The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 27 Promoting a new vizier

The various viziers of Dewan were summoned to the hall to listen to the scribe reading Bayezid's letter. When peace was constantly mentioned in it, the viziers felt as relaxed as Ibrahim, especially the military viziers. As far as the Al and Fiscal Viziers are concerned.

Your Majesty, I congratulate you on your great victory.

After hearing a few beautiful words, Ibrahim waved his hand for them to pause, and then issued an order: All assembled troops, whether they have arrived or have not yet arrived, are all disbanded, and the procurement and storage of military supplies can also be restored to previous levels. . Only the funds for the standing army will continue to be paid as previously planned.

This order made the Financial Vizier smile. He no longer had to worry about raising military expenditures for the war, and more of the savings in the treasury could be used to invest in projects with a foreseeable future.

Later, the Foreign Affairs Vizier reported: Your Majesty, during the mission to Rome, the Venetian Ambassador Francesco visited me many times, hoping to meet with you to renegotiate the previous proposals, but you always instructed me to refuse. Yes. This time he claimed that he had new news and new proposals from the Senate to discuss with you. This time...

You reply to him, and I will arrange an interview within a week. He recalled some of the Venetian ambassador's previous words, and unpleasant memories came to his mind. In the end, he still wanted to hear what tricks the Venetian Senate was up to.

Mohammed, Tofmas, you two stay. After the main issues of the meeting were discussed, Ibrahim waved to indicate that others could leave.

Hey, my Fiscal Vizier, how are you doing with your real estate investigation? You haven't been delayed by preparations for war. When only the relevant people were left in the room, Ibrahim stared at the Armenian and asked with concern road.

This... The fiscal vizier felt tremendous pressure.

Since financial affairs are the most important, the status and authority of the vizier in charge of this department is second only to the grand vizier who is responsible for presiding over the daily work and meetings of the Diwan. Finance and taxation, industrial and commercial management, population and agriculture are all within his scope of responsibility. This power is too great and he needs to be responsible for too many things.

For the investigation of real estate, you should entrust your assistant Kaihoslu to take charge of it. After all, you have too many things to do, and it is normal that you can't handle it. Ibrahim said and asked the attendant to be outside the door. The actual person in charge of the waiting real estate survey, the tax collector Kai Khoslu, called in.

This person is also one of the followers of the religious sect. He once worked as a clerk to assist tax collectors in the Aries Dynasty. Because of his relevant experience and his reliable credentials, he was among the first batch of tax collectors hired by the palace.

Thomas didn't know what to say, so he could only say nonsense: It is my honor to serve your Majesty.

The tax collector, who had previously been in charge of the taxation of a province, showed his enthusiasm when he saw Ibrahim: The insignificant follower Kai Khosru salutes the omnipotent acting Imam, the successor of spiritual light, the Lord of all mankind. .”

Ibrahim turned to Kaikhoslu, who was still kneeling with his face on the ground: Because of your loyalty, talent and willingness to sacrifice for Huda, I have decided to promote you to vizier, responsible for managing the country's real estate and Water Conservancy, responsible for future real estate surveys and agricultural and water conservancy supervision. Agriculture and Water Conservancy Management Vizier, this is your official title.

Thank you for your majesty's trust. I will sacrifice everything for this. Kaihoslu's eyes shone, and this fanatical believer treated his idol in the most respectful way he could think of. Tophmas, who was watching from the sidelines, silently cursed his former subordinate who had lost his temper.

Financial Vizier, there won't be any problem with the handover of the work. Ibrahim looked at Thomas, who showed no trouble or any dissatisfaction.

No, I am fully complying with His Majesty's instructions.

Of course, in fact, these powers that are to be handed over are completely assigned by him to each of his capable subordinates. He only needs the secretary to send the documents. For these officials, it is nothing more than the promotion of the small leader in charge of them to the big boss. lead.

The Grand Vizier on the side wrote down the name and appearance of the new minister in silence, planning to go back and let the clerk take a good look at Kaikhoslu's resume.

Ibrahim waved the three of them to leave. Kamran followed the King of Kings back to the study to work. After the meeting, he still had to deal with the petitions collected every week, but he only glanced at the vast majority of the petitions. Will not get a reply.

In addition to symbolically checking the petitions collected once a week and meeting important petitioners (if there are any), in order to demonstrate the judicial impartiality of the rule, he also spends at least one day a week dealing with difficult appeals and granting permission for death sentences. signature.


It was not until dark that the female slaves and eunuchs in the harem saw Ibrahim. They took a bath under the service of the female slaves and then returned to the palace to rest. Mira, who was sitting on the bed to kill time, quickly got up when Ibrahim came back.

I heard that the envoy sent to Roma has returned. There won't be another war. Mira was a little nervous and asked Shuyuan After all, once the war started, Ibrahim would probably have to fight in person again. It will take a few months at least.

Ibrahim saw his wife's worries: The Padisha of Roma is sensible. The messenger brought me peace, and the war on the border was temporarily extinguished.

He didn't want to continue talking about serious topics before going to bed, so he changed his focus: How are Ismail and his partner today?

Nothing special, just study and play. Mira said calmly.

Well... I plan to wait until next year, or later this year, to complete the formal wedding of this couple, and then appoint him to a suitable position and arrange a magnificent mansion. Ibrahim said slowly His next thoughts about Ismail were as if he were arranging a life path for his own son.

Obviously we are brothers, but now you are like a father. Mira suddenly complained lively.

Ibrahim scratched his head and felt helpless: There is no way. Before he could remember, our common parents were gone. By the time he could remember, his eldest brother and I were also dead. Now I'm not the only one. His big family?

Speaking of which, don't you want to be a real father? Mira suddenly changed the subject, leaving Ibrahim at a loss.

Just think about it, how long has it been since we got married? How many times have I slept with you, but now I don't have any offspring. At this point, her tone was a little bitter, after all, for women in this era , it is a shame not to have offspring.

But what she said next made Ibrahim dumbfounded: Your Majesty, I beg you not to use sheep intestines in the future. You are also the king of a country, at least wait until you have a few before you use them...

He thought about it for a while, and finally the concept he held was shaken.

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