The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2997: Jade pendant

To be honest, after seeing the situation of the white shadows, these strongest people who took refuge in the human race secretly rejoiced in their hearts.

They didn't particularly believe in what the Emperor said before. The reason they came to the Human Race was to find a backer.

After seeing those white shadows, they only knew how terrifying this white shadow was and how correct their choice was!

Therefore, after these people came to the human race, they were naturally very grateful to the human race.

The Emperor also divided them into several batches, and asked them to capture the white shadows in the big world.

After these people understood the crisis of the human race, naturally they did not dare to stay in the human race to enjoy themselves, and followed the human emperor and others to capture the white shadows.

As for Su Yang, he stayed in the world tree.

While cultivating oneself, solve the white shadows caught from the outside, and put those white shadows into the overlapping space.

And, as Su Yang said. After being rescued by Su Yang, the strongest people who were possessed by the white shadow were grateful to the human race, and they all joined the human race directly to help the human race against the white shadows.

Of course, Su Yang also asked the emperor to do another thing, which is to find those overlapping spaces in the big world.

Once they found such overlapping spaces, they would tell Su Yang the location.

And Su Yang will rush over immediately and include these overlapping spaces in his world tree.

These overlapping spaces are the key to sealing the white shadow, and also the key to the human race dealing with the white shadow.

Su Yang must collect more of these overlapping spaces to accommodate more white shadows.

The emperor and the others did so, constantly searching for white shadows and overlapping spaces in the big world.

During this process, the Emperor and the others also encountered some things that made them dumbfounded.

That was some living planets they had encountered before, and they had persuaded the strongest above to let them join the human race.

However, these people finally refused and were unwilling to join the Human Race. Moreover, they felt that the Emperor and the others were liars, and they sneered at the Emperor and the others.

As a result, Human Sovereign and the others encountered these strongest men in the process of capturing the white shadows.

And they have been possessed by Bai Ying, not only that, but also beheaded all the lives of their once world, wandering in the big world, looking for new life.

The Emperor and the others captured these people back to the Human Race, Su Yang expelled the white shadows from them, and after resurrecting them, these people were extremely embarrassed, and at the same time guilty to the extreme.

If it weren't for their arrogance, how could they fall into that situation?

If they believed the Emperor's words and followed the Emperor's advice, how could all the lives in their world eventually die?

On the Human Race side, they are quite tolerant towards them.

After resurrecting them, let them stay on the side of the human race to help deal with capturing the white shadows and dealing with the seven heavenly elders.

And after these people experienced such a thing, they hated the Seven Great Heavenly Sovereigns. Of course, they stayed on the human race side without hesitation, helping the human race to capture the white shadows in the great world.

This situation has continued for more than three thousand years.

The Human Race has captured almost a thousand white shadows, and there are nearly a hundred more overlapping spaces in the World Tree.

In each overlapping space, there are almost hundreds of white shadows.

Su Yang used the tree wall of the World Tree to block the exit of the overlapping space, trapping these white shadows inside, temporarily keeping the human race safe.

On the human base, countless human lives have now gathered. Among them, the Xeons alone have more than 5,000 people, and the strength of the human race has really reached an unprecedented height.

However, Su Yang still did not give an order to enter the original place.

In other words, Su Yang has not been able to completely absorb the entrapped qi.

Over the past three thousand years, Su Yang has always stayed in the world tree, and his cultivation hasn't stopped for more than a moment.

However, the entrapped aura still seems to have not diminished. During these three thousand years of cultivation, there has been no change in the entrapped aura.

But Su Yang's own strength is steadily improving, and it can even be said to be rapidly improving.

He can't even figure out how strong his current strength is.

However, he still knew very well in his heart that no matter how strong he was, he was still in the category of the strongest, and he had not yet reached the next level.

Su Yang really couldn't imagine what the realm above the strongest was like.

However, if he can't reach the next level, he won't be able to find the Seven Heavenly Lords. This is the most embarrassing thing.

Moreover, for so many years, there has been no news of the Heaven Killer and the Buddha. Su Yang is also very worried about them, not knowing what their situation is now.

The situation in the initial place is unknown, and the life and death of the Skykiller and Buddha are uncertain. These are things that Su Yang needs to worry about.

In fact, Su Yang also wanted to enter the original land several times to see the situation inside, at least to inquire about the situation of the Skykiller and the Buddha.

However, Su Yang did not dare to do so in the end.

He didn't know what was going on in the original place, so he rushed in, not knowing how many variables there would be.

He is now the hope of the human race. Once he has an accident, the human race will fall into a situation where there is no leader in the group, and maybe what will happen.

Therefore, Su Yang could only temporarily hide all the worries in his heart, and temporarily suppress the situation of the human race, so as not to worry about everyone in the human race.

On this day, Su Yang was cultivating in the world tree, and suddenly felt the fluctuation of power when there was land.

He was shocked, this kind of power fluctuation must come from the jade pendant.

Those who go out to capture the white shadows, Su Yang will put a piece of jade pendant on them, so that they can ask for help in time when they encounter an accident.

For so many years, the jade pendant has never been used.

This time, the jade pendant of the earth was crushed to pieces. Could it be that there was some danger outside?

Su Yang quickly summoned the Chaos Sparrow, let it lead itself through the chaos, and rush to the place where the power of the earth fluctuates at the fastest speed.

When he reached the neighborhood, Su Yang saw a person from a distance, standing in the air and watching.

Su Yang hurried over. As soon as this person saw Su Yang, he immediately said, "Are you Su League leader?"

Su Yang nodded and said in doubt: "Are you?"

This person immediately reverently said: "My name is Lin You. It was the Lord Human Emperor who saved my life. I have joined the human race for more than a thousand years."

Su Yang nodded. Over the past thousands of years, Human Race has added many Xeons. However, Su Yang is basically in the World Tree, so he is actually not very familiar with many of the strongest.

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