The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 59 Is this a reliable new ally?

Muhammad Timur looked worried. Ever since he decided to abandon Tashkent, he could feel that the sultans were no longer so respectful and obedient to him. It can be said that there were many situations when summoning soldiers from various tribes. They were late, underwhelmed, or even not at all. All.

But at this moment, the Kazakh Khan suddenly attacked, and a messenger from Shymkent came to him asking for help: Dear Khan, Shymkent was attacked by the Kazakhs. There are not many garrison in the city, and it will fall soon. , I hope the Great Khan will send troops to rescue him soon.

He hurriedly gathered troops and horses to relieve Shymkent. But Sultan Obaidullah suddenly told him that the city had fallen, and that the Kazakh Khan had tens of thousands of troops. It was impossible to fight with the troops at hand. The defeat would be small, but don't wipe out all the Yue Jibie tribes. .

The desperate Uzbek Khan could only sit back and watch death come. He didn't know whether Turkestan could stop the Kazakhs. He could only obey the arrangements of Allah.

At the same time, Barandu Black Khan, surrounded by guards, took over the city of Shymkent and the surrounding areas. The local forces quickly abandoned their previous Uzbek masters and directly knelt down to the Kazakh Khan.

The envoy who followed the army south recorded all this. On the way, the Kazakh Khan also asked the envoy what he thought of the Kazakh army many times. Faced with this proposition, the envoy chose to compliment: Your warriors are very rich in... um, courage and offensive spirit. .”

He was careful not to compare the Kazakh army with other armies he knew, and Balanduhe did not ask further questions. This was considered a fool.

While the envoy was talking to the Kazakh Khan, the scout returned and reported: Great Khan, the city of Tashkent has been controlled by the Red Hat Turks, and the surrounding villages have also surrendered to the Red Hat Turks.

Upon hearing the news, the envoy knew that Tashkent had been captured by the Safavid army, so he advised the Kazakh Khan: King Khan, the foreign minister thinks that these Turks called the Red Hat Turks by the scouts are the Shah's army, which means that Your army is already bordering our army, and you may be able to write to Shah.

Well, that's good. Balanduhe asked the monks who accompanied the army to write a letter in Persian to say hello to Ibrahim, who was actually far away in Samarkand. The ink of the first letter was not dry yet. Well written.

The envoy wanted to return home as soon as possible, so he planned to take over the task of delivering the message, but Balanduhei said: Your Majesty the envoy, you are not only a qualified lobbyist, but also a warrior, capable of both literary and military skills, and you are also very handsome. I Knowing that during the march, I got involved with some of the Ghazis under Ben Khan’s command, I am really reluctant to let you go, so you’d better rest for a few more days, and as for delivering the message, Ben Khan can escort your deputy there.”

Hearing this, the messenger almost spit out the drink in his mouth. He never expected that Kazakh Khan would like him. He did not understand why such an ordinary civil servant would arouse the interest of the Khan.

This...isn't this right... The words that were about to blurt out were swallowed hard. The messenger still controlled not to express the surprise in his heart too clearly through words, but his expression still betrayed him.

Kazakh Khan looked at the messenger and replied to him with a panicked look and as calm a tone as possible: If this is the intention of the Khan, then the foreign minister should stay for a few more days.

Baranduhe nodded with satisfaction, picked up the cup and drank the remaining wine in one gulp.


A group of Kazakh cavalry galloped along the road towards Tashkent. The red-headed scout patrolling nearby quickly reported the matter to Kehobad who was in the city. The messenger was immediately allowed to enter, while the Kazakh cavalry was left outside the city.

Kehobard, who knew little about diplomacy, was very surprised as to why his country's envoy would return from the north. Suspecting that he was a liar, he planned to expose the lie and stop the folly on the spot.

As soon as the messenger entered the room, he could sense Kehobard's somewhat wary and cold attitude, but he still dutifully handed the documents to the general.

Kehobard read through it carefully and found that the signer of the letter actually claimed to be Kazakh Khan. He had never seen a tribute envoy from the Western Regions. He didn't know what kind of liar dared to deceive in the name of the monarch and the palace, so he was dubious about the identity of the messenger.

General, I am just an ordinary diplomat in Diwan. I followed the mission to contact the Kazakh Khan and attacked Yuejie. The Kazakh Khan had a good chat with the envoy. He happened to hear that Tashkent was owned by the Shah, so he sent me first. Come here to convey the friendship of Kazakh Khan... The messenger told Kehobad the general story of the mission in detail.

He chose to trust the messenger for the time being: But His Majesty is not in Tashkent at the moment. He is still in Samarkand. I can send someone to send you there and ask the Kazakh cavalry staying outside the city to go back and report the message.

The messenger was overjoyed for this arrangement. He had been sleeping and sleeping on the grassland since Astrakhan's departure, and it was a fitting reward to be able to return to the bustling city life.

After much wandering, the messenger arrived in Samarkand to see Ibrahim. At this time, he was waiting for the battle report from the dispatched troops.

When Ibrahim learned that the messenger had returned from Kazakhstan, he immediately decided to summon him: Let him in quickly.

The messenger delivered the letter to Ibrahim. After reading through it, he roughly confirmed Kazakh Khan's current thoughts.

Neither side knew much about the other. The Kazakh Khan basically relied on various information from businessmen to understand its new neighbor in the south, while the Safavid side simply knew that there was such a force.

Therefore, the Kazakh Khan's praise for him in the main text was very general, and there were also blessings that were simply used to make up the number of words, such as eternal health, long life, etc., which made Ibrahim feel no emotion at all. However, The friendly expression was conveyed.

Despite the content of the letter, Ibrahim still felt worried. He could not help but associate what was happening now with history. The Sassanid King of Kings relied on his Turkic allies to attack and destroy Ghida, but later he fought with the Turks again. The Northeast border was not at peace due to the feud.

Hezhong and Khwarezm need to arrange more armed border guards to guard the border, and build more forts... Unknowingly, Ibrahim focused his thinking on building a new border defense system.

It took him a few minutes to come to his senses and asked the messenger: Why are you the only one? All the other members were killed?

The messenger shook his head and replied: Your Majesty, the Kazakh Khan is very interested in you and His Excellency the envoy. He should still be receiving hospitality in the Khan's tent and attack Yuezhe others with the Kazakh army.

This made Ibrahim a little confused as to why the messenger was suddenly detained by the other party.

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