more difficult.

Su Yang paced slowly in the black mist, carefully searching every location, hoping to find this jade pendant.

However, he walked the black fog several times, but never found the jade pendant.

The jade pendant seemed to disappear, without a trace at all.

Su Yang couldn't help but wonder, this space was actually not big, and for his current strength, it was nothing.

Why hasn't I found this jade pendant after searching it all by myself? Could it be that the jade pendant is not hidden here?

Thinking of this, Su Yang's heart suddenly moved. He suddenly looked at the space in the black mist.

Su Yang had searched the range of this black mist, but he could not find the jade pendant.

However, Su Yang hasn't even seen the space in the black mist.

This jade pendant is not in the black fog, is it hidden in this space?

Su Yang turned his head and looked at the space. Seriously, although he thought of this, Su Yang felt that there was basically no such possibility.

After all, Su Yang walked around in this black fog several times and looked at this space several times from beginning to end.

Outside of this space, there was no damage at all, and there was no access to it.

After all, so much black fog outside has been enveloping this space.

Once there is damage in this space, doesn't the black fog diffuse directly into this space?

If the jade pendant is hidden in this space, how does the jade pendant enter and exit this space?

The guardian power of this space alone can completely block the jade pendant from the outside, preventing the jade pendant from entering it!

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