The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2237: Introducing the Valley of the Storm

Seeing that King Shura was about to catch up with them, Su Yang suddenly turned around and rushed directly into a mountain.

"I really can't choose the way!" King Shura laughed wildly, and rushed into the mountain.

The mountain went around, and King Shura was not in a hurry. He followed Su Yang with a smile, completely feeling like a cat and a mouse.

After running for a while, Su Yang suddenly rushed into a valley.

King Shura stood outside and took a look, his brows frowned slightly, he vaguely felt that something was wrong in this valley. However, with his saint strength, he couldn't see what was wrong inside.

However, King Shura finally rushed in. Because he didn't pay attention to Su Yang and Zu Long at all.

He is a saint, and everyone in the human world is not as strong as him. These people, even if they really set up any traps, they can't hurt him. This is the absolute confidence of a saint!

He didn't know that this valley was actually the valley of storms.

Su Yang used the power of a saint in the human world to change the breath of Storm Valley. Therefore, King Shura couldn't feel the breath inside.

However, after he entered, he immediately felt that something was wrong.

He turned around in a hurry to leave. At this moment, Su Yang had already rushed up from behind without taking anything. He rushed up and held him abruptly, pushing him towards the depths of the Valley of Storms.

"What are you doing?" King Shura's expression changed sharply. Is Su Yang trying to push him into the depths of the Valley of Storms?

The people of the Eight Realms didn't know that Su Yang could enter and exit at will in the Valley of Storms. Therefore, in the eyes of King Shura, Su Yang felt like he was dead!

Su Yang did not speak, but gritted his teeth and pushed King Shura to the depths of the Valley of Storms.

King Shura looked cold and sneered: "Hmph, I want to see how hard your bones can be. You just borrowed the power, really think you can compare with the saint? Today, I will let you die completely. In this valley of storms!"

After King Shura finished speaking, he didn't even wait for Su Yang to increase his strength. Instead, he grabbed Su Yang and rushed forward at full speed.

Su Yang couldn't help but froze, is this going so smoothly? Su Yang is still thinking, what should be done after King Shura rebelled? Now, without using his own strength, did King Shura move by himself?

However, this is also just right, let's just work hard like this. If I frown, I lose!

King Shura sneered constantly, pushing Su Yang towards the depths of the Valley of Storms.

At first, neither of them felt anything. However, after reaching the depths of the Valley of Storms, the flesh and blood on King Shura's body began to be a little unsupportable, and some scars were rolled out by the power of the Valley of Storms.

King Shura didn't care at all, and still pushed Su Yang to the depths of the Valley of Storms.

At this time, Su Yang also caught King Shura. At this time, he was still worried that King Shura would run away.

After continuing for a distance, King Shura began to feel that something was wrong. Because the flesh and blood on his body had already been rolled away, but Su Yang's bones had not changed at all, as if they were not affected by this power at all, which made him feel a bad feeling in his heart.

However, the Shura King was still a little unbelieving, and he still pushed Su Yang into it.

As a result, as the flesh and blood on King Shura's body was gradually swept away by the storm, he began to understand that Su Yang's bone strength was really very strong. Because, he already felt that his bones were almost unable to hold it, but Su Yang hadn't changed at all, which made him start to panic.

He couldn't help but think of the situation outside before. His Shura knife slashed Su Yang and couldn't cause any harm to Su Yang.

Before, he thought that the power of Emperor Xuanyuan was protecting Su Yang, but now he knows that this is not the case. This is because Su Yang's bones are really very powerful!

King Shura's mind began to move, and according to this situation, he continued to rush forward. The one who died last was probably himself!

So, after a while, King Shura started to move, he wanted to turn around and leave. However, Su Yang had been prepared for this a long time ago. Seeing that he was about to leave, Su Yang grabbed his body and shouted coldly: "King Shura, are you afraid?"

"What am I afraid of!" King Shura roared, but his heart became even more flustered, struggling to leave.

"Can you run!" Su Yang shouted, trying his best to catch King Shura. Now he didn't care about anything, he had all arrived at this place, anyway he had to pull King Shura into the depths of the valley of storms. Use the power of the Valley of Storms to completely kill King Shura!

"Let go of me! Let me go!" King Shura was very anxious, because he had already felt that his bones were cracking.

Su Yang gritted his teeth and used all his strength, only grabbing King Shura and rushing to the depths of the Valley of Storms.

King Shura struggled with all his strength, and the speed gradually slowed down. At the end, he actually started to drag Su Yang and walked out.

Su Yang's expression changed drastically, and his strength was still not as good as King Shura after all. I've all arrived at this place, and I can't even pull King Shura. If this allows King Shura to go out, he can quickly regain his fighting power, and if he wants to trick him in again, it will be difficult!

But the crux of the problem is that Su Yang is not as powerful as King Shura after all, so what can he do?

King Shura's speed was getting faster and faster, dragging Su Yang to rush out quickly. After flying out for a certain distance, the flesh and blood on King Shura's body has been completely restored, and the power of the Valley of Storm can no longer affect him at this place.

Su Yang was anxious, but there was no way. If this is to let King Shura go out, then the human world would be really dangerous.

Suddenly, a huge body appeared in front of him. Su Yang saw it really, it was Zulong, who was looking inside with his tail cocked.

Suddenly seeing King Shura drag Su Yang out, it couldn't help but be surprised, "What's wrong?"

"I...I can't hold him..." Su Yang said anxiously: "You quickly withdraw and go out to defend the human world!"

Zu Long just wanted to turn around, suddenly as if thinking of something, he rushed over and slammed into King Shura.

King Shura was dragged by Su Yang on this side, and hit by Zulong on the other side, and flew out for a distance.

King Shura looked gloomy and jumped up, ready to continue rushing out. At this time, Zu Long rushed over again, his long tail swept, and directly wrapped him, dragging him to the depths of the Valley of Storms.

Su Yang is stunned here, what is Zulong going to do?

"What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up and drag it inside!" Zu Long said anxiously: "If he goes out, the human world will be over. If we join together, we won't be his opponent!"

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