The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 57 The New Khan of Uzbekistan

Without waiting for the completion of the aftermath work, Ibrahim held a combat meeting in the camp, preparing to capture Khwarezm and Tashkent before Nowruz and return to Tabriz.

According to the scout investigation, although Yueji and others suffered heavy losses under the city of Samarkand, the sultans including Khuchunchi, Suyunchi and other sultans safely escaped the pursuit. It was only a matter of time before they returned to Tashkent. But because of our army's pursuit, They were unable to collect the broken troops on the way and could only let the soldiers escape on their own. I am skeptical about how many people can return to Tashkent voluntarily. At this time, the person who was introducing the situation in the camp tent and adding his opinions at the end was the leader. Ismail during the final pursuit phase of the battle.

In this way, the next battles to capture Khwarezm and Tashkent will not be too difficult. Recruiting the defeated troops is one thing, but Shabani Khan is dead. If others want to do something, they have to choose first. It takes a new khan, and there will be infighting and secret fighting. Ibrahim then gave his opinion, which was agreed by the senior officers present.

Next, he unfolded the plan: I plan to divide the troops into two groups and take advantage of the opportunity to capture both Khwarezm and Tashkent. I plan to divide ten regiments from each to attack the two places, and the remaining troops will stay in Samarkand. What do you think about it being used to stabilize the situation in the river?

As for the specific composition of the army, it is roughly five regiments of red heads and five regiments of infantry. In order to ensure mobility, Ibrahim also plans to allocate a large number of pack animals so that the infantry can ride donkeys or mules so that they can ride with the cavalry. March quickly.

Who will command these troops has become the focus of debate. The direction of Khwarezm has been determined to be Ismail. Who will be responsible for sweeping Tashkent and the banks of the Syr Darya River is the only problem.

Ibrahim finally weighed up his options and instead of choosing Romru Khan and Talish Khan, he appointed Kehobad as the commander-in-chief. Of course, because of the relationship between Kehobad and Talish Khan, everyone present could not help but think that the Talish tribe was favored.

Yes, Your Majesty, I will definitely offer you victory. Kehobard first looked at his father in surprise, then saluted Shah and thanked him.

He next talked about the issue of Fergana. According to the news sent by the messenger a few hours ago-Babur's brother Jahangir in Andijan has been controlled by pro-Safavid forces. Tanbal said in the letter Zhong flattered Ibrahim, hoping to gain the right to rule Fergana.

However, there is not only good news coming from Andijan. Although Tanbal was able to launch a coup to control Jahangir, the power of him and his party members was not enough to cover the entire Fergana. Some loyalists and independent elements have already launched an army. March into Andijan.

Ibrahim was in a dilemma at the moment. He initially wanted to use the powerless Jahangir to replace Babur as a puppet to temporarily appease Fergana and Hezhong, but the current situation seemed to be a little wrong.

Well... I plan to send three to four regiments to Fergana to support Burke who wants to surrender to me. The local enemy forces will not be very strong. The key is to ensure the safety of Tanbal and Jahangir.

Romulukhan suggested: Your Majesty, I think four thousand cavalry is still too few. After all, we don't know the specific situation of the enemy. In case of defeat...

Mustafa, the most important thing for our army now is to restore stability in the river. Outside of Samarkand, our army also needs to declare its rule in many settlements between the Amu Darya, Zerafshan and Syr Darya rivers. If it really doesn’t work, it’s better to take the people to Huzhen City first.”

I didn't think carefully. I hope your majesty will forgive me.

The Shah took a quick look and finally selected Durmish Khan of Shamru's tribe as the commander to go to Fergana.


While the Safavid army was operating in four parts in Samarkand, the Uzbek sultans who fled back to Tashkent urgently held a Kuritai meeting to resolve the most urgent and important issue - who is the new Uzbek Khan?

The sultans closest to Shaibani Khan—Kuchunchi, Suyunchi, Obeidullah and his son Muhammad Timur—are the most qualified among the tribes to compete for the throne of Khan.

Among them, Obaidullah was the first to be excluded because his seniority and age were younger than both Hu Chunchi and Suyunchi. He was only the nephew of Shaibani Khan.

The next focus was between Muhammad Timur and Khuchunchi. Although Muhammad Timur had participated in the military operations to capture Khwarezm and Tashkent, he still lacked qualifications and prestige. On the other hand, Hu Chunchi is about the same age as Shabani Khan, and his seniority is his uncle. His age can be said to be Hu Chunchi's capital.

My father Khan has just passed away. Looking for the book www.zhaoshuyuannnm, vultures have begun to covet the throne of Khan. Little did he know that for him, this was a fatal trap. Muhammad Timur was numb with gas. After receiving the news of his father's death, he rushed from Khwarezm, fearing that someone would embezzle what he should inherit.

I know that you were very heartbroken when you learned about the death of Xian Khan, and so are we. But the most urgent threat has not been eliminated yet, and all the people in the world need a wise and brave king to lead them through it, rather than an unexperienced Khan. Get over the difficulties. Khuchunchi was almost openly disparaging Muhammad Timur.

The son of the Khan King retorted: Since you have such talent and prestige, why do you still grovel to my father Khan?

The first Khan is the first Khan, you are you, the glory cannot be inherited.

Obaidullah saw that Kuchunchi frequently used his seniority and self-perceived prestige to suppress his juniors. He had already felt a rift in his heart and directly supported him: No matter what, Muhammad Timur is the eldest son of the previous Khan. If you can take away the throne, But what are you going to do with Xian Khan’s territory, population, and army? Sultans present, how much better can our fiefdoms and population be compared to Xian Khan’s?”

Hu Chunchi was a little embarrassed. He did not expect that Muhammad Timur and Obeidullah would directly abandon the unity of various tribes and openly create divisions to threaten him. If only Shaibani Khan's headquarters was severely damaged, they could directly confront him with force. Forced, but currently there is really no good way except to give the other party a bad name.

He finally made a concession: This is for the sake of unity, and I hope the new Khan will not let down the expectations of each tribe.

Muhammad Timur, who got what he wanted, said with hostility: Since I have inherited the inheritance of my father Khan, I naturally want to complete what he failed to complete.

The Sultan present saw that the new Khan had been confirmed and stopped expressing his opinion, intending to observe his next actions in silence.

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