The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 44 Any rebel will eventually be brought to justice (Part 2)

Ismail's raids were very effective. Within a few days, many settlements belonging to the rebel tribes were basically wiped out. At the same time, he counted the number of people at the assembly area. The casualties were almost negligible, and no one had deserted.

Subsequently, the collaborators continued to send him supplies and intelligence. Among them, he believed that the most critical one was the fall of Bamiyan. The city that originally belonged to the collaborators has now become a gathering place for the rebels.

They started gathering people in Bamiyan and sent scouts to search for my traces? Ismail confirmed again and again, thinking that this was a rare opportunity, and sent a messenger to send all this information back to Abdul. , in the letter, he also asked Abdul in an almost commanding tone to cooperate with his actions.

This Safavid vanguard force set off to Bamiyan with the help of its guide. During this period, scouts from the two sides came into contact many times. Whether it was the rebels or the Safavid army, their presence and traces were no longer visible to the other party. mystery.

On the road to Bamiyan, Chief Mohammed deployed many teams to intercept and attack the Safavid army. Without the help provided by his collaborators, Ismail would probably have lost many troops due to his unfamiliarity with the terrain.

In any case, he led the vanguard to the Bamiyan Valley and saw the army of tribal people who were still gathering and preparing. This made Leader Muhammad a little panicked. He did not expect that a group of outsiders could advance into the depths of the mountains so completely.

He immediately gathered his troops and planned to rely on his numerical advantage to immediately repel the Safavid army. Ismail, who was surveying the terrain from a high place, saw the rebels preparing to fight.

Blessed by Huda, if our army launches a surprise attack now, it will definitely cause chaos in the enemy's position, and it is not impossible to defeat them directly! Ismail encouraged the officers under his command, intending to persuade them to agree to this seemingly Some crazy plans.

After all, the number of forwards advancing to the Bamiyan Valley was obviously at a huge disadvantage. During the investigation just now, everyone saw the endless crowd on the opposite side.

This, this, this isn't right. The collaborator was the first to object: Your Highness, please take a good look at the gap between the two armies. In this world, courage alone cannot accomplish anything.

After a few words of persuasion, Ismail immediately became impatient: I'm not blind. If this is a group of warriors waiting for battle, then I won't rush into it like a wild boar. If you dare to mention it again, I will Considered a serious offense.

This time he knew the details of these collaborators. When arranging the troops, he and his soldiers led the real Safavid army at the front, while these stragglers were in the back row responsible for expanding the results.

In this regard, the collaborators had no choice but to obey. Anyway, they were placed in the back row, which made it easier to escape.

Leader Muhammad, who was coordinating his troops out of the city, suddenly heard the sound of horse hoofs trampling on the ground. The sentry reported to him: Dear Khan, the enemy army you ordered to monitor earlier suddenly launched an attack on our army!

He originally thought that he could rely on his numerical superiority to scare the enemy from taking the initiative to gain time, but this plan failed. Sheikh Mohammed then hurriedly summoned the ready team of riders to intercept Safawi's refusal.

How courageous. Ismail looked at the tribal cavalry who came to stop him with contempt. He fired a round of fire first, and the arrows fell on these Pashtun and Hazara riders who lacked armor, causing many casualties.

The Safavid army did not try to defeat the enemy with Parthian tactics. The well-equipped friends of the Shah collided with these tribal riders like dump trucks, boldly relying on shields and armor to resist damage.

This attack was very effective. Most of the tribal horsemen were at a disadvantage in the fight with the Safavid cavalry because of their equipment and combat skills. They suffered many casualties in a short period of time.

At this time, Ismail was unstoppable and in an uninhabited land. Any rider who tried to fight with him could hardly survive a single move. The continuous terrorist attacks made the tribesmen frightened. They lost their will to fight and were uncontrollable. The ground rushed behind him.

It's broken. It wasn't until the first fight that Chief Muhammad realized that this team of enemy cavalry was much more elite than the red-headed ones they encountered before. Seeing that the cannon fodder riders were embarrassed, they could not stop these intruders and buy enough time.

Chief Muhammad knew that at this time he could only fight with them with his family wealth.

A group of Pashtun warriors whose number was equal to that of the Shah's friends came forward. Compared with the previous riders who could only have leather armor and fabric armor to cover their bodies, these horse-riding warriors wearing chain armor and even mirror armor for enhanced protection were different. They are easy to deal with, and their combat skills are obviously much stronger.

Therefore, the momentum of the Safavid cavalry's attack was slowed down, and the fighting situation was gradually turning into a stalemate.

Ismail, who clearly knew that time was not on his side, was in a hurry. He wanted to find a breakthrough point to defeat the enemy in front of him. He needed to find the leader of this group of warriors and kill the commander. is the fastest way.

Chief Muhammad's conspicuous appearance successfully attracted attention. Ismail first tried to kill him with a bow and arrow, but sensing the danger, he dodged and was almost seriously injured.

The two of them looked at each other and confirmed that the other person was the commander of the army. They summoned their soldiers to capture and kill the other person.

Chief Muhammad was full of confidence in this and believed that he could easily kill the young boy on the opposite side. As a result, within a few minutes, Ismail killed several soldiers with a knife in front of him.

That heretic opposite! I want to have a holy duel with you under the watchful eyes of Huda. Do you dare to accept it? Ismail, who had not yet had enough killing, shouted to Chief Muhammad, hoping that the other party would spend more time with him. A few tricks.

He was a little discouraged after seeing several soldiers being killed with just one blow, but he still managed not to show any cowardice: You still dare to ask me to challenge you to a duel? Who do you think you are!

Without waiting for Ismail's response, he jumped on his horse and rushed towards Ismail with his sword. As a result, he swung the sword away because he was too nervous. Fortunately, Ismail's counterattack was dodged because of his magical body skills. .

He pulled away and turned the horse's head. This time, the two blades collided with each other continuously. The sound of metal colliding with each other was very clear, but it was not pleasant to the ears of Chief Mohammed who was eager to attack, which aggravated his inner irritability.

The continuous ineffective attacks consumed his physical strength and made his movements sluggish. He could only resist the attacks that he could block originally. A blow to his right hand forced him to let go of the weapon he was holding.

By this time, the winner had been decided, and Ismail finally killed him as if following a procedure, and his head fell to the ground.

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