Chapter 29: Beyond the Speed ​​of Light? (Customize)

The word “Qian” is secret, and if you practice to the ultimate, you can predict bad luck, good luck, bad luck, and even the future.

Su Ze vaguely felt the danger of life and death, and in the dimness, he seemed to see “The Venerable Demon Vanquishing attacked him, and his heart immediately moved.

He was on guard and went up to meet him.

However, Venerable Fu Mo smiled and said: “Mr. Su and his wife are the arrogance of my human race that has never been seen in the ancient times. Their future achievements are limitless, and they will become the masters of the universe in the future. ?

Su Ze sneered in his heart, but on the surface he appeared flattered.


Oh shit!

Does it have to be so straightforward?

What’s more, after being relieved with this bastard several times, his attitude towards his “Seven Nine Seven” has always been cold and indifferent, but now the sudden change has made Su Ze feel more cautious.

The two came to the barracks, and Venerable Fumo waved his hand and put an F-level nutrition on the ground.

He took out another world ring and handed it to Su Ze, saying: “This world ring contains 700 tons of nutrient solution, the total value of 700 tons of nutrient solution and F chicken nutrition cabin is higher than your military merit, you need more Turn over 3.8 million Yuan Yuan units of Cosmic Coins.”

Su Ze took out the account of the first bank in the universe, and soon transferred 3.8 million yuan units to Venerable Fumo.

With a wave of his hand, he put away the world ring and the nutrition capsule, and said with a smile, “Sir, if there is nothing else, I will go to practice first.

Venerable Demon Demon, but his heart skipped a beat.

He didn’t see the “Wolf Queen”.

It was precisely because he didn’t see the “Wolfwoman Empress” that he didn’t do it directly.

His time is only 0.5 seconds. If he can kill the two great talents of the human race with one blow, it would be best, he couldn’t help but smile and said: “The way of cultivation is about one slack and one… By the way, Su Ze, where is your daughter-in-law? ”

Su Ze waved his hand, and the Werewolf Empress appeared beside him.

Just as he was about to speak, he saw that Venerable Demon Subduing’s aura suddenly erupted like a silent volcano, and the terrifying aura pressed directly towards him.

In his hand, a dark sword appeared, the sword ripped apart time and space, and slashed at him.

“Crystal secrets!

Su Ze let out a low voice, swiped, and took the werewolf queen directly to the other end of the barracks.

Far away, he stared at Venerable Fumo and sneered: “Sister Fumo… Haha, I already knew you were going to do something to me, sir.”


Venerable Fumo’s pupils shrank, and he lost his voice: “Impossible… I just smashed space and time with this knife. If my attainments in the laws of space and time are not as good as mine, I can’t teleport at all. How did you escape?”

He did his best and cut out with one knife. As long as he couldn’t teleport, it was impossible to avoid that knife.

after all.

In the original universe, even the lord of the universe, the maximum flying speed cannot exceed the speed of light.

Su Ze didn’t answer him, but looked up at the sky.

In the sky, there was a faint roar of anger, and then, a large hand descended from the sky.

“Sure enough, the war base has the master of the universe.

Su Ze’s heart moved.


Just as the big hand fell, Venerable Fumo gave a low voice and said, “Everything is for the demon clan!”

His breath dissipated in an instant, but it was himself that directly shattered all his vitality.

A figure descended from the sky.

This man was wearing a black robe, his expression was icy, and his aura gave people the feeling that it was like an iceberg that never melted.

He turned his head and looked at Su Ze.

Su Ze guessed the identity of this person, clasped his fists and said, “The Lord of Bingfeng.”

“You actually recognize me?”

The black-robed man was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, “That’s right, you and your senior brother have a good relationship, and it’s normal to know me.

The Lord of Bingfeng is one of the three major disciples of the “Original Ancestor” of human beings, and the junior brother of the Chaos City Lord.

He looked at Su Ze and said strangely: “You can actually dodge the full blow of Venerable Demon Slayer unscathed, it seems that there is a reason why senior brother attaches so much importance to you.

“The Lord of Bingfeng is joking, I’m just lucky.”

The Lord of Bingfeng laughed without saying a word, and he also did not believe Su Ze’s words.

He only moved here after realizing the murderous intention of Venerable Fumo. He did not see with his own eyes how Su Ze avoided Venerable Fumo’s full-strength attack, but he did not ask any further questions, but said: “Go and cultivate. That’s it, I’ll handle this matter. 0”

A murderous intent appeared on his body, his eyes were deep, and he looked into the distance: “It seems that the five pinnacle races, except your heart is immortal, although the rules of the battlefield outside the territory do not allow the appearance of powerhouses beyond the level of invincible kings, but The masters of the five peak races will inevitably have means to make the King Invincible to exert a stronger combat power

To Su Ze’s surprise, after the Bingfeng Lord said this, he did not persuade Su Ze to leave the extraterritorial battlefield, but said with a smile: “You can enter the extraterritorial battlefield with confidence. will arrive.

Su Ze’s face was indifferent, not afraid at all, and smiled: “Thank you, Lord of Bingfeng, but it’s just a mere group of kings, I can still deal with it.”

Not to mention that the system is still in place, and the “reward link” has been opened again. Su Ze is on the battlefield outside the territory and can find any enemy approaching…

A single “front” word secret can make him predict good fortune and good fortune in advance.

Su Ze has mastered the word secret of “Xing” again, and his speed is unparalleled. Even in the original universe, the speed of the physical body can exceed the speed of light, and he has a high-grade fairy defense suit. To be honest, his strongest is not combat power, but life-saving ability.

Su Ze came to a secret room 1.2 and began to practice.

He took out the F-class nutrition cabin, took off his clothes, and got straight into the nutrition cabin.

A crisp, numb feeling spread all over the body

At the same time as the body was transformed and evolved, a large amount of nutrient solution was transformed into the purest energy, which entered into the meridians of Su Ze’s limbs and bones, and then transformed into “Qinglian Sword Qi”.

The wisps of “Qinglian Sword Qi” filled the empty sea of ​​Zifu Qi.

And this time.

The territory of the demon clan, the palace of the demon ancestor.

The demon ancestor sat crossed on the throne and said solemnly: “Venor Fumo, you have failed!”

“You should arrange it immediately, at all costs, be sure to kill Su Ze, this son, the feeling it gives me is too strange, I don’t like this feeling very much.”

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