The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 105 Current Situation of the Indus River Basin

Peshawar's city defense force was completely dismantled. The Safavid soldiers who poured into the city broke into every building in the city with knives and arbitrarily looted property. The streets were in chaos.


A red head slammed open the door of a house, and several big men with helmets and armor broke into a house. After they entered the house, they greedily glanced at everything in the house.

Without saying a word, they stepped forward and knocked down the male host with one punch. After getting rid of the only person in the house who had the ability to resist them, they rummaged through the boxes and cabinets roughly.

It’s just that ordinary people don’t have many valuable things. It’s not until they break into the innermost room that they find the most valuable loot—people.

When the door was opened, a pair of scissors suddenly pierced the captain's chest. How could a tool usually used to cut cloth pierce the armor?

The captain, who was not affected in any way, grabbed the small hand holding the scissors with all his strength, and looked at the girl in front of him who was trying to resist with a kind expression.

Good little girl, you don't use this knife to cut cloth or hair, but use it to stab people? Ha. As the winner, the captain of ten was very confident.

Although she couldn't understand Azerbaijani, the ferocious look on the captain's face was enough to scare her, and the clang of the scissors falling was even more shocking to her. Her body could do nothing but shake uncontrollably.

Several other red heads entered the door and saw that the ten captain had caught the girl. They wisely rummaged through the boxes and cabinets and found out all the family's savings.

Bah, what a poor guy, it's just this little money. They took out the coins in the bags and boxes and counted them. There were quite a few, but most of them were copper plates and there were very few silver coins.

The captain of ten was also a little unhappy, but he just reassured his subordinates: Okay, two slaves are not enough for us to earn? When we gather later, the Sheikh will definitely give out rewards again.

After saying that, several people helped and escorted the two slaves to the main road, and then searched the house for all the valuable things that were sold.

Passing along the main road, Ibrahim ignored the soldiers who were misbehaving, and just asked the Safavid soldiers on the main road to get out of the way. He rode his horse quickly to the fortress and arrived at the location of the treasury. At the same time, bowmen were sent to control the bazaar and caravanserai, and the wealthy merchants and craftsmen were controlled.

In the treasury of Peshawar, Ibrahim did not see more wealth than in Kandahar or Kabul.

The wealth accumulated by successive Delhi sultans should be hoarded in Delhi or Agra. Unfortunately, I probably won't cross the Indus River this time. Ibrahim thought silently.

In addition to these, there are also a large number of goods obtained from the Bazaar. In addition to cash, the two most important ones are spices and gems. This was the first time he saw these luxury goods packaged in large, rough-looking bags like grain.

These belongings were skillfully packed and loaded onto carts or pack animals, and escorted by bow-wielders to the camps outside the city.

The carnival of the Safavid army lasted for a whole day. It was not until the next day that Ibrahim sent a military judge to tell the various troops to stop looting and ask them to restore order and gather in the camp outside the city.

Ibrahim stayed in Peshawar for a full two weeks. The work of counting the spoils and distributing rewards was soon over. He spent most of the next time thinking about the next march route and enjoying himself.

At this time, Kanbar completed the task of escorting Ulugh Beg and put them on a merchant ship carrying pilgrims on the coast of Sind. Then he went north to meet Ibrahim.

Travel-stained, he walked into the big tent and saluted Ibrahim: Dear Sheikh, the student has completed the tasks assigned by you without fail and has returned to you safely under the protection of Huda.

Ibrahim did not expect that Kanbar would come back suddenly, and he was very surprised. He stepped forward cordially and said, Kanbar, I am very happy that you can come back safely. After that, he asked his servants to prepare drinks and a tent for him.

After Kanbar drank the drink and rested for a while, he said again: You must have heard a lot about India during your trip here. I have read all the letters you sent back, but due to space limitations, you cannot express them all. This time, you will tell me completely.

Student, please obey. Kanbar saluted again, then approached the hung map: Sheikh, let me start by talking about the distribution of various countries.

Ibrahim nodded and motioned for him to continue.

Today, the big river adjacent to our army is called the Indus River. The area around this river is rich and populated, and is owned by several sultans. The city of Peshawar where you are now and the city of Lahore further east, all the way to the The lands towards Delhi were owned by the Sultans of the Lodi dynasty.”

Ibrahim was mentally prepared. The fragmentation of the land was the norm in Hindustan. Neither the Mauryan Dynasty, the Gupta Dynasty nor the later Mughal Empire managed to conquer the entire subcontinent.

Then Kanbal pointed to Multan: Going south will break away from the rule of the Delhi Sultan. The owner of Multan is Langa Sultan. Find Shuyuan His power is far less than that of the Delhi Sultan.

Further south along the Indus River, large cities such as Hyderabad and Sukkur that stand in modern Pakistan have not yet risen. Kanbal only mentioned that Sukkur was still just a village and Hyderabad had only one castle.

Thatta further south was ruled by the Samar dynasty, and Ulugh Beg embarked at the port under the rule of the Samar sultan.

On a large piece of flat land between Thatta and Multan, there was another political regime, the Alkhun Dynasty, but the Sultan's palace was based in Quetta, not near the Indus River and its tributaries.

There is a deep conflict between the Alkhun Dynasty and the Sama Dynasty. The two countries have been in conflict over territorial disputes. 14 years ago, the Sama Sultan lost Sibi, which is close to the mountains, and now the Alkhun Dynasty has expanded to the banks of the Indus River. side.

However, Ibrahim was more interested in the origins of the Alkhun dynasty - they were originally the governor of Kandahar appointed by Hussin Baihara, but he ignored the authority of Herat and expanded to Baluchistan on his own. De facto independence allowed Hussin Baihara to lose Kandahar.

Then there was chaos, and Kandahar changed hands again for unknown reasons. After Ibrahim took over Herat, they no longer regarded Herat as their nominal suzerain. Alkhun Sultan moved further south, with Baluchistan and Sind as the main directions of expansion, and the palace also moved to Kuwait. Da.

Because he did not want to go too far in his first invasion, Ibrahim was not very interested in provoking Langa Sultan and Samar Sultan. On the contrary, Quetta was the only point he planned to return to, and Alkhun Sultan must obey and cooperate with him. under the scepter of the King of kings.

Very good. Ibrahim made a rough plan - after setting off, the army would plunder along the Indus River, then turn west to attack Quetta, break the city and return to Kandahar to spend the winter.

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