The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2802: Amazing secret

"The only one!?" Everyone was shocked, this sentence is too amazing.

The shocking expressions of the crowd made the First God very satisfied. He proudly said: "Heaven and earth are unique. If heaven and earth are integrated into a world tree, then other world trees can no longer have heaven and earth. Up!"

"So that's it!" The people of the Human Race suddenly realized.

"Then why can't we share the principles of heaven and earth?" The Heaven Killer suddenly asked.

"Share?" The first **** sneered: "Heaven and earth cannot be shared. They can only be integrated into one world tree. Only after this world tree withers, will heaven and earth enter the next world tree and give birth to a new one. Civilization!"

The Skykiller frowned: "Where do you know this?"

"I have told you so much to answer your question!" First Shinto: "We know all this from Heaven."

"The Way of Heaven told you?" The Skykiller said, "What are you talking about? The Way of Heaven is unconscious, how could it tell you this?"

"You're right, Heaven is not conscious. But the problem is, Tianzun is conscious!" First Shinto: "Don't forget, my guardian **** has seven heavens!"

The Skykiller was stunned for a moment: "You mean, Tianzun knows about this?"

"Tian Zun integrates the rules of the Heavenly Dao, so naturally I know these things!" First Shinto: "The birth and end of every civilization will leave traces in the Heavenly Dao. The Tian Zun integrates the rules of the Heavenly Dao, and these civilizations leave behind. You can know all the things that happened before and after. What I told you was not made up by myself. This is the memory of the Dao of Heaven and cannot be wrong!"

Everyone in Terran looked at each other, and could see the shock on each other's face.

This is the memory of Heavenly Dao, so it can't be wrong!

"How is it? Now that you know this, do you feel more comfortable in your heart?" The first **** laughed: "I'm good to you, right before I die, let you understand it!"

Everyone just remembered that they were still in that black hole, and their bodies had corroded more severely.

The first **** proudly said: "Don’t think about struggling. This is the prison of the original place. It is a fusion of heaven and earth rules, so that sacred things like the flower of chaos can be born. In this place, you are not It may escape!"

"Just like the aura you absorbed when you entered the woods, that is the initial aura, the aura produced by the fusion of the powers of heaven and earth. It can indeed increase your strength, but that aura is also something you will never be able to Broken. Similarly, this black hole is not something you can break!"

Everyone also discovered that they couldn't escape from this place at all.

"We can't get out, even the Seventh Heavenly Lord of Heaven, nor can we get out!" The First God said solemnly.

The first expression changed slightly, and immediately sneered: "Hmph, you don't know what the seven heavenly masters are doing. They are not unable to come out, they just won't come out temporarily. However, you are going to die inside. !"

The faces of the people of the Human Race are extremely gloomy. Although they are very unwilling, they have to admit that their situation is indeed very troublesome now. They can't get out of this place, nor can they prevent the body from corroding.

If this continues, their bodies will be completely corroded, and their souls will be completely corroded, and they will eventually die here!

This point was also experienced by the third Tianzun before, and the fifth Tianzun also experienced it just now.

With the powerful strength of Tianzun, it is impossible to resist the corrosion of this power, let alone other people?

"Could it be that we are going to die here like this?" Dao Zun looked unwilling: "I would rather die with them outside!"

"You really want to go out and fight people desperately, but how dare these gangsters fight us!" The Emperor curled his lips.

"You don't have to use these radical methods to me, it's useless!" The First God laughed wildly: "I can't let you out after entering this place. So, it's not that we don't want to win or lose with you, it's really true. No chance. So, I'm sorry, everyone, we can only watch you die here!"

Everyone around them also laughed, as if they were watching the excitement.

The demon said angrily: "You trash, since you want to fight us hard, why not fight us directly, why use this kind of trap to cheat people!"

"That's right, this is a bunch of cowards, extremely cowardly. It has always been like this since the ancient times. They dare not confront people head-on, and can only use these despicable tricks to cheat people!"

"Hmph, our human race, it's a glorious defeat!"

"Even if we die, you are not the ones who killed us. What can you be proud of!"

Several Xeons tried their best, but the first **** just sneered, but didn't mean to pull them out to fight. There is no doubt that the First God really has no way to let them out.

In fact, since the bodies of the third and fifth Tianzun began to melt and were divided by the coffin, they could guess that they really couldn't get out of this black hole.

Otherwise, after the coffins of the third and fifth Tianzun are broken, you can leave the black hole directly. Why do you want to do such a thing?

The Skykiller didn't speak, he kept frowning, as if thinking about something.

When everyone was yelling, the Skykiller suddenly flew into the air, and a huge phantom rose behind him.

The Heaven Slashing Blade also turned into a giant that fell into the hands of that phantom. The phantom began to swallow everything around frantically, as if it were making the final struggle.

"No, the power is not enough, I will help you!" Dao Zun shouted, pushing his power out, let the phantom swallow it.

"I'm coming too!" The other Xeons shouted one after another, no longer preventing the corrosion of their bodies, but sending all their power over and letting the phantom swallow them.

Having swallowed so many powers of the strongest, phantom body has also become extremely large, and the aura on the blade of the sky has become extremely terrifying.

The First God looked at all this in shock, and immediately sneered: "Sky Killer, you don't have to struggle, it's useless, you can't get out of this black hole!"

The Skykiller didn't speak, he closed his eyes tightly, and his own power was constantly blending into the phantom.

After a long time, the phantom finally reached its limit. At this time, the other Xeons had no power anymore, almost slumped to the ground.

The Skykiller finally opened his eyes, he raised his hands, let out a roar, and slashed.

The phantom behind followed the same action, Slashing the Sky Blade, sweeping out!

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