The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 26 Bayezid’s Emergency Mediation

Bayezid, who had just signed a peace treaty with the Venetian envoy, should have been happy, but why did things become like this? After conquering the west, we have to conquer the east again...

The Safavid envoy who came to see him did not offer gifts respectfully, but instead complained to Padishah in sharp words: Honorable and powerful Rom Padishah, the foreign minister has been ordered to come here to inform you of something. An unfortunate disaster...

The envoy took out a document and complained to Bayezid about Selim’s horrific crimes against the Georgians under Safavid rule, especially the razing of Batumi and Poti to the ground. Such behavior is unacceptable to the world and God.”

After hearing this harsh comment, Bayezid slandered: Ibrahim is so cute that he kills people and crowds around Beijing to watch. Why don't you say that his behavior is not tolerated by God?

He still replied kindly: I know everything your envoy said. Please wait for a moment. I will definitely give your Shah a satisfactory answer.

The envoy bowed and left: The foreign minister is extremely grateful and dare not trouble the Padishah. Your friendship with the Shah will be recorded in history forever.

After much deliberation, he summoned the Grand Vizier Eunuch Ali Pasha. Bayezid wanted to find out more about what was happening in the east while he was busy at war with Venice.

The grand vizier had no choice but to search in embarrassment, only to find that he did not know much about the current situation in the East, but he had information that could be used to change the topic.

Your Majesty, there is bad news in the east recently. The Grand Vizier spoke slowly, drawing Bayezid's attention.

Your son, Selim, the governor of Trabzon, attacked the territory of the Shah of Iran without provocation and caused considerable damage.

Seeing that the Grand Vizier was talking about this matter mysteriously, Bayezid was dissatisfied and said: I know about this matter. The Iranian envoy just came to my place to protest.

Ali Pasha quickly continued: After this, according to the report just sent, the Persians retaliated and sent troops to attack Trabzon. Prince Selim performed bravely, defeated one team, expelled another team, and captured Thousands.”

The more the Grand Vizier spoke, the gloomier Bayezid's face became. He was not at all happy or proud of his son's victory. He clenched his fists and was very dissatisfied with these: How did Selim become the governor of Trabzon? How dare he go to war with neighboring countries without authorization? Can he afford all the consequences? It is really unreasonable!

Seeing Padishah expressing his dissatisfaction with Selim to him in person, the Grand Vizier was secretly happy. After all, he supported Prince Ahmed's succession, and the more disgusted Padishah was towards other princes, the better.

Ali Pasha's thoughts were seen by Bayezid, but he always preferred the eldest son. For these ministers who supported Ahmed, he simply went along with the flow to ensure a smooth transition of power in the future.

Your Majesty, what are you going to do with Prince Selim? The Grand Vizier first asked Bayezid the question he was most concerned about.

Let him continue to stay in Trabzon, treat it as an exile. Bayezid snorted coldly, thinking that as long as the son he didn't like was placed in the farthest border area and left to fend for himself, Bayezid All possibilities for his succession can be cut off.

But he forgot how he seized the throne after the death of his father Fatih Sultan. It was clear that the body of Jam Sultan had just been brought back and buried a few years ago.

Grand Vizier, how do you think we can end the farce in the East? Bayezid in turn asked the Grand Vizier his views on this border conflict.

I believe that it is best to maintain peace. If the Shah of Persia insists on making unreasonable demands on this basis, then Kapikuru and Sipahi will be able to defend your interests.

Bayezid nodded in agreement: Yes, peace. This is the most precious gift God has given to the world. It is my obligation to share this precious gift with friendly and good neighbors.


The Safavid envoys were entertained in Kostantiniya for two full weeks. Bayezid continued to show the envoys the wealth and power of the Ottomans, and exchanged friendly opinions on the current international situation with the envoys.

In addition, in addition to contacting the high gate, the envoy also met the Venetian envoy. He was quite surprised that the Persian envoy appeared in Kostantiniya, but he had nothing serious to talk to the Safavid envoy. He just re-emphasized the relationship between the two countries. Friendly relations.

When the Venetian envoy found out the purpose of the Safavid envoy's visit, he was overjoyed and quickly wrote a report to the Senate, claiming: The relationship between the Turkish Sultan and the Persian Sultan is on the verge of breaking down...

At the same time, Padishah's orders continued to spread eastward, requiring princes, governors and beys everywhere to exercise restraint and prohibit sending troops across the border to retaliate against the Safavids.

Such an order naturally angered Selim, looking for Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan. com After reading the document, Selim sneered: Coward!

Selim directly responded with the most extreme hostility to the rampant red-headed horse bandits and the continuously growing Safavids. He believed that all the heretics who were causing trouble under the Ottoman rule should be mapped out, and a large army should be sent to conquer Great Britain. Li Shi, you must never settle down.

Bayezid's attitude made him extremely disappointed, and his current behavior made him extremely angry. He quickly wrote an open letter accusing Padisha of his weakness, hoping that the high gate could adjust the policy in time and not let the loyal and patriotic soldiers bleed again. shed tears.

But Selim's voice was like a stone's throw. Bayezid ignored him and once again ordered him to stay calm and stop causing trouble. The trouble caused this time has been exposed like this, and if it happens again, it will be severely punished.

Bayezid's order seemed to have worked. Selim no longer planned and executed the invasion of Safavid. The serious atmosphere in Trabzon gradually dissipated, and the prosperity of commerce soon returned again.

The envoy sent to Kostantiniya finally returned at the end of the summer, laden with Bayezid's goodwill, and the envoy presented Padishah's autographed letter to the King of Kings for inspection.

Bayazid bin Muhammad, the most noble Padishah of the earth, Lord of the Black Sea and the White Sea, to Ibrahim bin Haidar, King of Kings of Iran...

In the letter, Bayezid assured Ibrahim that such a thing would not happen again in the future, and once again emphasized his friendship and praised Ibrahim's martial arts and civility: You have reestablished fairness and justice in a chaotic Iran. Order and bring her back to life.”

Seeing this, Ibrahim knew that Bayezid had pulled the brakes on the war, and the confrontation between the two countries that had lasted for nearly half a year ended.

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