The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2983: Another overlapping space

Standing in the big world, Su Yang looked shocked.

When he walked out of this overlapping space, he didn't feel at all at all, he walked out completely according to the instinct of the body.

This feeling was very strange, he himself seemed to be an outsider, he could only watch his body instinctively walk in it. He can't have any interference, because any of his interference will cause him to be unable to get out of this overlapping space!

what is happening?

Why are you so familiar with this overlapping space with your own indestructible golden body and indestructible bone?

With doubts, Su Yang entered this overlapping space again.

When Qi'er and Huozhe saw Su Yang walking out of the overlapping space, both of them were pleasantly surprised, and they were waiting in this overlapping space.

Su Yang picked up the two of them, let them follow him closely, and quickly brought them out of this overlapping space.

Standing in the big world outside, the deceiver felt like a new life, and sighed: "Great, I finally came out. I thought we were going to be trapped there forever!"

Qi'er looked anxious: "Brother Su, let's go find my father, I'm afraid he will be in danger!"

Su Yang nodded. He stared at the overlapping space for a while, released his world tree, and tried to see if he could drag this overlapping space into the world tree.

This overlapping space must have something to do with his immortal golden body, the indestructible bones. Su Yang also wants to study carefully what is going on in this overlapping space.

Originally, Su Yang thought he could not drag this overlapping space away, but when the world tree approached the overlapping space, an unexpected situation happened.

This overlapping space, as if inspired by something, flew directly into his world tree.

During the whole process, Su Yang didn't do anything at all, which left him very at a loss.

Huozhe and Qi'er didn't see anything special. They thought it was Su Yang himself who dragged the overlapping space in with his strength, so they didn't care much.

Su Yang put away the world tree with doubts, and continued to move forward with Qi'er and the confused one.

They don't know where the Emperor Human has gone. They could still feel the aura left by the Emperor. However, after coming out of this overlapping space, the aura of the emperor disappeared, showing that they really stayed in the overlapping space for a long time.

There is no way, Su Yang and the others can only follow the previous direction, which is the only route.

After chasing for a while, Su Yang and the others hadn't found traces of the emperor and others, but they found another overlapping space.

"Why is there such an overlapping space?" The puzzler was surprised: "Could it be that there is more than one kind of dark shadow?"

Su Yang shook his head: "It looks like this!"

"I have been guessing before, those dark shadows may not be just one."

"Now it seems that my guess is correct, there are probably many shadows!"

The puzzler looked shocked: "This dark shadow is so terrifying, if there are really many, then... Then the strongest in this big world, isn't it dangerous?"

Su Yang frowned, and he was shocked more than the confused ones.

Because, he vaguely felt what was the plan of the Seven Heavenly Venerates.

They didn't want to resurrect so many strongest people, or just want to make the big world chaotic.

Seven Heavenly Sovereigns, this clearly shows that they are going to use these shadows to deal with the human race!

Su Yang now has enough reason to suspect that these dark shadows were released by the Seven Heavenly Venerables.

They first resurrected the strongest of the world tree before, and then released the sealed black shadows.

In this way, these shadows will look for the strongest in the big world.

When these shadows control the Xeon, they will become like beasts and attack other Xeons.

In this way, even if the human race really accumulated enough strength, even if Su Yang could really have a high prestige, and let other human race members obey him, it would be useless.

Because these dark shadows are enough to disintegrate everything in the human race, disintegrate everything that Su Yang has finally built up!

In this way, the resurrection of the strongest is not the plan of the seven heavenly elders. Their real plan is these shadows!

In order to verify his guess, Su Yang went into the overlapping space again.

When he entered, Su Yang was a little nervous, because he didn't know whether this overlapping space was the same as the previous overlapping space, or whether there was something hidden in this overlapping space.

For example, whether the shadow in this overlapping space is still in this overlapping space.

Once the black shadow is still in this overlapping space and Su Yang rushes in like this, wouldn't it be dangerous?

Also, if this overlapping space is different from the previous overlapping space. Can Su Yang get out if he goes in like this?

Su Yang walked out of the previous overlapping space because of the instinct of the immortal golden body and the immortal bone. Otherwise, Su Yang alone would not be able to get out of the overlapping space.

And now this overlapping space, if it is different from the previous overlapping space, then Su Yang's immortal golden body and the immortal bone, there is no instinctual statement, then he can't get out if he enters?

However, after entering, Su Yang realized that the things he worried about had not happened.

First, this overlapping space is empty. After Su Yang entered, he encountered nothing.

Furthermore, this overlapping space is exactly the same as the previous overlapping space.

After Su Yang entered, his immortal golden body and immortal bones still had an instinctive prediction of this overlapping space.

Therefore, he can easily walk out of this overlapping space.

After understanding this, Su Yang was relieved.

He did not rush out of this overlapping space, but deliberately walked in this overlapping space, wanting to see how this overlapping space differs from the previous overlapping space.

As a result, Su Yang did not find anything special in it.

This overlapping space cannot be said to be exactly the same as the previous overlapping space. Because the scenes in the two spaces are different.

However, the other parts of these two overlapping spaces are basically the same, such as Su Yang's Immortal Golden Body and Immortal Bone. Both of these overlapping spaces have instinctive predictions.

In addition, in the two overlapping spaces, there are signs of battle in the edge area, but there is no sign of battle in the inside.

Obviously, these two overlapping spaces should come from one person.

Moreover, the things that are sealed inside are all the same, it is estimated that they are all the powerful shadows!

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