Chapter 36: Kill the Purple Bell King (please customize)

Zi Zhong Wang is indeed very tolerant.

He clearly has the strength of the peak of the immortal king, but he has always shown his enemy to be weak, and he has never exposed it several times of life and death.

Moreover, he has a great treasure.

At the peak of immortal kingship, he possesses a treasure. The combat power is absolutely comparable to the limit of kingship.

Su Ze’s expression did not fluctuate, he looked at King Zizhong coldly, and faintly spit out two words: “Shabi!”

On his body, the sword intent soared to the sky.

Slowly falling down, he opened his mouth and said: “King Zizhong, it seems that your news is a little blocked. You probably don’t know that the Bone King was killed by Laozi. How do you think it is compared to the Bone King?”

Zi Zhong Wang’s face couldn’t help moving.

He was not only forbearing, but also very cautious. Hearing Su Ze’s words, he immediately retreated.

It’s just, a peak king…

Worth more than 2 million cultivation points, how can Su Ze let him go?

What’s more, this Purple Bell King, just pretended to be in front of him?

court death!

“With my current strength, I’m afraid it will take a lot of time to kill the immortal king peak with the heavy treasure… Werewolf Empress, come out!”

Su Ze’s thoughts moved.

The Werewolf Empress, in a white plain skirt, appeared beside 800.


Su Ze shouted angrily, and the Yuanju sword in his hand cut through the void and slashed at King Zizhong.

King Zi Zhong quickly used his divine power, and the simple purple bell shadow around his body became more and more real, blocking Su Ze’s attack.

hum hum!

The Werewolf Empress also shot in an instant.

“Su Ze, I’m here to help you.

In the distance, King Yechen, who was blocking time and space, shouted and flew quickly. However, as soon as he set off, he stopped in the void, his eyes widened, staring at the huge phantom of the magic pot in the sky, unable to bear it any longer. She burst out with a foul language: “Fuck!”

“Purple Bell King…

“So suppressed?”

Su Ze took action and fought against the Purple Bell King, and the Werewolf Empress directly displayed the phantom of the swallowing magic pot to suppress it. Now her strength has soared, and it took only a dozen breaths to refine the Purple Bell King. The heavy treasure of King Zizhong was completely refined.


“He was not suppressed, but directly killed?”

King Yechen wiped the sweat on his forehead.

At their level of cultivation, even if there is a gap in (cabc) strength, it is difficult to kill each other

But now, I have a feeling that I will be like a swarm of ants in front of these two arrogances of the human race who have suddenly appeared recently.


“Congratulations to the Host, for the successful kill.

In my mind, the system prompt sound came out.

With a thought, Su Ze brought the Werewolf Empress into the farm, and he transformed himself into the appearance of King Zizhong. He smiled and said, “King Yechen, King Zizhong must have notified many experts in the Yanji Continent, you should leave quickly. , otherwise many monster clan masters-.. if you want to leave, I am afraid that you will not be able to leave.”

King Yechen just woke up from his shocked petrification state, and hurriedly clasped his fists and said: “Today, thank you, Su Ze, don’t worry, I will keep this matter a secret for you.


King Yechen, left quickly.

After he left, the blocked time and space were automatically lifted.



A figure appeared beside Su Ze.

It was a tauren at the peak of the immortal king of the demon race. He glanced at the battlefield where time and space were shattered, looked at Su Ze coldly, and said, “King Zizhong, where is the arrogance of the human race?”

Brush brush brush brush!!!

Immediately afterwards, the demon kings one after another appeared in front of Su Ze.

Among these kings, some masters teleported, and some were teleported by friends. They were all in the Flame Festival Continent, and the distance was relatively close, so they could arrive at the first time.

“King Zizhong, what happened?”

“What about the arrogance of the human race?”

Su Ze swept his eyes, looked at the demon kings, deliberately imitated the voice of King Zizhong, shook his head and sighed: “Run away…

“The Human Race King, whose combat power is comparable to the King’s High, there is another Zerg Immortal King’s High and a Mechanical Race’s High-class servant, plus the Human Race King Yechen. I couldn’t keep them.”

In his heart, he secretly changed his mind.

“A total of forty-eight demon clans are immortal, among which twenty-three are Fenghou Peak, sixteen are ordinary kings, and nine are high-ranking kings.

“If I join forces with the Werewolf Empress, I will definitely be able to kill them all.”

“However, it takes time. Once they are dragged down, there will be King Feng Wudi teleporting from other places, plus the means given by the Lord of the Universe and even the Venerable Universe… I’m afraid it will be difficult to get away.

He simulated King Zizhong’s breath and voice, flew into the distance, and said: “Everyone, I advise you not to get involved in this matter, that human race genius, the growth rate is too unbelievable, in a short period of time, From the star level, it has reached the high level of combat power to kill the king.

“Maybe that day, you will be able to achieve the invincible king. When the time comes, who can be the enemy?”

Su Ze flew directly away from here.

no way.

These kings and princes are at their peak, or Masters are teleporting, or their companions are life and death brothers, and Masters are teleporting…

Even if the “Super Vulcan Cannon” is used, it is difficult to kill them.

He continued to walk around the Yanji Continent with the breath of King Zizhong, and searched around. After another three days, he was blocked by two Zerg Feng Wang Gao Gao. As Su Ze took action, he said with a wicked smile: “King Zizhong, if you didn’t make trouble last time, my brother wouldn’t have died…

“Die to death!!


“Is this Purple Bell King’s reputation so bad?”

Su Ze moved directly into the farm.

A Zerg master, the most terrifying thing is the Zerg sea tactics. A Zerg mother emperor with a high level of immortality can completely train hundreds or even thousands of immortal Zerg warriors. They are lurking here and have already arranged layers of traps. Come on, Su Ze doesn’t dare to be too big.



“No, we have blocked time and space, how could he teleport?”

“what is that?”

The moment Su Ze disappeared, the Flying Bat appeared out of thin air.

Immediately afterwards, a thick flame beam slammed down directly!

Time shattered..

One of the Zerg Immortal King Gao Gao was torn into pieces in an instant, and the other one was instantly teleported to escape, and he immediately spread the news.

“The arrogance of the human race appeared in the Yanji Continent.”

“Monster King Zizhong, suspected of being enslaved,

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