The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 25 “The Shah’s Servants”

Hezhong and Khwarezm have received many newly arrived herdsmen from the south over the past few years. Firstly, they are the backbone of local border defense and public security. Secondly, as new immigrants, their economic situation is difficult and they still need Relying on the tax exemption of 10,000 yuan, I am afraid that we will not be able to purchase armaments according to the standards. The Grand Emir briefly commented on the mobilization potential of the Turan region.

Can't you afford to buy weapons and armor? It's simple. Just let the conscripted herdsmen rent equipment from the armory. After the war, they can use the spoils to repay their debts. Ibrahim waved his hand and said lightly. Come up with strategies to exploit conscripted soldiers.

The military vizier on the side immediately responded: I think the method proposed by your Majesty is good. It achieves multiple things with one stone.

Ibrahim shook his head: That's all, there are only so many ways to fight. Let's have some unarmored Turan cavalry. Don't have too many. Two thousand from Khwarezm and three thousand from the river. That's it. Bar.

After roughly finalizing the recruitment plan, these complicated and expensive tasks were handed over to three people. After briefly asking about the current status of the material preparation work, the small meeting came to an end.

But his work was not over. The next person who came in to see him was the spymaster Turgut, the head of the spy Peeper and one of the most loyal caliphs of the order.

Apart from the overt military operations, Ibrahim also had another set of cards to play - a secret front relying on the missionary network in Asia Minor.

Since the founding of the country, the headquarters integrated into the state power has continued to provide material and personnel support to the branches in Asia Minor and Syria through border trade and smuggling, so that Turkmen border residents who are loyal to Safavid can provide more help.

One of Turgut's main jobs is to contact the caliphate who is still operating abroad through spies, in order to maintain the sect's control over overseas believers and conduct espionage operations.

Among the caliphs currently active in Asia Minor, the most successful is Shahkulu, the servant of the king - he has abandoned his real name and calls himself this to reliable believers and superiors of the order. At the same time, because he had a very conspicuous and impressive thick beard, his public nickname was naturally Blackbeard, and even Ottoman officials and powerful dignitaries called him so.

He is not a new believer who has converted halfway. His father, Hassan, was Ibrahim’s father and a close caliph served by the former Sheikh Haidar. Both father and son came from the Turk tribe, one of the seven major tribes in the founding of the country, and have reliable and excellent backgrounds. .

Hassan's missionary work in Asia Minor was very successful. He publicly worshiped in a cave on the Turk Peninsula under Antalya, and persuaded the local residents to convert to Shiaism. Dervihi soon became famous throughout Asia Minor. Scholars who were interested in mysticism came to listen to his teachings, which gave Hassan a national reputation in the Ottomans. Padishah Bayezid once sponsored him and invited him to the court many times to carry out religious activities. , pray to Allah.

While Hassan was spreading his faith and developing followers, he was also doing his best to pass on everything he had to his son. Since adulthood, religious events have been attended by both father and son so that he can share the popularity .

Unfortunately, Hassan passed away shortly after Ibrahim raised his army. Fortunately, Shahkuru successfully inherited his father's knowledge, propaganda skills, disciples, dignitaries and fame, which brought him a lot of resources to carry out his work. Great convenience, especially after the Order seized power, the demand for and investment in espionage activities increased significantly.

He is no longer limited to one place for his activities. He has the motivation to set foot in areas under Ottoman rule, whether it is Konya and Bursa in Asia Minor or Galibolu and Edirne in Rumelia. It became his temporary foothold. And traveling around as Dervish allows him to act more freely, such as guiding dissatisfied people to resist taxes and assisting monitored tribesmen to immigrate to Iran. And his actions are still very covert, and he has not even become a wanted criminal in the Ottomans. He is still a guest of many mystics.

After briefly browsing the resume of this important figure, Ibrahim said with satisfaction: This is the person I need. He can play a great role in the future.

If he can hear this compliment, maybe it will be the biggest encouragement to him. Turgut said respectfully.

Ibrahim put down the document in his hand and asked: Tell me, among the dignitaries who treat him as a guest, are there any sons of Bayezid or viziers who serve in high-level posts?

As far as I know, Sultan Rom, the only member of the royal family, is very enthusiastic about mysticism. Among his sons, Korkut, who is most interested in philosophy and religion, is also interested in mysticism. Find the bookstore www.zhaoshuyuan. com but...

The prince was appointed governor of Manisa in 1491 and was transferred to Antalya nine years later. Since Antalya was farther from Kostantiniya than Manisa, Korku It is considered a symbol of unpopularity.

The rejection of his application to return to Manisa further deepened Korkut's prejudice. He went to the extreme and went directly to Egypt in the name of pilgrimage. Malikron welcomed his arrival and after the meeting regarded him as the spokesperson of Mamluk influence. Bayezid belatedly realized that he did not want to continue to worsen the relationship between father and son, so he announced a pardon for his defection.

As for the other princes serving locally, they were not very interested in Derwig. Shahkulu could not even step into the door of their mansion, let alone talk, laugh and develop personal relationships with nobles.

Rather than entering the church, Shahkuru chose the lower-class route, cultivating the grassroots and developing in various communities. Ascetics are not toys used by the nobles to enrich their spirits.

Except for the connections inherited from his father Hassan, the members he developed are basically farmers, herdsmen, craftsmen, small traders and down-and-out warriors. His basic image is to be close to the people and pious.

I understand. Ibrahim's idea of ​​obtaining Ottoman secrets and internal information through this method failed, but this cannot be forced. It would be too wasteful to regard these caliphs who are responsible for managing believers in a place as a detailed job of collecting information.

This is a special instruction given to him. It is related to the war with Roma. The secret must not be leaked. It must be sent to him. The right people must know about this mission. Ibrahim handed a small box to him. Turgut, the spymaster simply took it.

Yes, Your Majesty, I will arrange the safest way to deliver the order.

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