The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2982: Body instinct

Su Yang said: "In any case, this overlapping space was not created by the Seven Heavenly Venerables, and the Seven Heavenly Venerables did not have the strength to create such an overlapping space!"

"And I have also said before that the reason why the Seven Heavenly Sovereigns chose our world without directly destroying our world, they must be afraid of something."

"Seeing this now confirms my guess."

"In this big world, there is indeed an existence that makes the seven heavenly venerables afraid!"

Qi'er nodded slowly, which she agreed with.

The puzzler looked around blankly: "Leader Su, having said so much, you just want to tell us that this overlapping space is left by an existence stronger than the Seven Heavenly Lords, and is used to seal those dark shadows. of."

"The question is, how do we get out?"

"Since the person who created this overlapping space is stronger than the Seven Heavenly Venerables, wouldn't it be even more impossible for us to leave this overlapping space?"

Su Yang smiled and said, "Don't think so, think about it from another angle."

"Where is the black shadow that was once sealed in this overlapping space?"

The bewildered was stunned for a moment, and said in amazement: "This black shadow, wouldn't it just leave this overlapping space, just happened to be met by Dao Zun?"

"Looking at Dao Zun's situation, he should be possessed by this black shadow!"

"In this way, the black shadow in this overlapping space is most likely the reason why Dao Zun has become that way!"

Su Yang nodded: "On this point, our two guesses are the same."

"Then the question is, how did this black shadow leave this overlapping space?"

The puzzler was at a loss: " do I know this?"

Su Yang whispered: "I mean, since those shadows can leave this overlapping space, it means that this overlapping space is not without flaws."

"We are here, and we also have the opportunity to leave this overlapping space!"

The puzzled person suddenly realized, with a look of joy: "When you say this, I finally understand!"

"It seems that this overlapping space is not completely unsolvable."

"After all, it has existed for so many years, I don't know how many times the world tree has been."

"Even if the seal power left behind at the beginning, it may be almost consumed now."

"Let's look for it, there must be a way to leave!"

Qi'er also nodded, she trusted Su Yang from the beginning. Now listening to Su Yang's analysis, she is also full of excitement.

Of course, Qi'er was more worried.

"Brother Su, according to what you said, in this kind of overlapping space, it is not necessarily just a black shadow sealed."

"My father chased them down. If they encounter other dark shadows, then... aren't they in danger?"

Qier asked anxiously.

Su Yang sighed, this is exactly what he was worried about.

"No matter what, leave here for now!"

Su Yang said.

Qi'er nodded vigorously, and she was also very worried. Now there is no time to think about other things.

The three of them continued to search in this space.

At first, they still walked together so as not to get separated.

When they reached the back, they simply dispersed.

Because they found that there is no danger in this overlapping space.

There is no danger except not going out.

Moreover, even if you really walk away in it, as long as one person stands still and other people walk through it, they will eventually come to him.

Therefore, it is not dangerous to search in separate areas. The only question is whether you can find an exit.

Su Yang was still the same as before, as he walked, feeling the situation of the spatial passage with his heart.

At first he didn't feel it at all, but then he gradually discovered some special situations.

Every time he took this step, his body seemed to have a special feeling.

This feeling was weird, not strong at first, but later, Su Yang vaguely began to have a hunch. And this hunch, at the beginning, was just an unpredictable feeling, but later, this feeling became clearer and clearer.

Finally, Su Yang suddenly realized that with his hunch, he could predict where in this space he would appear next.

He tried many times, every time he appeared in the same position as his premonition.

Moreover, this hunch is getting stronger.

This feeling, as if he was very familiar with this overlapping space, had an instinctive feeling. Although he himself didn't know what was going on, every time he took this step, he could instinctively predict where he would appear next.

This situation made Su Yang very puzzled.

After being able to predict his position, Su Yang could easily find the other two.

He came directly to Qi'er and asked her if she had such a wonderful feeling.

Qi'er looked blank, she didn't even feel at all, and she didn't even understand what Su Yang was saying.

This situation made Su Yang very puzzled, why could he feel it, but Qi'er couldn't?

He found the puzzler again, but the answer of the puzzler was the same as Qi'er, and he didn't feel any special at all.

This makes Su Yang very confused. Why do these two people feel different from him?

In other words, why can I have such a magical predictive ability?

Moreover, this predictive ability does not come from his heart, but seems to be an instinctive reaction of his body.

This is very strange. Is it your own body, familiar with this overlapping space?

Thinking of this, Su Yang's heart suddenly jumped.

Yes, the origins of his immortal golden body and bones have not been figured out yet.

Could it be said that the immortal golden body and the immortal bone have nothing to do with this overlapping space?

If this is the case, what is the relationship? What is the relationship between your indestructible golden body and indestructible bones and the person who created this overlapping space?

With these doubts, Su Yang also began to calculate quickly in his heart.

He constantly walks in this space to deepen the familiarity between the body and this space.

He still doesn't know how to go out, but as long as his body becomes more and more familiar with this space, is it possible for him to go out?

I don't know how long it took, Su Yang walked in it completely according to the instinct of the body.

And finally one day, Su Yang suddenly had a hunch in his heart that he could get out of this overlapping space!

He walked quickly in this overlapping space according to his body instinct.

Before long, the scene in front of Su Yang suddenly changed, and he unexpectedly appeared in the big world!

He finally walked out of this overlapping space!

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