Chapter 30: 1280 times the power of the world master (please customize)

In the lower-level nutrition cabin, Su Ze was immersed in the nutrient solution.

puff puff..

The cell activity of his body is constantly changing, and the muscles, bones, and fascia are all undergoing qualitative evolution.

“One ton of nutrient solution only fills about one-sixth of my Zifu Qi Sea.”

Soon, a ton of nutrient solution was consumed.

Inside the nutrition cabin, clear water spurted out, cleaning up the impurities that ooze out of Su Ze’s body. He jumped out of the nutrition cabin and slammed it out with a punch.


It takes time, the air is booming, and the space is trembling faintly.

If it weren’t for the special secret room, Su Ze estimated that his punch would be enough to blast an asteroid, and an ordinary world master would be directly killed by a punch.

“I practice the emperor-level practice Qinglian Sword Canon, and the sword qi is extremely high in both quality and quantity. The current cultivation level is equivalent to the peak of the domain master, but it is completely comparable to the peak of the world master.”

“And now that I have absorbed a nutrient solution for 20 years, my power is twice the power of the World Lord.

Su Ze thought of this, and his heart couldn’t help but heat up.

If his Zifu Qi Sea was completely filled, wouldn’t it be equivalent to 1280 times the power of the World Lord?

The domain master level has 1280 times the power of the world master. What is the concept?

You must know that ordinary Fenghou is immortal, and the divine power possessed by his body is probably between 1000-10000. That is to say, once Su Ze completely fills the Zifu Qi Sea, his power alone is completely comparable to that of ordinary Fenghou Immortality.

With the secret of the word “all” in his body, he can increase his combat power tenfold, which is comparable to the peak of Fenghou.

Coupled with the supernatural powers of “Blood Moon”, “Xing”, “Dou”, and the many ultimate moves of Qinglian Jiandian, even if he encounters the immortality of the inferior king, Su Ze can also let go of the battle head-on.

“If I break through to the world master level, wouldn’t it be comparable to the immortal high level of the king?”

Su Ze was full of interest, and immediately jumped into the F-class nutrition cabin and began to absorb the refining “nutrient solution”.

One ton after another, the nutrient solution was absorbed and refined by Su Ze, and transformed into the purest mana Qinglian sword qi. Although his cultivation realm has not improved, the Qinglian sword qi in the Zifu Qi sea is getting more and more Strong, more and more abundant, has reached a terrifying level.

a month later


Su ZeF remembered the nutrition cabin and jumped out.

In the past month, Su Ze has absorbed 640 tons of nutrient solution, his Qinglian sword energy has reached an incredible level, and his power has increased to 1280 times that of the world master. force.

Moreover, in the process of absorbing the nutrient solution, Su Ze’s body skin, muscles, fascia, and bones are constantly evolving, Su Ze estimates..

His physical strength alone is comparable to ordinary immortality.

after all..

Draw 640 tons of nutrient solution…

But not everyone can be so extravagant.

“After training, it’s time to go to the battlefield outside the territory.”

In Su Ze’s eyes, a flash of icy murderous intent flashed. The five pinnacle races sent masters to look for him, and there was also a demon slave spy, “The Demon Lord” who attacked him brazenly at the war base. With his character, he naturally wanted to Fight back.

On the same day, Su Ze found the high-level officials of the war base and put forward a request to buy “nutrient solution”.


The Lord of Ice Peak appeared directly in front of Su Ze.

His eyes swept away, and his face changed slightly.

“This kid.”

“His cultivation base is only the ninth rank of the domain master, how can it give me the feeling that it is stronger than the immortal power?”

What kind of realm is the Lord of Ice Peak?

This kind of surprise naturally won’t show too much. On his icy face, a rare smile appeared, and he said with a smile: “Su Ze, you are the champion of the peak human genius in the universe. According to the rules, you should be virtual for me. The core elite disciples of the secret realm in the very beginning of the universe have the qualifications to apply for the use of nutrient solution.”

The Lord of Bingfeng, who did not know that Su Ze had applied for 700 tons of nutrient solution before, waved his hand and said with great arrogance: “In this way, how much nutrient solution do you need, just say it.”


The Cosmos Venerable who was arranged by the Virtual Cosmos Company to take over the position of “The Demon Lord” almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

He was about to speak, but was interrupted by Su Ze.

Su Ze smiled very innocently and said, “Since the Lord of Bingfeng has spoken, then I’ll be welcome, just follow the last time.”

King Kong, “Sir, prepare for Su Ze according to the amount last time.

The Lord of Ice Peak said lightly.

On the side, Venerable King Kong frowned and muttered: “Last time he applied for 700 tons.


Rao is the city mansion of the Lord of Bingfeng, and he couldn’t help but shout, but since he has said it, he will naturally not regret it, and immediately ordered Venerable King Kong to prepare.

Soon, 700 tons of nutrient solution were delivered to Su Ze.

“Thank you, Lord of Ice Peak.”

Su Ze laughed, took the Werewolf Empress directly, drove the Flying Bat, and left the war base.

As soon as he left the war base, he contacted the immortal “Talina” of the Zerg King High-level and said: “Talina, where are you now?”

“797 Alright, wait for me in the Broken Star Belt. After three days, we will meet… By the way, you guys should collect the information on the experts of various races in the extraterritorial battlefield. This time, I want to kill!”

three days later.

Fragment belt, the interior of a large meteorite fragment.

Tarina and the mechanic were immortal and handed a document to Su Ze.

To Su Ze’s surprise, that monster “Qinglin” actually broke through to the immortal level during this time.


This group of men, disgraced and embarrassed, Su Ze guessed that they had been hiding here for some time.

“Master, Talinana and I, the sneak attack on the Zerg Machine Race and the immortality of the king has been passed on. Now all the masters in the field outside the territory know that we have taken refuge in you. . . .

“We don’t dare to go out to inquire about a lot of news. Once those experts find us, they will immediately encircle and suppress us.

Qinglin smiled wryly, and said, “A little over a month ago, I went to the edge of the battlefield with Tarina and the others, but they were chased by three high-ranking kings under the crisis of life and death, and this was the breakthrough of immortality.

Su Ze was holding the information, his finger suddenly pointed to one of the names, and said with a faint smile: “The prison king? Feng Wang Gao was among the three who chased and killed you last time, right?”

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