The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 1198: Chen Family Dungeon

The nine elders knew that Chen Benhao's status in the family was not high, and Chen Benshuang was a figure in the family that no one dared to provoke. There was basically no intersection between the two. At this time, Chen Benshuang suddenly ran to find Chen Benhao. The Ninth Elder was really worried that she would have trouble finding Chen Benhao.

Chen Benshuang is a straight-tempered man. He didn't think so much, and said directly: "I'm going to ask him to borrow something."

"What is it?" Ninth Elder asked again.

"Grandpa Jiu, why are you asking so much!" Chen Benshuang became impatient: "Is Chen Benhao in the world?"

The Ninth Elder hesitated, but in the end he didn't dare to reject the Demon King, and said in a low voice, "He is locked in the third dungeon."

"What?" Chen Benshuang was stunned: "How can the third floor be closed? The third floor, are not all the enemies of our Chen family, are they all some big monsters? Chen Benhao is a member of our Chen family, even if What mistakes were made, at most it was locked up on the first floor. That is where the Chen family was confined. Why did we go to the third floor?"

"This is ordered by the Family Elders." The Ninth Elder shrugged: "I don't know why!"

In fact, the nine elders were very upset.

Chen Benhao has been confined many times. When he was very young, he was still confined on the first floor. Later, it was gradually closed on the second floor. And this time, he was actually locked up on the third floor, and to be honest, the Nine Elders were also very dissatisfied.

However, he could not change anything if he refused to accept it. Although he is the ninth elder, in fact, he basically has no place in the family elders' council. What the elders will have, he will not discuss with him, he is just a leader who guards the backyard.

Chen Benshuang looked confused, but still went to the third floor of the dungeon.

After entering the second floor, Chen Benshuang clearly felt that the environment inside was very poor.

The dungeon is actually a basement. The first floor is on the ground, which is pretty good.

The second floor is the basement floor, and there is no light. It's dark and damp, exuding bursts of decadent smell, which makes people uncomfortable.

And in this second level of dungeon, there are still many people locked up. Walking in it, Chen Benshuang kept hearing someone cursing, someone yelling, someone begging for mercy, and someone crying, giving people a very scary feeling.

On the third floor, Chen Benshuang slipped under his feet as soon as he stepped on the third floor. She took a closer look, and there was already a layer of shallow water on the third floor. This underground can no longer be said to be wet, it has been soaked in water.

As soon as he entered, Chen Benshuang smelled foul smells. The environment of the third level is far worse than the second level.

If the second layer is considered to be an ordinary prison, then the third layer can be said to be hell. The air inside is thin, and no sound can be heard here. It seems to be dead.

Chen Benshuang walked through it, and every time he passed a cell, he could see it through the iron fence. In that cell, one after another was detained.

These people were all pierced through the pipa bones by iron chains, and the holes were sealed by gold needles. They couldn't use any power, and they couldn't even walk. They could only crawl on the ground. These people are all skinny and miserable, and they can't see their original appearance at all. They say they are alive, but they are not much different from death.

Chen Benshuang looked terrified, she knew that many family enemies were imprisoned in the family backyard. But she never knew that these people detained in the backyard of the family lived like this.

This can no longer be considered detention, it is simply torture. The Chen family caught these enemies and even prevented them from dying. It just kept them in the backyard like this, and tortured them until they died.

If there are only one or two people like this, that's all. That's because there is a lot of enmity to do this kind of thing, and it should be.

However, in this third-level dungeon, hundreds of such people were imprisoned, which made Chen Benshuang very scared.

Even if the family has enemies, there are not so many. Moreover, it is impossible for everyone to have such a relationship with the family. However, these people are all detained here like this. What kind of situation is this?

Is it because the family has too many enemies, or is the family doing things too much?

Chen Benshuang has lived for so many years and has always been the temperament of the Devil King. He has never thought about these aspects, nor has he considered other people's things.

Today, she walked here for a while, but she had to start thinking about these things. Is the family doing too much in dealing with these people?

Suddenly, Chen Benshuang saw a person familiar to her in one of the cells.

The moment Chen Benshuang saw this person, she was stunned. She rubbed her eyes vigorously, wondering if she had read it wrong.

She took two steps forward and stared straight at the person in the cell. After watching for a while, Chen Benshuang trembled: "You... are you Chen Pu?"

The man on the ground was crawling on the ground, like a dog eating the smelly food on the plate. Hearing this sound, he stopped directly. After a while, he struggled to raise his head and saw Chen Benshuang standing outside the iron fence.

This person was stunned for a while, obviously did not recognize who Chen Benshuang was.

"You... are you really Chen Pu?" Chen Benshuang took a few steps forward, grabbed the iron fence, and tremblingly said: "It's me, I... I'm Chen Benshuang, don't you remember me? Don't you remember me?"

Chen Pu's eyes widened, staring at Chen Benshuang for a while, and then suddenly sobbing. He struggled to climb to the iron fence, but his pipa bone was tightly locked, and his body was also pulled by the chain. He couldn't get close to the iron fence at all. He could only watch Chen Benshuang cry from a distance.

Chen Benshuang also cried, she stretched out her hand, grabbed Chen Pu's hand, and tremblingly said: "You... why are you here? Why are you here? Why are you here? I... I have been looking for you for six years. Why are you here?"

This Chen Pu is the distant cousin of Chen Benshuang and is considered a branch of the Chen family. In his early years, Chen Benshuang visited Chen Pu's house, and the relationship between the two was good. Once, when two children went out to play, the branch of the Chen family was attacked and everyone died tragically. Only when Chen Pu was not at home with Chen Benshuang was he avoided.

However, later those enemies still chased them all the way. Chen Pu and Chen Benshuang fled all the way, but the two children still failed to escape those people. They were still found and were directly surrounded by those enemies.

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