The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2441: It's convenient for them to go

"Oh?" Su Yang pretended to be interested, and looked at the man and said, "What good things do you have?"

"Uh..." The man looked around and said in a low voice: "Friends, there are some things in it, it's not easy to say."

"What's inconvenient?" Su Yang asked.

"Haha..." The man smiled lightly: "There are some things that are not suitable for selling here, and it is not easy to say. However, they are definitely good things. Fellow Daoists, if you are interested, let's go out and talk. It’s just a talk, there is something you like, that’s right, I don’t like it, you guys come back again, or let me see if my friends here have what you need, and I will give you a line. We can be here When you encounter it, this is also considered predestined, and business cannot be righteous, right?"

"But, I just spent Lingyuan to come in, this is not finished yet..." Su Yang said.

An imperceptible sneer flashed in the man’s eyes: “It’s okay. The spiritual source you handed over will allow you to enter and exit this place freely within three days. Go out and have a talk. Spiritual source. Guangming City, this is better than many other major cities!"

Su Yang's heart moved slightly. So, in these main cities, Guangming City is still a prominent existence?

After thinking for a moment, Su Yang pretended to hesitate: "Is there something that is not suitable for selling here? It's not safe to go out!"

"Friends of Taoism, don't you understand it!" The man sighed, "It's okay to buy things inside, but if you sell things, you have to give the guards a commission based on the value of the things sold. This is the rule. If you sell them The things are cheap, but if the things you sell are of high value, then it’s not suitable. Therefore, you won’t see too many good things here, and a lot of business is discussed outside!"

"Really?" Su Yang pretended to be blank.

"What do I lie to you for such a thing!" The man whispered: "Go out and talk. If you don't have what you want, then you will be fine again. If there is something you want, you can buy it outside. , It’s definitely a lot cheaper than here, and we can also earn more. Everyone is suitable, isn’t it?"

Su Yang thought about it suspiciously for a while, then pretended to discuss with the three crystal skeletons behind him, and finally seemed to have finally made a decision.

"Okay, go out and have a look!" Su Yang nodded.

A hint of joy flashed in the man's eyes, and he smiled: "Friends, you won't be disappointed. Go, come with me!"

The four Su Yang followed the man out of this trading market. When they went out, many people were still watching them. His eyes seemed to be looking at a few lambs to be slaughtered.

Leaving the trading market, the man took Su Yang and the four of them and walked straight out of the small town.

Su Yang pretended not to understand anything, letting this man lead them forward.

Probably walked out for a long time, far away from that small town. Moreover, the neighborhood is also very secluded, not even a single figure.

At this moment, Su Yang took a step forward and said, "Brother, can you wait a moment?"

"What's the matter?" The man asked in surprise.

"The three of them have something to do, let's wait a moment!" Su Yang laughed. At this time, the three crystal skeletons were also scattered and went to different places.

"What's the matter?" The man said: "It's coming soon, don't delay your effort!"

"It's okay, a little thing!" Su Yang smiled.

"What little thing, come back quickly, I'm busy here!" The man said: "Let them come back quickly, if there are any things, let's talk about it after our affairs are finished!"

"It's okay, this person has three urgency!" Su Yang smiled lightly: "They go and make it easier?"

"What?" The man widened his eyes: "Will you play with me? Convenient? Is it convenient for the Holy Emperor?"

"The Holy Emperor is not convenient..." Su Yang smiled lightly: "But the Holy Emperor is not a fool, right?"

"What do you mean?" the man was surprised.

"Everyone is wise, why bother trying to understand and pretend to be confused?" Su Yang said slowly: "How long will you go further to reach the place where your brothers ambush?"

The man's face changed slightly, but he still pretended to be blank: "What are you talking about? Where are my brothers in ambush? What do you mean?"

"Cheat us out and take them to the place where your brothers lie in ambush, and then let them kill us and take away the spiritual source from us!" Su Yang smiled lightly: "You didn't do such a thing less before, did you?"

The man's complexion changed again, but he still insisted: " can you think of me like this? I also do it for everyone's convenience..."

"Okay, don't talk about these nonsense!" Su Yang said: "You are not a fool, you don't have to say these meaningless words to me. Just now we walked in it two times, you have been staring at us. Do you think that the four of us are young children, so you want to take this opportunity to lie to us? It’s not convenient to do it near Guangming City, so you just fooled us outside to do it?"

The man stared at Su Yang for a while, his expression changed in several ways, and finally took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice: "I didn't expect that you four chicks, your brains are not stupid. You can guess. My purpose? It's really not simple. It seems that I really underestimate you!"

"Haha..." Su Yang smiled lightly: "However, your eyes are quite poisonous, so many people are staring at us, is it because we are too obvious?"

The man curled his lips and sneered: "There are a few people who enter the market, like you, who enter several people at a time. This is just a small city outside. You think it is the main city? There is nothing particularly valuable in it, okay. Things can't be sold at high prices here. In a small city outside, people who really know how to do it will only send one person in and sell or buy what they need. Four people go in at a time, and the other three people don’t have to spend any energy. Anyone who has entered so many people is either rich in wealth and does not care about this spiritual source, or is a young child, who does not understand anything. As for the four of you, hehe, rich and influential are not covered at all. Should I talk about the others? "

Su Yang nodded. In fact, he was also wondering before, why so many people were staring at him. Now that he heard what the man said, he finally understood what was going on.

I have to say that the people who can mix in the vicinity of the main city are real human spirits. These people not only have super-high survivability here, but also have a very vicious vision, and they belong to the really old and cunning type. Otherwise, it is impossible to survive here like a fish in water!

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