The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 11 Selim ends up disrupting the situation

After receiving the reply, Bozkurt immediately announced the marriage, and the news reached Kostantiniya before the mission arrived. Faced with the westward expansion of Iran's sphere of influence, Bayezid continued to maintain restraint, but this time the high-ranking officials remained silent. Neither the Padisha nor the viziers expressed any opinions on the matter.

But in the eyes of hardliners, Padisha's inaction continues to undermine his prestige and legitimacy of rule. Such a comparison shows that Prince Selim in Trabzon is obviously more worthy of the title of Ghazi than his decrepit father.

Selim, who discovered that Gao Meng had not expressed his position, planned to muddy the waters. He immediately wrote to Elbistan and said: Bozkurt Bey, you and I are both believers who follow the righteous path of the prophet. How come we are so blind all of a sudden? Are you in a coma and want to be with a heretic and evil dog? Don’t think that you can get a good night’s sleep. Then you will be bitten, despised by your neighbors, and cast aside by God. While everything can be saved now, make the right choice quickly , lest you regret it later after going to hell!”

Bozkurt was surprised by Selim's rude words. He immediately contacted the high gate and protested to Bayezid: I am very surprised. You are a wise monarch, an outstanding poet and philosopher. I think This is not your will. Now that your ministers have begun to despise you and even openly oppose you, it is best to restrain them as soon as possible. It is not good for your country and the surrounding monarchs to allow this situation to continue.

Unable to wait for Bayezid to intervene, he wrote another letter to persuade Zalim: Young man, you are so arrogant and arrogant in your words and deeds. Will God appreciate your behavior? Obviously, you need to be respected more. Believe, and learn to face the wishes of others. If this is how you express dissatisfaction, it is obvious that you are not a qualified pursuer.

Selim did not take Durkadir's protest to heart. He treated the letter as waste paper and continued to announce to the surrounding people in a high-profile manner: I will personally lead the troops south to fight against the heretics and defend the world order. All those who are interested in supporting The ghazis who believe in righteousness and strive for glory, come and gather under my banner!

Known for his bravery and majesty, he once again took the opportunity to recruit a group of volunteers, and Trabzon took the opportunity to expand his military strength. Although it was still not as powerful as Padisha's, these were real private soldiers who could be used at will. Janiceli, who came to Trabzon to guard the border, had also been privatized by the prince.

Your Highness, you are really scaring Bozkurt Bey and the nobles of the high family. After reporting the results of the work, Arslan, the confidant who was responsible for the specific affairs and was busy with other things, said disdainfully Ridiculing the weakness of high-ranking bureaucrats in front of Selim.

Huh, are you scared like this? That's fine, you can't stop me from being a coward.

Selim had no intention of actually leading the army southward across areas not under his jurisdiction. He simply asked Arslan to pick dozens of elite cavalry, known as vanguards, to march southwest to the border. The chiefs of Sanjak in each province had no idea about this force. The troops, who were obviously against the will of the high sect, were at a loss whether to stop them or not.

As a result, everyone watched the cavalry approaching Elbistan, which made Bozkurt so nervous that he sent several letters to Kostantinier, but the people came faster than Gaomen's reply.

Selim believed that this symbolic move was enough to scare away Bozkurt. As long as Durkader took the initiative to break the contract, it would no longer be able to get close to Iran in the future.

For Durkadir, the internal situation of the Ottomans at this time was confusing. Selim's troops were able to smoothly cross eastern Asia Minor and reach the border between the two countries without any hindrance. Does this mean that Gaomen actually acquiesced to his actions?

Bey didn't dare to think about it further. He thought he knew Gaomen's true attitude and immediately fell into panic. Since the fox's trick of pretending to be a tiger's power doesn't work, then simply ask for help. The messenger set out from Elbistan and ran as fast as possible to Diyarbakır to seek help from the Governor of Kurdistan.

Your Majesty the Governor, the Ottomans are unreasonable and want to destroy the happy event between you and us, and they even send troops to threaten you. I hope you can send troops quickly. Selim's fellow has already led his troops to pressurize us. Our country is in danger! Dulka The Dir envoy knelt down directly to Ustaji Khan in the governor's palace and cried for help in tears.

Saying this, Ustaji Khan was a little anxious, not to mention that the obstruction of the marriage would offend the King of Kings and the Mirza brothers - but after all, he was not the person in charge of this task, and Ibrahim still As a normal person, the responsibility cannot be traced to him. But now the outside world regards Durkadir as a vassal of Iran. If he is allowed to be coerced by the Ottomans, the Safavids will leave an image of an irresponsible suzerain to the forces in Asia Minor. How long will it take for such a negative impression to be washed away? ?

Feeling that he could take the opportunity to claim credit, the governor went to Shuyuan to win the favor of his superiors. He felt that he had a heavy responsibility: I already understand your difficulties. Don't be impatient. I will provide any help I can.

After sending away the envoy, he summoned his staff and subordinates for a small meeting to discuss how to help Durkadir, at least to allow the marriage partner to reach Iran safely.

As one of the most important border provinces in Kurdistan, the governor's military power is not insignificant. Not only does Diyarbakır and Şanlıurfa have sufficient arsenals, but he also has a lot of troops at his disposal.

Your Majesty the Governor, I think it is better not to make a big fuss. Sending troops directly into Durkadir's territory will anger not only Roma, but also the Mamluks of Egypt. If the two countries are at odds with each other at the same time, we will How should I behave in the presence of the King of kings?”

Ustaji Khan asked with a slight dissatisfaction: Then what do you think we should do? Let Osman ravage Elbistan? Or let the princess be snatched away by Selim?

Your Excellency, if the Roma army takes the initiative to invade Durkadir, then they can justifiably join forces with the Mamluks of Syria to intervene in the situation, force the Roma out, maintain the status quo, and acknowledge the established facts. Moreover, this prince and the His father is obviously not of the same mind. Does he really have the support of a high-level family behind him? the staff continued to analyze.

Ustaji Khan stroked his beard: Preemptive strike? It's interesting, but I'm afraid it won't be able to deter the mad dog Selim.

With continued suggestions and debates from his subordinates, the Government House finally made a decision on how to respond to Bey's plea for help. Ustaji Khan immediately mobilized his troops. The first thousand red heads who were able to set off quickly marched to the banks of the Euphrates River. The following Kurdish cavalry gathered within a time limit, and they were likely to fight a border war.

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