The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 12 A fake expedition

The appearance of the Safavid cavalry at the border undoubtedly heralded an escalation of the situation. Under Bozkurt's persuasion, Ustaji Khan finally agreed to the forward troops crossing the river to enter. When the red head arrived in Elbistan, Bey and his sons were relieved.

The red-heads who entered the territory of other countries began to act aggressively. A team of hundreds quickly marched to the border between the Ottomans and Durkadir and began to search for the Ottoman army that threatened Bey.

The Ottomans, who knew nothing about this change, were easily found by the red heads with the help of sympathizers. These irregular cavalry were immediately attacked and caught off guard and had to flee. Few people were killed, and less than half of the men and horses were lost. They ran away.

The centurion, which did not lose anyone, only left a few people to monitor the road and promptly report intelligence on the Ottoman follow-up troops to the rear. The centurion and dozens of other horsemen dragged the dead bodies and captured wounded back to Elbistan, which was a fly in the ointment. Just failed to capture the Ottoman flag.

Bey was noncommittal about the high-profile reinforcements, and he was accustomed to balancing multiple parties and worried whether such behavior would overly anger Osman. But what's there to be afraid of? The Ottomans and the Mamluks had fought several times for Adana in Ramazan Bey, but now she still serves as a buffer between the two countries.

Ustaji Khan was the first to learn of the small victory of the Safavid army across the border from the dedicated army messenger. He immediately ordered to the border: All the troops assembled by the river must cross the Tigris River, and the Roma cannot be allowed to cross the border. One step out of bounds.”

Then he asked the secretary to draft a report and report the current tense situation to Diwan in the rear in a timely manner so as to obtain support and avoid being impeached by political opponents.

In the military camp, he counted the existing troops and horses, checked the existing military supplies, and planned to personally lead these families to Elbistan to fight against the Ottoman army.

Your Excellency, if the Roma army really attacks, do you really want to help Dulkadir Bey defend the territory? The general who came from the same tribe as him still wanted to preserve his strength and felt that he would sacrifice his troops for this small country. Still such a loss.

Ustaji Khan simply warned: According to military law, fleeing during war is punishable by death.

The officers who saw the attitude of their superiors stopped thinking and no longer showed a negative attitude toward the conflict. Desertion, disobedience, and shaking the morale of the army were all crimes punishable by death.

This situation is very urgent. We have no idea when the Roma will arrive. Our army must set off as early as possible. Only by joining forces before the forward troops are completely defeated can we have a chance to repel the enemy's main force. He continued to emphasize the urgency of the war.

In a tense atmosphere, the officers completed the preparations of each unit as quickly as possible, and Ustaji Khan hurried to Elbistan to meet up with the previously arrived units.

Bey, who learned of the governor's arrival, found the backbone and enthusiastically and actively entertained the reinforcements from far away. Ustaji Khan and the accompanying senior officials were invited into the palace.

In the name of Allah, Your Excellency Muhammad, if you had not arrived here in time, I am afraid that this place would have become Bayezid's property, and my daughter and I would have become his trophies. Bozkurt put on a pose. What it looks like to survive the disaster.

I don’t know whether the other party was simply sighing or secretly blaming the reinforcements for not coming quickly enough. Ustaji Khan responded: Since we have formed an alliance under the most benevolent and merciful Huda, there is no reason to refuse to save him. It is just the most basic responsibility for foreign ministers to come when invited.”

Without waiting for the other party to speak again, he directly proposed: You also know why this dispute started. Once the Roma troops come to the city, there will be no peace here. While it is still safe, I think His Highness should be sent to Diyarbakir first.”

This... Bozkurt looked embarrassed at this time, and then said: Your Majesty the Governor, I thought you came to discuss with me how to defend.

The expression and tone on his face were in place, but Bey was nervous inside. He wanted to get closer to Iran, but he was worried about angering Osman, so he wanted to leave a way out. If Osman really defeated the Safavid army under the city, there would still be room for maneuver in keeping his daughter in his hands, and he might be able to quell Costantinier's anger by breaking the contract.

Ustaji Khan realized that he had just been caught with a loophole. Wouldn't this be equivalent to telling everyone present that the reinforcements were coming for the princess? Then it would make Bey reasonably doubt that he would have no burden after picking up the bride. He immediately withdrew his troops and left.

He still wanted Mirza to see the beauty as soon as possible. He regretted asking that question, and had to calmly comfort Bey and the noble Durkadir present: I am just too worried about the safety of His Highness. What you said makes sense. It is frustrating. Offending the enemy is the only way to ensure safety.

Seeing that the other party's attitude was not so tough as to be arrogant, Bozkurt finally let go of his worries and continued to adopt a friendly attitude: There is no shortcut in the test of Allah. Overcoming the difficulty together is the best choice at the moment.

Just at this time, the music played by the musicians and the dancing postures of the dancers gradually became relaxed and soft, looking for Shuyuan www. The two people who thought they had basically reached an agreement also relaxed and relaxed, changing some pleasant topics until the end.

When Ustaji Khan returned to his camp outside the city late at night, the messenger from the palace secretly presented him with gifts: These are gifts given to you personally by His Majesty, and I hope you will accept them.

The governor smiled tacitly and waved his hand to let him put the bribe aside. After completing the mission, the envoy bowed and quickly left the military camp.


A few days later, a temporary camp was built outside the city of Trabzon. Selim, the governor who governed the area, moved his office to one of the tents to prepare for the next war.

He guessed wrong. A small country like Dhulkadir, which paid tribute from both ends, chose to bring its new master into confrontation. This forced him to fulfill the threats he had previously issued to maintain his image.

Fortunately, he had previously defeated the army led by the governor of Georgia. Based on the known information, it was estimated that the Safavid border governor could deploy almost the same amount of troops. He believed that there was no need to retreat.

Your Highness, all your troops have been assembled and ready to go at any time. Arslan quickly walked through the door curtain and bowed to report to the Lord in the tent.

Selim, who was still thinking with his head down, looked up at his cronies and listened to the report. The private army he assembled was still a mixed force with Yenicheri and Sipahi as the core.

Selim quickly gathered all the officers and formally announced the combat goals and plans to everyone: My purpose is very simple, which is to rescue Durkadir from the mouths of the Shia evil dogs and defeat all those who invade our country. Enemies.

There was no further discussion. After confirming that the senior officers present fully understood his intentions and orders, he ordered the army to immediately set off south. The holy war against the heretical invasion has begun.

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