The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 43 Any rebel will eventually be brought to justice (Part 2)

In the end, Abdul failed to convince Ismail and could only allow him to go to the camp to gather troops. Upon seeing this, Piri ordered the financial officials to allocate military supplies to Ismail from the castle warehouse and asked the leaders to arrange Guide and warrior.

Until night, Mirza finally determined the troops he was going to take away, including the entire regiment of friends of the Shah, riders provided by cooperative tribes, and volunteers from other sources. The total number of this small force was close to two thousand, nearly half of the warriors. Equipped with firearms, the crew includes one man and two horses, as well as mules and camels used to carry baggage and rear-mounted swivel guns.

In the camp tent, Abdul, Ismail, the leader of the collaborators, and several captains gathered together to discuss the military operation that would begin the next day. The guide first introduced various mountain roads and marginal settlements, and suggested starting with these easier targets.

If I break into them, burn them and publicize them, can I attract a large army to come for revenge? Ismail asked the guide. He wanted to know how to accurately grasp the pain points of these rebel tribes.

What do you mean? Abdul tried to understand Ismail's thinking, and then continued to add: If the rebels can be gathered again, it will be much easier to deal with them. First, defeat their main force. , destroy their fighting power and fighting spirit, and then sweep away the locations of these tribes, so that Afghanistan can return to peace.

As soon as he said this, everyone present understood the Safavid army's combat thinking. Now their impression of Ismail was not only that he was bold and iron-clad.

Ismail looked at Abdul who had thought about the follow-up combat ideas, then glanced at the other people present, quickly confirmed the plan, and continued: The large army can set up an ambush at the designated location and wait until the enemy Once the army passes the necessary path, the warriors can immediately crush them.

He was very confident that he could lure these tribes to fight. Although there was no gain in burning these settlements, it still had a blow to the prestige of the tribal leaders. In order to continue to maintain the image in front of the tribe, cowardice was not allowed.

Moreover, the arrival of reinforcements will also give them hope of breaking the city. After all, as long as they can defeat or even eliminate the reinforcements, they can gain a large amount of loot and at the same time extinguish the fighting spirit of various cities and castles.

Others present during this period proposed other plans, including using the unethical method of first allowing the enemy to loot, and then using surprise attacks or setting up ambushes to attack the teams that had become bloated and unprepared from transporting the loot.

But this plan was immediately rejected by Ismail: I refuse to implement this plan that will be despised by the world and not tolerated by Huda.

In the end, the entire meeting finalized the combat plan under the leadership of Ismail.


On the barren hillside, a ragged shepherd was looking at the few dozen sheep. He was boredly playing with the stones in his hand, which were used to drive away wild animals at critical moments.

While he was scanning the surroundings in boredom, he noticed that the village not far away seemed to be very noisy, and the road under the hillside was dusty, making it difficult for him without extraordinary eyesight to see clearly.

It wasn't until the cry reached his ears that he realized that something was wrong, especially when the scene of smoke rolling into the sky from burning flames was reflected in his eyes. He couldn't figure out how a village as poor as his could attract bandits. Coming?

But he couldn't figure it out, so he immediately gave up the master's property, crawled and found a nearby hiding place to hide, and continued to observe the situation.

On the flat land at the foot of the mountain, dozens of people from the whole village were forcibly gathered together. The old and the weak were killed on the spot in the burned-down building. The only ones left alive now are the young and strong who still have labor force.

Just when these tribesmen thought they were about to be plundered and sold into slavery, Ismail looked at the prisoners. He did not forget the purpose of this battle. Carrying trophies would seriously affect the mobility of the army.

Ismail ordered: Put all the heads of these mountain people into a Jingguan.

The tribesmen who did not understand Azerbaijani saw the commander pointing a sharp knife at them and giving orders to the soldiers, and then the soldiers walked towards them quickly with knives.

The soldiers worked in groups and began to execute the tribesmen. The heads were cut off neatly one by one, and the sobs from fear aroused the excitement and joy of the massacres.

A small tower of human heads was quickly built. The blood still flowing and the ferocious expressions of the heads made this work of art perfect. The only thing Ismail was dissatisfied with was that the temple was too small. After all, it was a mountainous settlement. It is very barren and can support far fewer people than the plains.

This kind of scene is not only staged in this unknown mountain village. Find the bookstore www.zhaoshuyuan.comm. Ismail did not gather all the troops at hand into a group, but divided them for a more efficient Tutu. He originally He didn't even think about relying on this team of men to fight against the united tribal army.

In the following days, he continued his efforts. Not only ordinary settlements were massacred by the Safavid army, but also some hill forts that were easily attacked. The power of gunpowder allowed the Safavid army to easily destroy these simple fortifications. In the process, Ismail's men suffered almost no casualties.

News of the attacks on many settlements and castles spread to the Bamiyan Valley, which had just surrendered to the tribes who refused to obey the Safavids. After the leaders realized that they could not conquer Kabul, Kandahar and other cities, they attacked the Hindu Kush After deep plowing in the mountains, Chakcharan and Bamiyan have surrendered, and the next step is to plan to conquer Talinkode, Kajilan and other places closer to Kandahar.

With the reinforcements, the coward hiding in Kabul became bolder. Now he dares to take the initiative to crawl into the mountains and come towards Bamiyan. Muhammad, the most prestigious and high-status Pashtun leader, was unhappy when his plan was disrupted. .

At this time, he had about 20,000 tribal armed forces on hand, but many troops were being sent to other areas, including hundreds of people stationed at Chachcharan and 5,000 people preparing to march south.

The only thing he was thankful for was that no large army was sent from the direction of Kandahar to attack Chachcharan. The reinforcements sent by the Persians also bypassed the mountain road and trekked to Kabul.

This allowed him not to worry about threats from the west for the time being. Leader Muhammad planned to repeat his old tricks, relying on surprise attacks and ambush to bury these outsiders who dared to enter the Hindu Kush Mountains.

Pass my order. All soldiers who are preparing to go south will postpone their departure. All those who can handle weapons will gather in Bamiyan.

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