The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 56 Taking the opportunity to depose Babur

Your Majesty, there has been a riot in Samarkand. The heretic mob has gathered in Registan Square, and the number is still increasing. The messenger from the city gate reported to Ibrahim the situation in the city.

At this time, half a day had passed since the riot occurred, and the Safavid army had already assembled in the camp. Ibrahim immediately ordered the troops to move into various city gates, preparing to enter the town to suppress the clergy and citizens who firmly opposed the conversion.

The musketeers and breech-mounted revolving guns took the lead and entered the city first, marching along the main road towards the square in the city. Because time was tight, they did not encounter many obstacles. He Zhuo, who led the riot, was still trying to mobilize more citizens to join, but most people chose to close their doors and windows and wait for the turmoil to end.

The rioters who did not know that the Safavid army had entered the city still gathered in the square and planned to attack the castle. Because of the need to defend the city, Babur's men and horses gathered inside the city wall and were distributed in the city fortifications and castle area. The Guregani army in the city defenses was quickly controlled by the red heads who came over, and the rest were captured together with Babur. Trapped in the palace.

Because there were no barricades to hinder the advance, the infantry advanced smoothly. It was not until near Registan Square that they encountered the Sunni masses who resisted resolutely.

They are heretics, drive them out of the city!

Seeing that the Safavid army was marching along the streets towards the square, the opinion leaders who incited the people drove the people to resist. The wanton insults against Sunnis in mosques have angered these fanatical adherents, and no need for the demagogues to say more, they spontaneously want to eradicate these heretics that seriously offend their faith.

These Sunni supporters are a mixed bag, including ordinary citizens and students from religious schools who have not received any military training. They are also mixed with many speculators who want to take advantage of the chaos, such as hooligans who want to buy goods for zero dollars. , there are also private armed forces who want to gain property and other benefits, which in turn involves local forces in the city.

But in any case, they are still a rabble on the whole.

A large group of citizens holding various tools and weapons crowded into a group and rushed toward the infantry. The Safavid army had no need or idea to be soft on them. The rear-mounted swivel guns and matchlock guns were fired directly at the crowd.

Before the smoke cleared, the sword and shield bearers rushed towards the chaotic crowd. Under the powerful impact and slashing of the Safavid soldiers, the actual situation completely evolved into a one-sided killing.

The Guregani soldiers and militants who joined the riots now became the mainstay of the crowd. They used their useful protective gear and weapons to try to resist.

Unfortunately, these stragglers were unable to maintain the battle situation in the chaos, and very few of them could protect themselves, let alone kill back the Safavid army that came to suppress them.

Such bloodshed extended from the streets to the square. The suppressive forces advanced from different directions and squeezed the space of the rioters. The crowd actually collapsed, but they could not escape.

The combination of shotguns and swords effectively cleared these obstacles.

After all organized armed resistance was eliminated, lynchings against Sunnis throughout the city began. Redheads arrived in various neighborhoods to arrest Sunni mullahs who had not died in the riots. They first cut off their beards and forced them to take some prohibited items with them. They were humiliated by eating things, and then beaten and humiliated in various ways. When they got tired of playing, they were killed and hung on the minaret.

After confirming that the city was safe, Ibrahim rode his horse to the square and looked at the corpses of the rioters that were piled together. After just one glance, he was not interested in looking at them again. This time he did not order the heads of these rioters to be piled up in Beijing. .

He immediately walked into the castle with the guards, but was stopped by Hasim Burke, who was responsible for guarding the castle: I'm very sorry, it's not easy for the emir to see you now. Please give me some grace until the emir can see you. hour……

Before Burke could finish his words, Shah's friends rushed forward to try to control him. Several soldiers were immediately knocked down by the fire. He wanted to escape back to the castle, but was hit in the back by a lead bullet. Feeling an irresistible push, he fell to the ground.

The Safavid army took advantage of the situation and rushed into the palace. All resistance they encountered was easily resolved. It didn't take long for Ibrahim to see Babur who was forcibly taken out. At this time, the emir looked at Shah with nothing but anger.

Deliberately provoking riots in the city to resist my rule and blaspheme orthodox beliefs is a good move, but your strength is still too weak. Ibrahim said something that Babur didn't know what to say.

Before he could react, Babur was carried to the square. Amidst the mountains of corpses and seas of blood, his public trial began.

For those who deliberately incite riots and blaspheme orthodox beliefs, he can assure God that what happened in the past day has nothing to do with him. Find Book Garden But when he looked up, he saw that he was surrounded by Iranians. This was a clumsy frame-up party, and he could not prove his innocence in front of a group of colluded people.

Babur simply kept silent and listened quietly as the military judge read out all the charges that Ibrahim and his staff had spent the whole morning listing for him.

Later, close associates including Hasim and Ibrahim Salou were also brought for trial. Without exception, they were beaten as executioners and the commanders of this brutal suppression.

After the verdict was pronounced, these cronies who had not betrayed Babur in the most difficult time were executed one by one. Babur watched as their bodies were randomly thrown into the pile of dead people, mixed with the lowest victims.

After this public blasphemy of faith and massacre of people, his reputation and legitimacy of rule can be said to be completely over. This is what Ibrahim wants to achieve - Babur's power and politics All capital has been wiped out, and he has nothing but the blood of Timur.

Your Majesty, do you want to execute this emir? the officer on the side suggested at this time.

Zahiruddin Muhammad Babur, what else do you have to say? Ibrahim asked himself.

Babur really wanted to go to Turpan to join his uncle, and spend the rest of his life peacefully there and even in the most peaceful peach stone in the East. It was a life without wars and intrigues, and without the need to rely on alcohol and narcotics to relieve stress.

In the end, he did not say these words of begging for mercy, and planned to accept the fate of being persecuted and dying calmly.

But to his surprise, Ibrahim did not intend to execute him: You have lost everything, and I will not gain more by killing you. No matter you want to die or live, I intend to let you survive. Spend the rest of your life in Ardabil or Mecca.”

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