The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2442: Defeat Lin Ye

Su Yang is very satisfied with the current situation. He is looking for such a person.

He wants to understand the situation in Guangming City, and if he wants to sneak into Guangming City, he must find someone who is very familiar with the situation here. At the same time, this person has to be very clever, so that he can provide more advice to Su Yang.

The man in front of him fully met Su Yang's requirements!

The man glanced at Su Yang and waved his hand: "Since you can see it, then it seems that you won't go forward with me. If that's the case, then let's not waste time. Go back earlier, maybe it will be I can meet another fool or something!"

"What are you doing in such a hurry?" Su Yang smiled lightly and stopped the man directly.

"Why, do you still want to stop me?" The man frowned and said coldly: "I'll make a bet with you. If you really start a fight here, the four of you will definitely suffer, not me, believe it or not? "

"Haha..." Su Yang smiled lightly: "Seriously, I don't believe it!"

"If you don't believe me, you can try!" The man proudly said: "However, I still advise you. In your current situation, it is best to accept it as soon as you see it. Everyone has no loss, and it is not counted as an enmity. But once Let's fight, hehe, that's your life and death, do you understand what I mean?"

"Understand!" Su Yang nodded: "However, I still don't believe that the four of us will suffer!"

"It looks like you really don't shed tears if you don't see the coffin!" The man shouted angrily: "Well, since you want to die with all your heart, then I will fulfill you!"

After speaking, the man suddenly took a step back and raised his hand to shoot a white light. This white light didn't come towards Su Yang, but directly rushed towards the sky.

However, before the white light flew high, it seemed to hit an invisible wall and was directly blocked.

The man was stunned for a moment, and frowned: "I have set up a circle here, so I want to stop me. Are you dreaming?"

"Not one magic circle, but three magic circle!" Su Yang smiled lightly: "The three of them are not going to make it convenient, but to set up the magic circle!"

"What about three magic circles!" the man said coldly: "Three magic circles can't hold me. My brother is not far from here. I can break through these three magic circles. It won't take long. Time. When my news is sent out, the four of you will be able to run, so you can count on your skills!"

"Really?" Su Yang smiled lightly, walked slowly to the man, and whispered: "But, do you think you still have time to break through these three circles?"

"I don't have time?" The man sneered at Su Yang: "With your strength, I will kill you first, and then break through this circle, there is no problem!"

"Really?" Su Yang still smiled, and at this moment, his aura suddenly rose.

Before the man could react, a phantom had already appeared behind Su Yang. Immediately afterwards, Su Yang's body grew rapidly.

The man's complexion changed drastically. At this moment, he finally understood where Su Yang was so confident.

However, he didn't have a chance to resist at all, the phantom had already opened his mouth and swallowed him whole.

The man's strength is not weak, but Su Yang today is not what he used to be. Coupled with the power of Motun World Phantom, it can completely swallow him in a short time!

Of course, after swallowing, digestion is the most critical.

Previously, Su Yang had smashed people into pieces and then swallowed them. In that way, the other party basically didn't have much resistance.

However, this time Su Yang didn't have that much time delay. He must solve this matter in the shortest possible time, otherwise, let's not say whether the man's brother will rush over, even if an unrelated person passes by, it will be very troublesome.

Therefore, Su Yang didn't even break the man into pieces, but directly swallowed him with a phantom.

Su Yang put the phantom away, and directly sat in the void, using the power of himself and the phantom to suppress the man's power.

At this time, the three crystal skeletons also withdrew the magic circle. This magic circle is mainly to prevent men from spreading letters, but also to prevent Su Yang's breath from leaking.

Three crystal skeletons rushed over, and Su Yang sat quietly for half an hour, finally completely suppressing the man's power.

Of course, Su Yang didn't kill him, just digested most of his power. After that, Su Yang sent him into his personal space.

The man only retained some power to support his life, and all other powers were digested by Su Yang. In other words, this man now has no resistance at all.

With the three crystal skeletons rushing to the direction of the small town, so that it is relatively close to the small town, no one dared to make trouble here. At the same time, the neighborhood is relatively secluded, making it easy for Su Yang to work.

With these three crystal skeletons guarding nearby, Su Yang entered the portable space and came to the man.

The man was sitting on the ground now, and he didn't even have the strength to stand up.

Seeing Su Yang coming over, the man looked panicked, and said in a trembled voice: "Who are you...Who are you? can you...have the phantom of the Skykiller?"

Su Yang had long guessed that the phantom behind him must be the phantom of the Skykiller. Now that it has been confirmed, this phantom is really the phantom of the Skykiller!

"You don't care about my business!" Su Yang said coldly: "I have a few questions to ask you. If you answer me satisfied, I can keep you alive. Otherwise, don't blame me for being polite!"

The man stared at Su Yang for a while, took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice: "You have the phantom of the Skykiller, but you don't have the corresponding strength. Just like a baby walking in the busy city with a huge treasure, you Do you know what this will end up?"

"Baby will grow up one day!" Su Yang said slowly and slowly: "My business, you don't have to worry about it, I have my own way to save my life. I ask you, what is your name?"

The man seemed a little unwilling, but after looking at his own situation, he finally sighed, "Lin Ye!"

"You seem to be familiar with Guangming City!" Su Yang said slowly.

The man Lin Ye looked at Su Yang, wondering what Su Yang meant, and did not answer Su Yang's words.

"I came to Guangming City, there are some very important things to do!" Su Yang said: "I don't hide from you, you are always a human race, for me, it is your own race. What I want to do , I am not afraid to tell you that I am here this time to kill a few guardian gods!"

"Huh?" Lin Ye widened his eyes and looked at Su Yang blankly: " want to kill the guardian god?"

"From my big world, several guardian gods who entered here!" Su Yang roughly said the situation of the lord of the nine palaces.

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