The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2996: Capture the white shadow

The King of Humans looked worried: "Leader Su, we can't enter the original land, can't deal with the seven heavenly venerables, then where can we go?"

"In the big world, I don't know how many such white shadows will be released by the Seven Heavenly Sovereigns. This is definitely not a place where we can stay."

"Is it possible, let's enter the chaos?"

"But, I don't think it is safe even in Chaos."

"Those white shadows, maybe they will also enter the chaos to chase us down!"

Everyone also looked worried. What the Emperor said was exactly what they were worried about.

With such a white shadow, even the strongest, there is really no way to escape.

Su Yang was relatively calm. He shook his head: "Everyone, I think Human Race has not yet reached that kind of crisis."

"You have also seen that I can expel the white shadow from the Xeon's body. In other words, even if the Xeon is really possessed by the white shadow, it is not necessarily a mortal situation!"

The eternal **** emperor said worriedly: "Leader Su, now it's just these few people, the situation can be better."

"If there are more people and more white shadows, it may not be able to solve it."

"Countless white shadows swarmed up, and there are too many ants to chew dead elephants!"

Su Yang smiled and said, "So, for us, the most important thing is not to let so many white shadows gather!"

"If we have a way to disperse the white shadows, then I can take down the white shadows one by one, and then seal the white shadows in the overlapping space."

"In this way, even if the Seven Heavenly Venerables want to deal with us with white shadows, it will not be so easy."

Everyone looked at each other: "How to scatter the white shadows?"

Su Yang said: "It can't be regarded as separating the white shadows, but before they aggressively attack our human strongholds, we will catch them one by one and solve them one by one."

The Emperor was at a loss: "This...isn't this suitable?"

"After these white shadows possessed the strongest, their strength became extremely terrifying."

"We want to catch them. It's not easy. It takes a lot of manpower."

"But on our human side, there is obviously a shortage of manpower now."

Su Yang smiled and said, "Manpower is not a problem."

"If you bring back a strong one who was possessed by a white shadow, there will be one more strong one on our human side."

"As a result, as the number of white shadows captured increases, the number of our human race is also increasing."

"Moreover, you don't have to worry about the crisis of Bai Ying."

"I have been able to drive Bai Ying out of the body of the strongest now, so even if one of us is possessed by Bai Ying. As long as I bring the person back, I can save him!"

Hearing this, everyone finally understood Su Yang's plan, and their faces were immediately full of joy.

As Su Yang said, every time a white shadow is captured, the human race can have one more strong.

Moreover, there is no need to worry about whether these Xeons will have dissent.

After they were possessed by Bai Ying, they experienced that kind of torture and were rescued by Su Yang. They knew whether to help the human race or to be neutral.

The current situation is not what the guardian **** was before.

The guardian **** can also give you reason, and these white shadows are ruthless killing machines.

These strongest people, if they don't choose to join the human race, they will have to face those white shadows when they go out. Therefore, these Xeons actually have no choice!

Therefore, Su Yang didn't feel very worried anymore when the White Shadow matter had reached the present stage.

The Seven Heavenly Sovereigns seem to have pushed the Human Race to a desperate situation, but in fact, if the Human Race is handled properly, this is an opportunity for the Human Race, an opportunity to gather the strength of the Human Race.

Without the persecution of these white shadows, the resurrected supreme ones would have their own governance and thoughts. The human race would definitely be in chaos, and he would have to consume his own power.

And with the persecution of these white shadows, it would be impossible for the human race to not unite.

Therefore, in Su Yang's eyes, the strategy of the Seven Heavenly Venerates was not so terrible. As long as the tactics are counted, the Seven Heavenly Sovereigns can be defeated!

Of course, Su Yang has another purpose in doing this, which is to buy more time for himself.

The energetic aura in the world tree is constantly tempering him and Pan Gu Axe, and his strength is in a continuous improvement stage.

Su Yang didn't know how this suffocating air came from, or what happened.

However, he knew very well that with his current strength, he was definitely not the opponent of the Seven Heavenly Venerates.

However, if he can absorb the energetic qi, he will increase his strength to the extreme. When confronted with the Seven Heavenly Sovereigns, that might really be a battle!

Next, according to Su Yang's situation, everyone was divided into more than a dozen teams, each with more than 20 Xeons, and they began to search for the strong ones in the big world.

This situation is similar to their previous search for the strongest human race in the big world.

Moreover, they are not only searching for the strongest people who are possessed by the white shadow, but when they encounter other living planets, they will also go over to chat with the people there and talk about the white shadow.

These living planets are all due to the resurrection of the powerhouses of those world trees. Some of them have regained the strength of the Xeons, and they are mainly telling these Xeons about the White Shadow, wanting to persuade them to help the Humans at the Human Race base.

Of course, not many people can really listen.

These human races would never believe in the existence of these white shadows before they really saw the situation of those white shadows.

Even, they still feel that this is deliberate alarmism on the human side, wanting to scare them and let them serve the human race.

Therefore, Human Sovereign and others advised many Xeons, but in the end, very few Xeons were willing to take refuge in Human Race.

These strongest people who are willing to take refuge in the human race simply put all the lives in their world in their portable space and bring them to the human stronghold.

As a result, there are more and more lives in the human base, and it is far more prosperous than ever.

And these strongest people who chose to take refuge in the human race were amazed when they found so many strongest humans on the human race side.

However, what really shocked them was the white shadows who were caught back.

The emperor told them before that it was very scary to have such a strong person with a white shadow.

However, although they took refuge in the human race, they did not completely believe in the words of the human emperor.

And when they really saw the strongest person possessed by White Shadow, they only knew that Human Race really didn't lie!

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