The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2991: Seal overlapping space

However, at this time, Su Yang couldn't help but think about it.

He quickly shot, trapping the white shadow again, preventing it from rushing in front of him.

Even so, the white shadow was still struggling desperately, as if there was nothing to fear.

Su Yang put it back into the overlapping space. This time, Su Yang wanted to observe carefully to see how the white shadow left the overlapping space.

After entering the overlapping space, Su Yang immediately released the white shadow, and Su Yang himself immediately moved to another position.

After the white shadow was let go, he was not as blank as Su Yang expected, nor did he observe the surroundings, but turned to Su Yang's side with a roar.

Obviously, this white shadow can sense nearby life.

Moreover, this proves again that the spatial channels in this overlapping space are completely connected.

If it were in a different space, then this white shadow would not sense Su Yang's existence, nor would it directly attack Su Yang's side.

However, in the connected space, it can sense Su Yang's existence for the first time.

If the spatial channels in this overlapping space are not connected, how can it sense the existence of Su Yang?

However, this is not the focus of Su Yang's observation. What he needs to observe more is whether this white shadow can reach his position.

If the white shadow can reach his position quickly, it means that the white shadow is also very familiar with the situation in this overlapping space, and this can also explain why the white shadow can leave the overlapping space so quickly.

However, the facts were completely beyond Su Yang's expectations.

Although the white shadow pounced on Su Yang, it seemed to be unfamiliar with the paths in this overlapping space. After it leaped over, it appeared directly in another location.

It immediately turned to Su Yang again, and continued to pounce.

However, it still didn't pounce in front of Su Yang, but instead appeared in other positions.

Su Yang observed for a while, only to see the white shadow colliding around in this overlapping space, always running towards Su Yang. However, it was difficult to get close to Su Yang, just rushing around in this overlapping space.

This situation convinced Su Yang that Bai Ying did not actually understand the path in this overlapping space. It could even be said that Bai Ying did not know the situation in this overlapping space.

If Bai Ying does not understand the overlapping space, how does it get out of the overlapping space?

Moreover, didn't the person who created the overlapping space stop the overlapping space before causing the white shadow to leave the overlapping space?

Su Yang couldn't help but fell into thought. He always felt that there was something wrong with this matter.

In thinking, Bai Ying has already rushed to Su Yang's side.

Fortunately, Su Yang reacted quickly, quickly avoided, and immediately walked to another position to avoid the white shadow.

Bai Ying was able to rush to Su Yang just now, it was a blind cat and a dead mouse.

Anyway, there are so many space passages in it, it has been tossing in it, and it has been on the way. According to the probability, it also has the opportunity to rush to Su Yang.

Thinking of this, Su Yang suddenly remembered something.

Bai Ying didn't know the way to leave the overlapping space, but the exit of the overlapping space was opening.

It has been tossing in it and running around. In terms of probability, it still has a chance to get out of this overlapping space.

Therefore, it is not that Bai Ying knows the way to leave the overlapping space, but because the overlapping space is not sealed.

Su Yang knows very well that the person who created the overlapping space must have sealed the overlapping space. Therefore, the white shadow cannot leave the overlapping space.

Otherwise, what's the point of that person creating this overlapping space.

However, now the seal of the overlapping space was opened, and the seal of the exit was gone. Then, the white shadow can leave the overlapping space, and only then can something like that happen just now.

After all, it is still the issue of the seal of overlapping space.

It must be the Seven Heavenly Lords that opened the seal of the overlapping space, and that's why these white shadows can get out of the overlapping space!

If the overlapping space is completely sealed, then the white shadow must be unable to get out of the overlapping space.

And this is the key!

Thinking of this, Su Yang's eyes lit up, and he suddenly thought of a way to seal these white shadows.

If he could fill the seal of the overlapping space, wouldn't this white shadow be able to get out of the overlapping space?

Of course, Su Yang knows very well that his strength is definitely a world away from the person who created the overlapping space.

With his strength, he didn't have the ability to restore the seal of this overlapping space.

However, Su Yang does not need to do this.

Because it is the breath of living people outside that can really draw Bai Ying out of this overlapping space.

This overlapping space is not sealed, so it is actually connected to the outside. The outside breath can be transmitted into this overlapping space, so Bai Ying will desperately struggle in it, and finally rush out of this overlapping space.

And once this overlapping space is sealed, the outside breath is completely isolated from the inside. Then, this white shadow will lose its goal.

When Dao Zun and the five strongest men were locked in the World Tree before, Su Yang clearly sensed that when there was no life, they were actually not moving at all, just like dead people.

Therefore, it is actually other lives that can really motivate them.

Without other lives, they would not struggle, but would just stay where they were.

Therefore, the most critical issue is not to complete the seal, but to block the outside breath.

To do this, it is easier than completing the seal.

Of course, it is simple, but it is not so easy to do it.

This white shadow's ability to sense the breath of life is very strong, and it can't be done in a separate space.

You know, Su Yang and the others sealed the power of the Dao Zun and the five strongest people before, in fact, they created another space and sealed them in another space.

However, in such a space, Dao Zun and the five strongest people can still feel the breath of life outside.

So, if you want to isolate the breath of life, you can't simply use space to block it. This matter is actually quite troublesome.

Fortunately, Su Yang already had a solution in his heart. And he will also try to use this method to see if these white shadows can be sealed.

Once these white shadows can be sealed, Su Yang can find a way to deal with these white shadows, the crisis of the human race will be much better!

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