After the fifth Tianzun appeared, his body immediately began to corrode.

The five coffins next to him quickly rushed over, dividing the fifth Tianzun's body into five parts, and the five coffins absorbed one part each.

This situation is exactly the same as Su Yang's previous statement about the situation of the third Tianzun!

Everyone was stunned. There is no doubt that this is the black hole Su Yang said.

"Why is this black hole here?" The Emperor said anxiously.

On the Terran side, no one can answer this question.

"Hahaha..." The first **** raised his head and laughed: "You have to ask me this question!"

The Emperor looked at the First God, frowning, and did not speak.

"If you don't ask, I will tell you. I have said it before, and it will convince you to die!" The First God laughed wildly: "You really think that what you are doing in the chaos, we don't know. Huh? We are all clear about everything you do. It's just that we pretend not to know!"

"Do you know what we are doing?" Dao Venerable's complexion changed. The Guardian God knew that they were cultivating in it to improve their strength, but did not stop them. What does this mean?

Several of the strongest humans glanced at each other, and they suddenly discovered that all this was a conspiracy.

"Of course I know what you are doing!" The first **** said coldly: "Huh, do you think that if you can increase your strength in the original place, you can defeat our guardian god? Hehe, you are really naive. If this thing is really that simple, why don't we go to the original place by ourselves, but let you go to the original place?"

"The original place?" Skykiller frowned: "Where is the original place?"

"Yes, it's the original place!" The First God proudly said, "Why, don't you know? Hehe, you are really stupid. You don't even know where it is, so you dare to enter at will. This is really bold!"

"Where is the original place?" Skykiller asked in a deep voice.

First Shinto: "You idiots, just listen to the name. The most original place of everything, the source of everything!"

"The source of all things?" The Emperor frowned and said, "Isn't the source of all things the world tree?"

"What kind of world tree is the source of all things? All things must include chaos!" The First God said arrogantly, "You really don't know much about this universe!"

"You don't fool us here anymore. Do you really think we are idiots?" Dao Zun pouted and said: "When were you born, I don't know yet? You were born with me, and we both came out of the world tree. Yes, how much can you know better than me!"

"Hehe, my guardian god, I know so much more than you!" The first **** proudly said: "During the War of the Ancients, our guardian **** discovered the source of all things. And you, until this point. The time has only discovered the existence of the source of all things, what do you compare with us?"

"You mean, the source of all things, not only the birthplace of the World Tree, but also the birthplace of Chaos?" The Skykiller said solemnly.

The first **** said loudly: "As expected to be a heaven killer, his understanding is much better than some cultivators!"

Dao Zun: "%*¥……"

The First God remembered what Su Yang had said before, that there was a huge hole in the woods, and there was a huge Tai Chi picture in the hole. Taiji diagram is formed by space and chaos.

Could it be that this is the source of everything?

"Do you really think that we are the first life?" The first **** said loudly: "We can only be regarded as the first life in this world, but definitely not the first life in the first place. You have entered the first place, and there is such a large area inside. The forest, every dead tree, represents a civilization. Every dead tree, like our world tree, once bred a powerful civilization."

"There have been as many civilizations as there are dead trees in that forest. You can see, there are at least tens of thousands of dead trees inside. In other words, there were tens of thousands of civilizations that were once similar to ours. ."

Everyone was shocked, although Su Yang had also said such a guess before. However, there is no evidence to prove that this is true. So, that is just a guess.

Now that the first **** said it himself, it was very shocking!

"These are all your rhetoric!" Dao Zun curled his lips: "How did you know about the original land?"

"Haha..." The first **** sneered: "Let me tell you this, the surname Su has entered the original land, he should be very clear about the situation of the original land. In the woods of the original land, every dead tree, It represents a civilization in the past. Later all life disappeared, and their world tree turned into a dead tree and returned to the woods."

"However, there are many lush world trees in that forest. So, will these world trees give birth to new civilizations and new lives?"

This question immediately caused Skykiller and them to raise their spirits at the same time. This is exactly what they want to ask.

"I don't know, right?" The First God smiled triumphantly: "To tell you the truth, these world trees will also give birth to new civilizations and new lives. It's just that after our civilization has completely disappeared, our world After the tree withers, other world trees will give birth to new life and new civilization!"

"Why?" Dao Zun was astonished: "Those trees, I look like they grow very lush, not smaller than our world tree, why can't life be born directly?"

"Because, if you want to be born, it is not just as simple as a world tree!" The first **** said loudly: "If you want life to be born, there must be order!"

"Order?" Everyone frowned, and there was a vague guess in their hearts.

"After life is born, if there is no order, what will it be like?" First Shinto: "Take our world as an example. If there is no heaven, that is, the order of space, what will our world look like? Humans can practice, and without spiritual energy, even if life is born, they cannot survive. Similarly, if chaos has no order, it will consume space indefinitely and all life will die!"

Everyone nodded slowly, they all had speculation in this regard just now. The so-called order is very likely to be the laws of heaven and earth.

"In other words, if a world tree can give birth to life, there must be heaven and earth rules!" Human Emperor asked.

"Yes!" The first **** nodded.

"Then other world trees can't give birth to heaven and earth?" Human Emperor wondered.

"Hehe, this is the most important question!" First Shinto: "There are countless world trees there, but they are the only one!"

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