The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 26 Conspiracy between two parties

Thank you for the sake of Allah, good Dervish.

It was not until the crowd gradually dispersed that Shahkulu put down his work of giving alms to the local poor and met in his private room with the merchants who came to donate property to Hanaka.

After the spy showed the token and confirmed the identity of the visitor, the Caliph lowered his guard and said: You have come all the way from the land blessed by God with all your hard work. It must have been a long journey. If you have no other urgent matters, you can come here. Take a rest, it’s absolutely safe here. You can also tell me about what happened in Iran recently.”

This is Khanaka, a remote area outside Antalya, the general base of Shahkulu's underground activities. It operates mainly on continued official funding and donations. On the surface, in addition to providing a place for Derwig to stay, it is also equipped with facilities such as hospitals, canteens and schools, providing relief and services to the poor in the area regardless of sectarianism.

These poor people who received alms and assistance, coupled with the growing Shia community due to forced migration, these supporters have strengthened his social status, and the powerful are also willing to donate more to him for their faith and reputation, just as a fixed income. Waqf already owns several farms and pays rent on more than a dozen shops.

Thank you for your kindness, but this order is very important. It is best to give it to you now. The messenger placed the box on the table and opened it. He pushed aside the jewelry piled inside and took out the envelope underneath it. .

Shahkulu took the document and said, Is this a secret order written by Sheikh himself?

Yes, this is very important. You should see it for yourself first.

The secret order was very concise and to the point. At the beginning, it was clearly stated that the Shah of Iran would become the enemy of Roma, completely purify Asia Minor, and let everyone follow Ali and return to the correct faith.

Shahkulu, who was well aware of Ibrahim's intentions, then saw his mission - to launch an uprising in the Ottoman heartland, the specific time and other details of which would be decided by the Caliph.

After reading the letter, he stroked his beard and replied: I understand. I will act according to the wishes of the Sheikh.

The messenger did not ask much about the content of the letter. Seeing that the mission was completed, he immediately said goodbye: I will convey all your loyalty and achievements to the King of Kings without any deviation. Under the protection of Huda, I wish you all the best for Iran and the prophet. You succeed.

Shahkulu did not stay long. He immediately began to think about what to do next. The power he could rely on most was the Qizilbash. These people openly wore red hats and walked in the countryside as bandits, mercenaries or ordinary herdsmen. Armed riders on the road.

Everyone can clearly feel that the situation is gradually becoming tense. The religious tolerance under Bayezid is disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye for the Shia. Qizilbash is even more affected by Selim and others. Attacked with terms such as devil and illegal rebel.

He already knows that since the Little Day of Judgment, thousands of believers in Kostantiniya have been suppressed with an iron fist. Could it be that Padishah is not satisfied with forcibly dispersing Shias and moving them to various places? Can everyone be martyred to calm the situation?

As a result, launching a large-scale armed struggle must be put on the agenda.

Shahkuru, who was deep in thought, became more and more fanatical. With Huda's blessing, Ibrahim created a great power in the known world. So, as His servant, can we replicate this miracle in a small way in the hinterland of Asia Minor?

I need to arrange a meeting with the leader. This is a very important matter. The sooner the better...


The reconstruction work in Kostantinye is nearing completion. Most of the people affected by the disaster no longer need to live in tents. Topkapi Palace has also been repaired. With your order, Gaomen can move back to Kostantiniya immediately. Diniya. Grand Vizier Eunuch Ali Pasha was reporting on the progress of post-disaster reconstruction work in the old palace in Edirne.

Bayezid, who was old and frail and ailing, only responded softly after coughing several times to show his ministers that he understood.

Although there was only some discomfort, the royal doctor also said that Padisha's health was not serious. But the eunuch Ali Pasha still looked carefully at the Padishah he served. Everyone knew that he was over sixty years old. Although he was pious enough and lived a healthier life than his father Fatih Sultan, he could It would not be surprising to suddenly fall ill and die one day at this age.

If that's the case, then move back quickly. After clearing his throat, Bayezid slowly spoke out a brief sentence of Holy Judgment, and the Grand Vizier praised him one after another.

Don't leave yet, I have something to discuss with you.

The monarch's order made the eunuch Ali Pasha, who wanted to resign, immediately put his previous thoughts behind and listen respectfully to the holy message.

Bayezid organized his language and said: Recently I received an interesting piece of information. Find the book The Persians in the East have a lot of thoughts. A group of envoys boarded a ship in Beirut via Syria. We have now disembarked at the port of Zara in Dalmatia.”

The Grand Vizier connected the place names mentioned by Padishah, and the Persian envoy took a boat from Lebanon to Dalmatia under Venetian rule. What did he intend to do? If you're visiting Venice, why not just drive into the lagoon?

You mean, the King of Kings is trying to hook up with our country's enemies in Rumelia? The Grand Vizier felt a little funny when he said this speculation. Would the Persians really go all the way to the Balkans to find allies? ? No matter how you look at it, the Mamluks are the more reliable choice.

If his inner voice could be known to the two envoys, he would definitely gain a lot of approval. In fact, the Persian mission, with the help of Venice, had arrived in Buda to meet with the Hungarian king, who was already heavily in debt.

Bayezid said noncommittally: Ahem... In short, there are only so many detailed reports in Syria and Dalmatia. The details will not be known later. The Venetians helped to cover up the traces, so it is difficult to find out more information.

I believe that no matter what their purpose is, it will probably be beneficial to our country to stop them. The grand vizier's attitude was very clear, that is, he wanted to confront the mission.

He next came up with a plan - sending envoys to Buda and Krakow to sign a peace agreement with the two neighbors. The two sides promised not to go to war with each other in the next few years, and could show strength if necessary to maintain peace in Rumelia.

At the same time, we should also adopt a tough attitude towards Iran and let the other side retreat when faced with difficulties.

Perhaps it would be a good idea to contact the Kazakh Khan who is entrenched in the Kipchak grassland and provide some assistance so that they can seize Hezhong and Khwarazm, thereby threatening Khorasan...

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