The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 60 Border Defense Layout in Central Asia

Through the exchange of letters, Ibrahim and Balanduhe established a stable relationship. The two sides expressed goodwill to each other in the letters and reaffirmed the general border between the two countries. Only Tashkent belongs to the Safavids north of the Syr Darya River. All, Shymkent, Turkestan and other places are owned by Kazakhs.

The new Central Asian structure was completed in these few weeks - Turkestan was captured by the Kazakh Khan without any suspense, the Uzbek Khan was forced to lead the remaining tribes to surrender to him, and the settlements in the lower reaches of the Syr Darya River were also captured by this. Special military operations deterred and voluntarily surrendered to the new masters, the Kazakhs.

At this point, there are only three countries left around the Aral Sea - Iran, Kazakhstan and Nogai.

Around the end of January 1504, the situation in Hezhong, Fergana and Khwarezm stabilized, organized armed resistance basically disappeared, the senior bureaucrats originally appointed by Babur and Shabani Khan were basically purged, and the local Guilds and communities reorganized vital institutions such as militias under guidance and filled the vacancies with reliable bureaucrats drawn from local activists.

For these newly conquered lands, he roughly divided them into three provinces. The lower reaches of the Amu Darya River were separate provinces of Khwarezm, governed by the city of Khiva; the area between Bukhara and Tashkent was Transoxiana Province, governed by Samarkand; The Fergana Basin to the west of Zang is a separate province, and its administrative seat is Anjiyan.

Since the three provinces were newly conquered and located on the frontier, these provinces were temporarily governor-general. Ibrahim appointed Romru Khan, Shamru Khan and Talish Khan to be the governors recommended by them.

He also took the time to go to Andiyan to meet Jahangir and Tanbal. Regarding Jahangir, it turned out that Ibrahim wanted to use his advantageous status as a descendant of Timur to help stabilize people's hearts and put the conversion work in his name. Do it next. After all, Jahangir was not much of a threat. He had almost no power of his own and no reputation that could incite the people. Unless there are careerists who want to hold him hostage or rebels who are causing trouble in the name of his orthodoxy.

The two and other Burkes present put on red hats on the spot and received orders to expel the Sunni Mullahs and He Zhuo.

Then Tanbal and other red-hatted Berks returned to their respective territories and continued to rule Fergana as vassals. Jahangir was under house arrest in the castle of Andijan and lived a life of isolation.

Finally, he had to consider the issue of rewards. The amount of loot he collected from Samarkand this time was not very large, and he needed to rely on treasury deposits for subsidies. At the same time, the military grades of senior officers will also be improved to varying degrees. This time he plans to favor Ismail and Kehobad.


In a hall of the Samarkand palace, Ibrahim summoned the three newly appointed governors alone. The three emirs were nervous and excited. Being able to meet the Sheikh alone was something they had never dared to imagine before.

He walked into the room from the side door, sat on the main seat, and looked at the three people who had arrived early and were waiting.

The noble Sheikh, the invincible Shahan Shah, your loyal followers and humble ministers salute you. May Huda bless you with a long life! The three people knelt down and kowtowed to show their respect.

Well, you are all my loyal subjects. I hope you will not disappoint me and the recommenders in your positions. Ibrahim gestured for the governors to stand up and continued: I came to you this time because I want to Let me hear your views on border defense. After all, beyond the Syr Darya River to the north is endless grassland, and there are many tribes living in it.

The three of them looked at each other and looked at each other. They had just been appointed governors and it was their first time in the river in their lives. What could they think about things they didn't understand?

The governor of Hezhong first said: I think we can build small castles on the river bank, so that the border defenders can rely on these fortresses to fight against the plunderers. If the nomads invade in large numbers, they can only ask for reinforcements.

Seeing that they had something to copy, the other two governors agreed and both expressed their intention to build forts to guard against the influx of plunderers from abroad.

Ibrahim then briefly elaborated on his idea: You should know that several groups of loyal armed immigrants will arrive here soon. They are the force you can most rely on. They are different from the locals. They should He was assigned to be stationed at a key location and enjoyed some privileges due to his military service...

In order to reduce the cost of border defense, he established border defense troops in some border areas in addition to the original local troops in provincial administrative regions. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com These border guards are not standing armies, but armed border residents who enjoy preferential policies and subsidies, and unlike traditional feudal levies and mercenaries, they do not need to bear their own arms.

In addition to immigrants from the interior of the empire, Ibrahim also set his sights on the grasslands. Perhaps he could recruit some poor nomads who could not bear the oppression to settle down and build settlements based on castles on the river banks. In this way, building river bank defenses could also increase manpower.

However, the focus of the border defense in the river is not on the banks of the Syr Darya River, but on the city of Tashkent. Ibrahim plans to build strong enough fortifications for the city and allocate immigrants to build fortified strongholds in the surrounding area. The more financial resources allow, the better.

The governor of the river has understood Ibrahim's thinking. He has not actually investigated the situation in the river, but judging from his impressions during the march, the local population is indeed in decline. In addition, the local people's attitude towards the new master is still unclear. Immigration is indeed a good way. Anyway, this expenditure is not borne by him as the governor, and accidents that occur outside his jurisdiction during the immigration journey do not need to be dealt with by him.

This plan can also be used in Khwarezm Province. Only Fergana has become similar to Georgia Province because it retains the fiefs and privileges of those who know current affairs. However, Fergana is surrounded by mountains on three sides and there is not much pressure on border defense.

Do you have any objections or opinions now? Ibrahim glanced at the three governors. Regarding this policy that has not yet been implemented, they just replied: I will obey the holy will.

Finally, the servants carried the official robes, belts, boots, etc. of the corresponding levels as well as the cash rewards for them to them for a brief inspection, and then moved them out of the room and handed them to the soldiers.

The three of them knelt down to express gratitude again and watched Ibrahim finish the summons and leave the room.

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