The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2990: Beat the White Shadow

Su Yang didn't expect that the power of his kick would be so powerful that he could kick this white shadow flying.

He was stunned for a moment, but found that Bai Ying roared and rushed over again.

Su Yang originally thought that this white shadow was invincible, so he could only dodge and avoid it, not daring to confront it head-on.

And now, Su Yang has understood that this white shadow is not invincible.

Or, it is much stronger than the soul of other Xeons.

However, it was nothing compared to Su Yang's soul.

Next, Su Yang no longer feared the white shadow, and simply rushed forward to fight with the white shadow.

Two non-physical souls are fighting wildly here. Bai Ying is very strong, but it seems that he has no wisdom, and only knows how to bite.

And Su Yang maintained the original fighting skills and various secrets. Although there are not many secret methods that the soul can use, it is completely enough to deal with this white shadow.

It didn't take long for the white shadow to be completely trapped by Su Yang.

Moreover, Su Yang discovered a situation that made him very unexpected.

Although the strength of this white shadow is not as good as him, no matter how Su Yang fights, this white shadow always seems not to be injured, let alone fight to death.

Su Yang was tired, but this white shadow still maintained ample energy, not hurt, nor did he feel tired at all.

At this moment, Su Yang finally knew why the former existence had sealed the white shadow.

It is estimated that these white shadows cannot be killed. The only way is to seal these white shadows so that they cannot go out to cause harm to the people.

Su Yang couldn't kill the white shadow, so he could only temporarily seal the white shadow with a secret method, and then pushed the white shadow out of the body of the strongest.

After the white shadow came out, the strongest man fell directly to the ground.

However, Su Yang knew that the strongest was not dead.

Although his soul was swallowed by the white shadow, he reached the realm of the strongest, and even a drop of blood on his body preserved his memories and everything.

As long as the body is still there, the strongest person can recover.

Su Yang also breathed a sigh of relief. He was originally worried that Dao Zun might be out of help.

Now it seems that Dao Zun still has hope.

As long as he pushed out the white shadow in his body, that Dao Zun could still wake up.

Of course, Su Yang did not rush to do it.

Because, in the battle with that white shadow just now, Su Yang himself was also injured.

One of his arms was torn off, and his body was also torn off several pieces.

It's just that the soul is injured, and there is no **** feeling.

However, the soul is the most difficult to recover from trauma.

Fortunately, Su Yang can now use the World Tree to absorb the entrapped air, so he can recover his soul quickly.

However, no matter how fast it is, it will take some time.

Su Yang had to wait until he recovered before he went to help others recover.

Otherwise, in the current situation, he would go directly in and fight the white shadows, and maybe he hadn't beaten others, but was swallowed by them, and that cocoa would be embarrassing.

While absorbing the entrapped air and restoring his soul, Su Yang was also observing the white shadow.

After being trapped, Bai Ying was still struggling frantically, screaming frantically, as if he was about to pounce on Su Yang.

And Su Yang's sealing power is gradually weakening, there is no way, this white shadow is struggling too hard.

Judging from this situation, Su Yang's seal couldn't hold it for long.

Su Yang couldn't keep strengthening the seal here, and he didn't waste so much time on this white shadow.

After all, Su Yang still doesn't know how many white shadows there are.

If there were thousands of white shadows, Su Yang, no matter how strong his soul power, would not be able to deal with so many white shadows, let alone seal them.

So, now it seems that we have to find a way to trap this white shadow.

Su Yang pondered for a while, then suddenly looked at several overlapping spaces not far away.

These overlapping spaces were all moved by Su Yang from the Great World to the World Tree.

Su Yang originally wanted to come back and study these overlapping spaces, but now, he suddenly had an idea in his heart.

Or, you can close these white shadows in these overlapping spaces!

After all, these overlapping spaces are not used to seal these white shadows!

Now it is a good choice to seal these white shadows in these overlapping spaces.

Thinking of this, Su Yang suddenly had some hope in his heart.

I can defeat these white shadows, and also seal these white shadows. Then, didn't he find a way to deal with these white shadows?

Su Yang grabbed the white shadow and flew directly near the overlapping space.

Just about to go in, Su Yang suddenly remembered something.

He is now in an astral state. If he directly enters this overlapping space, can he still get out of this overlapping space?

You know, he walked out of this overlapping space before, completely relying on the instinctive memory of the immortal golden body and the question of immortality.

His soul has no such instinctive memory.

If he went in like this, wouldn't he be completely trapped in this overlapping space with this white shadow?

And this white shadow is immortal, Su Yang's soul is trapped with it, and sooner or later Su Yang will be destroyed by this white shadow.

Thinking of this, Su Yang couldn't help but burst into a cold sweat.

Fortunately, I didn't rush into this overlapping space directly, otherwise, it would be really dangerous.

He quickly attracted the Immortal Golden Body and the Immortal Bone, restored his body, and then grabbed the white shadow and entered the overlapping space.

Bai Ying was still struggling frantically, especially after Su Yang's physical body recovered, this Bai Ying seemed more irritated, and struggled even more.

After Su Yang threw it into the overlapping space, he immediately used the instinctive memory of the immortal golden body and the immortal bone to walk out of the overlapping space.

After coming out, Su Yang kept staring at the overlapping space, and he had to make sure whether the white shadow would be trapped in the overlapping space.

After a while, when Su Yang thought that Bai Ying had been completely trapped, the accident happened.

The white shadow also rushed out of the overlapping space, and directly roared towards Su Yang.

Su Yang's complexion changed, and this overlapping space could not seal the white shadow?

What exactly is going on?

Could it be that this overlapping space is not used to seal the white shadow?

Was it a mistake in guessing, that white shadows and overlapping spaces have nothing to do with each other?

However, thinking about these situations carefully, it doesn't make sense.

If the overlapping space is not used to seal white shadows, what is it for?

Moreover, even if the overlapping space is really not used to seal white shadows. However, this overlapping space is so complicated, how did this white shadow come out after it entered?

Could it be said that Bai Ying also knows the way to leave the overlapping space?

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