The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 1197: Xiaohei's crisis

Chen Benshuang said: "I'm asking you to borrow something."

"Oh, what's the relationship between us, what to borrow!" Chen Benhong immediately smiled: "Sister, if you have anything you like, just take it."

"The things I want to borrow are very precious." Chen Benshuang said: "It's better to tell you."

"What can be more valuable than our brother and sister relationship!" Chen Benhong smiled and took a sip of his teacup.

"I want to take your pill of wonder." Chen Benshuang said.

"Puff." Chen Benhong drank a sip of tea and sprayed it out directly. He stared at Chen Benshuang with wide eyes: "Sister, you...what are you talking about?"

"I want to take your Qijing Pill!" Chen Benshuang said angrily: "Am I not clear about what I said?"

"No, do you want Qijing Dan for?" Chen Benhong looked confused: "Do you know what Qijing Dan is used for?"

"Of course I know!" Chen Benshuang said, "The family spent a lot of money and material resources in exchange for it from the Yanbei Su family to reshape the eight channels of the odd meridian for you."

"Then you still want my Qijing Pill?" Chen Benhong was stunned: "Little girl, you...what do you want to use Qijing Pill for? You know that this Qijing Pill is not simple, it is the family asked for me. Very important, very important to me,"

"I know it's very important to you, but it's also very important to me!" Chen Benshuang said impatiently, "Just tell me or not."

"Sister,'s not that I don't give it, but the family gave me the Qijing Pill, so that I can reshape the eight channels of the Qijing, improve my strength, able to contribute to the family in the future." Chen Benhong said in embarrassment. "If you take away the Qijing Pill, then...what shall I use. Sister, what are you going to do with the Qijing Pill?"

"It's fine if you don't give it, why so much nonsense!" Chen Benshuang turned angrily and left.

Chen Benhong opened his mouth, but in the end he still didn't call Chen Benshuang. Seeing Chen Benshuang walking away, Chen Benhong also angrily threw the tea cup on the table, and whispered: "This **** is really spoiled. There is no self-knowledge in a girl's house. When I become the head of the family, I will never I will be used to you again!"

Chen Benhong was actually full of complaints about this sister, but he also had nothing to do with Chen Benshuang. Who would let the black widow protect Chen Benshuang.

This time he refuted Chen Benshuang's face and did not agree to give her the Qijing Pill. I wonder how she would retaliate in the future.

Chen Benhong sighed. He was also helpless, but he had no choice. Qijingdan is too important to him, can this be given to others casually?


Chen Benshuang left Chen's house and drove to a single-family villa in the suburbs. This is where the black widow lives.

After entering the gate, Chen Benshuang hurried to a room on the second floor.

Xiao Hei was still lying on the bed, now completely in a coma.

Chen Benshuang looked at Xiao Hei, then turned to Zi Nu at the door: "Sister Zi Nu, I went to Chen Benhong, he won't give me Qi Jing Dan!"

"How strange!" Zi Nu curled his lips and said, "If Chen Benhong is willing to give it to you, that would be weird."

"Then... Then what should he do?" Chen Benshuang said anxiously: "My sister said that his meridians are weird, and unless he uses Qijing Pill, he can't be saved. But, I...Where can I find Qijing Pill now... …"

"You go find Chen Benhao." Zi Nu said.

"Chen Benhao?" Chen Benshuang was stunned, although this person is also his brother. But in fact, Chen Benhao is very unwelcome in the Chen family, and his status in the family is also very low. It is completely incomparable with Chen Benhong and Chen Benshuang.

Chen Benshuang has been domineering since he was a child, and Chen Benhao is of a very strange temperament and personality, and the two naturally disagree. Therefore, despite being sheltered by the Black Widow, in fact, Chen Benshuang and Chen Benhao do not have much overlap.

The last time Chen Benhao came back from Pingnan Province, the Su family’s marriage was broken, and he was punished by the family. Now he is still confined in the family backyard.

Chen Benshuang was a little worried, and even Chen Benhong, who had a good relationship with him, was reluctant to give him a pill. Chen Benhao, would he be willing to give it to him?

You know, although Chen Benhao also has the Qijing Pill, it was given to him by the Black Widow, and the number of Qijing Pills obtained by Chen Benhong was very different.

Chen Benhong can get three Qijing Dan every year, but Chen Benhao may not get one in three years. Is Chen Benhao willing to give him such a precious thing?

"No...Is there no other way?" Chen Benshuang whispered, she was a little unwilling to find Chen Benhao.

"Now he is the only one who has it." Zi Nu said, "Otherwise, I will wait for Yanbei Su's family to send Qijing Dan over again, but this kid doesn't know if he can survive that time!"

Chen Benshuang looked at Xiao Hei who was unconscious on the bed, and finally gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice, "Forget it, I will go to Chen Benhao. Sister Zinu, please take care of him!"

Chen Benshuang went straight downstairs and left. Zi Nu stood at the window, looking at Chen Benshuang who was going away, and sighed softly: "This girl, the last thing I want to do in my life is to ask for help. I actually begged Chen Benhao for such a kid. Hey, good luck tricks people!"


Chen Benhao was locked in the backyard of Chen's house. Not everyone can enter this backyard casually.

Chen Benshuang is a famous demon king in the Chen family, and she does not participate in the family status fight. Therefore, people in the Chen family let her, as long as they don't do anything special, no one will do anything to her.

Therefore, Chen Benshuang entered the Chen family's backyard without any hindrance.

The so-called Chen's backyard is actually a dungeon. The lower level is the place where the Chen family’s enemies are imprisoned, while the upper level is where the Chen family has made a mistake and will be detained.

Chen Benshuang looked around in the upper floor, but couldn't help but find Chen Benhao. She ran to the Nine Elders who were guarding this backyard and said in surprise: "Grandpa Nine, Chen Benhao let go?"

"No." Ninth Elder replied.

"Then why didn't I find him?" Chen Benshuang asked in surprise.

The Ninth Elder glanced at Chen Benshuang in surprise, "What are you looking for?"

Chen Benhao's status in the Chen family is not high, and there is almost no intersection with Chen Benshuang. Chen Benshuang suddenly came to see Chen Benhao today, which naturally surprised the Nine Elders.

"I have something to find him." Chen Benshuang said directly.

"Is there anything to look for him?" The Ninth Elder asked in a low voice, he was worried that Chen Benshuang, the demon king of the world would go to Chen Benhao's trouble.

Chen Benhao is a monster, and his relationship with his family is basically not very good. Therefore, he has been confined many times. The nine elders were actually not interested in the family, and kept guarding this backyard. They saw Chen Benhao more often, and the relationship between the two was pretty good.

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