The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2238: Zulong died

"But, this is the Valley of Storms, go in..." Su Yang said anxiously.

"Nonsense, even if I go out, I will only live for half a day at most. I have been forced into the realm of a saint for three days at most, and now it is two and a half days. I have half a day left, and I die half a day earlier, what's wrong?" Zu Long said loudly: "But if he goes out, the human world will be destroyed. Su Yang, the human world is important, or is my half-life important?"

Su Yang still wanted to speak. At this time, King Shura also felt that something was wrong, struggling with all his strength, and wanted to rush out.

"Hurry up!" Zu Long shouted loudly: "I can't entangle him anymore!"

Su Yang's face was cold, he gritted his teeth abruptly, turned around and rushed to hug King Shura to prevent him from attacking Zulong. At the same time, he also pushed King Shura towards the depths of the Valley of Storms.

Here, Zulong dragged King Shura, joined forces with Su Yang, and dragged King Shura to the depths of the Valley of Storms abruptly.

King Shura was completely anxious, roaring and struggling. However, in this valley of storms, his power was already partially weakened. Now that Su Yang joined forces with Zulong, he was still struggling and was dragged into the depths of the Valley of Storms bit by bit.

As it went deep into the Valley of Storms, the Ancestral Dragon couldn't bear it anymore, and the power of the Valley of Storms ripped off all its scales and flesh.

King Shura is better than Zulong, but not much better.

Zulong endured the severe pain, without saying a word, he lowered his head and dragged King Shura to the depths of the Valley of Storms.

King Shura was very anxious, and roared: "Zulong, are you crazy? If you drag me in, you will definitely die. If you go out now, even if you die, you can save some spiritual knowledge, and you will be reincarnated in the future. Hope. Once you enter the Valley of Storms, you will be completely strangled by the power of the Valley of Storms. It is impossible to save any spiritual sense. This is completely dead. Do you understand?"

Zu Long didn't answer, but still lowered his head and rushed forward, as if he didn't take his life seriously.

King Shura hurriedly turned to Su Yang and shouted: "Su Yang, do you really want Zulong to bury me?"

Su Yang gritted his teeth, his heart was extremely uncomfortable, but he knew that this was Zulong's choice. If he quit, Zu Long would never forgive him. And the human world is really over!

"At the beginning, you attacked Lao Tzu, and the victim couldn't enter the realm of a saint. Lao Tzu wanted to take revenge. But you are a saint and I can't beat you, so I can only hold back this breath!" Zu Long shouted: "Now, It's finally time for Lao Tzu to take revenge. Saint? I'm pooh, I'm going to drag you to death today. What's the use of you saint?"

"Crazy! Crazy!" King Shura cursed, "Zulong, is it worth it? How many years have you cultivated before you have the current results, but you have to destroy them all in one day? I can use the heart of a sage to complement your sage. Road, you can still enter the saint, why die here so aggrieved?"

Zulong didn’t reply at all. King Shura looked at Su Yang again and said anxiously: “Su Yang, in this way, I surrender, I surrender. Let’s go out and I will immediately return to the Asura world. From now on, I will be a member of the Asura clan. I won’t step into the human world again, how?"

Su Yang didn't speak, King Shura was so anxious that he almost cried, struggling with all his strength, but couldn't get away at all.

As we moved forward, Zulong's situation became worse and worse. The bones on its body had already begun to shatter and were crushed by the power of the Valley of Storms. This power was really terrifying.

And King Shura's situation was not much better, there were countless cracks in his bones, and his struggling strength was much weaker.

"Mad, crazy..." King Shura muttered in a low voice. He couldn't resist at all, and he was almost desperate.

Su Yang looked at Zulong's condition, and his eyes were a little moist.

For the human world, how many ancestors are fighting with their lives!

The descendants of the Ancestral Dragon, many mythical beasts, all died for the human race. Now, the ancestor of ten thousand dragons, after all, is going to die on the road to fight for the human world!

However, Su Yang had no way, he could not stop Zulong at all. This is Zu Long's own choice, he can only silently write down in his heart, these are heroes fighting for the lives of the human world!

After moving forward for a long time, Zu Long's body had already shattered by more than half, leaving less than 20%.

"Senior Zu Long, leave it to me!" Su Yang said loudly, "He can't hold it anymore, just push him in!"

"No!" Zu Long shook his head flatly: "King Shura is extremely cunning. He is an illusion and wants to deceive you. At this time, if I let go, he will run away in the first time. Never let go, you must He completely strangled!"

Su Yang looked at the broken body of Zulong and couldn't help sighing. If this goes on, Zulong must die first.

At this time, King Shura also struggled suddenly, screaming frantically, trying to escape.

Fortunately, Zu Long reminded him just now, Su Yang had been prepared, and fully held down King Shura. If it weren't, I'm afraid that King Shura would be able to escape with one blow.

Su Yang was shocked, but Zulong knew better about King Shura. If it weren't for Zulong's reminder, if King Shura escaped, it would be over!

Continue to march, Zu Long's body gradually shattered, almost almost finished.

At this time Su Yang didn't have time to take care of Ancestral Dragon, because King Shura was struggling and screaming wildly. He felt the threat of death, and wanted to struggle to rush out, Su Yang could only suppress him with all his strength.

After a while, Su Yang had time to look up as King Shura's struggle gradually weakened.

At this time, there was no trace of the ancestor dragon in front of him. This ancestor of ten thousand dragons, at some point, was silently and completely wiped out by the Valley of Storms, and ceased to exist!

Su Yang's heart jumped suddenly, tears rolling in his eyes. However, in the end he gritted his teeth and said nothing, forcibly pushing King Shura forward.

King Shura roared and struggled, but at this time, he was almost tortured by the power of the valley of the storm, and he was not Su Yang's opponent at all. In the end, his voice gradually weakened and was also completely shredded by the Valley of Storms, turning into nothingness.

Su Yang still didn't dare to stand down, and wrapped the area with his strength, pushing forward abruptly, until he entered the Lingye lake in the Rongshilu Valley, and then stopped.

At this moment, everything was gone, Ancestral Dragon was gone, King Shura was gone, and Su Yang was left alone.

He looked at the person in the Lingye Lake, who was still standing quietly, as if nothing happened outside to him.

Su Yang pondered for a while, now that he has the power of a saint, can he be close to this person?

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