Chapter 37: The Five Great Kings are Invincible (please customize)

The Queen of Zerg is good at mental power, but her physical defense is too weak, how can she stop Su Ze’s “Super Vulcan Cannon”?


The super Vulcan Cannon was so powerful that it not only completely annihilated the Zerg mother emperor, but also the many immortal Zerg warriors she summoned were all annihilated into nothingness.


“Congratulations to Host, you have successfully killed an Immortal King High (Zerg) and received a reward: 2,000,000 planting points.”

Su Ze changed his body again and turned into the appearance of this Zerg queen.

With “Vientiane Senluo”, he can simulate and change anyone’s breath, and the seventy-two changes can be ever-changing.

“By the way, the Dou Zi Mi in Sui Tian Jiu Mi can simulate any attack…

Su Ze’s thoughts moved.

He continued to move forward, and on the way, he spent another 3 million planting points to master the word “dou”.

Although the word “dou” did not improve Su Ze’s combat effectiveness, it greatly increased his fighting methods. Fighting against people and using the same way to fight against others, he could catch the opponent by surprise.

He continued to search the Yanji Continent, and suddenly had a flash of inspiration and learned the secret of the word “Zhi”.

The word “Zhi” is secret, and the secret method is restored.

Cultivating to the ultimate, you can have an immortal body, and even if there is only a drop of blood left, you can be resurrected again.

This makes the gap between Su Ze, and the immortal gods even smaller.

Three days later…

Su Ze keeps flying at a speed of almost the speed of light every moment, and the “super detector” is turned on every minute and second.

This day…

Su Ze was flying when suddenly, a strange sound came from his ear.

“Drip Drip Drip!!!!”

“Unknown substance found.”

“Orientation: 12 million miles to the southeast, 9,000 miles underground.”

Su Ze’s eyes lit up.


Been looking for so long!

Finally found the tower.

He hurriedly changed direction in the void and flew towards the southeast, but after a while, he landed directly, performed the “Earth Style”, and drilled into the ground.

deep underground

“This…is the sacrificial tower?”

Su Ze looked at the huge sacrificial tower standing deep in the ground in front of him. Because of the surrounding soil and rocks, he could only see the tower body that was several hundred meters long. Above the huge sacrificial tower, there was a circular portal.

This door is closed.

You can only enter it if you get the letter symbol.


With a thought, Su Ze summoned Tarina directly, and said, “Try to look at the sacrificial tower in front of you with your divine power and detector.”

“Yes, Master.”

Tarina first detected with divine power, and then with detectors—

A look of astonishment flashed in her eyes, and she said: “Master, I can’t detect it, but I only found that the surrounding area is all covered with mud.”

She looked at the tower body that was exposed from the soil, and said differently: “This is the sacrificial tower for the original inhabitants of the flame sacrifice continent? It’s really amazing, it’s right in front of you, but with divine power and detectors, you can’t detect it at all.”

“If it is so easy to detect, after countless epochs, the sacrificial pagoda in the Flame Festival Continent would have been emptied long ago, right?”

Su Ze said with a smile.

Tarina stood aside, nodded and said, “That’s right. It is said that since countless epochs, a total of 12 sacrificial towers have been discovered in the Yanji Continent, and each of them contains a lot of wealth. .

“After all, it is the heritage of a race.

Su Ze looked forward.

Outside the sacrificial tower, there are six corpses.

These six corpses, I don’t know how many years they have fallen, but the corpses have not rotted, and there is a strong aura of divine power left on the corpses.

“In front of these corpses, at least the king is immortal..

Su Ze made an instant judgment based on the divine aura left on the corpse.

According to memory–

Each of the six corpses has a letter talisman, and all six letter talismans must be collected before entering the sacrificial tower.

“Master, do you want to call Qinglin and the others out?”

Tarina asked.

Su Ze waved his hands and said with a smile: “No, in fact, it is useless to collect all six letter talismans. After entering, if you want to open the treasure house of the sacrificial tower, you must have the original inhabitants of the Yanshi Continent. ”

He stepped forward and collected the corpses one by one into the farm, and then moved one and walked into the farm.


For six consecutive sessions, he blasted six big pits in the farm, and put the bodies of the six original inhabitants of the Yansai Continent into them.

0 flowers

And this moment.

Yan Festival Continent somewhere.

A statue with cyan scales on its forehead, with a face somewhat similar to Qinglin’s immortal and proudly standing in the void, there are hundreds of demon kings standing on the left and right.

The monster “Jinpeng King”!

The powerhouse of the invincible level of the king.

King Jinpeng and Qinglin belong to the same clan, they are the royal family of the demon clan”, called the “Dapeng clan”.

Qinglin was one of the twelve branches of the Dapeng clan, his grandfather was the Venerable Universe, and the “King Jinpeng” was his uncle.


Brush brush!

Suddenly, time and space were torn apart, and one after another, the powerful kings appeared in teleportation.

“Bone King, Divine Prison King, Yanjing King, Nine-headed King, are you all here?”

King Jinpeng turned his head to look.

Four invincible kings appeared not far away. Behind these four powerhouses, they each followed hundreds of kings and powerhouses, each with a breath of air, very tyrannical!

“I didn’t expect them to come!”

“The White Bone King, the Divine Prison King, the Yanjing King, and the Nine-Headed King, these are four ruthless men!”

Under the command of King Jinpeng, many immortal kings communicated with each other through voice transmission.

These four kings are invincible, and before many epochs, they have also roamed the battlefield outside the territory, and left a splendid name on the battlefield outside the territory.

The most terrifying among them are the “God Prison King” of the Prison Clan and the “Nine-Headed King” of the Zerg.

The Divine Prison King is not a real Prison Clan. He is a special being born in the Prison Clan’s territory. His life gene level is innately powerful. Ordinary Universe Venerables can only escape when facing him.

The “Nine-headed King” of the Zerg is more special.

He was originally a Zerg warrior trained by a Zerg mother emperor, but he gave birth to spiritual wisdom and evolved into a special race “Nine-Headed Insect”, which also possesses heaven-defying combat power.

And at this moment, in order to deal with Su Ze, the five great kings invincible actually started to join forces.

The five kings are invincible, and nearly 600 kings are masters..

Such a campaign is enough to sweep the battlefield outside the territory. Ding,

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