The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 104 The Disaster of Peshawar (Part 2)

Only an hour or two later, a small group of heavily armed Safavid cavalry appeared here. They swept through the countryside around Peshawar, letting the large number of refugees who fled into the city tell the defenders that war was coming.

The sudden advent of war caught everyone off guard. The officer who stayed at the fort immediately gathered all the cavalry he could mobilize, intending to drive away the horsemen who were looting the countryside.

The Safavid cavalry who were looting everywhere turned around and ran away when they saw a large group of enemy troops approaching. The Delhi cavalry pursued them without hesitation. The two groups of men and horses were chasing each other on the rugged mountain road. In order to ensure safety, both sides had to slow down, but even so, the formation of the larger Delhi cavalry was still scattered.

It wasn't until they caught up to a relatively open area that the Delhi cavalry, which was just rushing through the chaos, stopped. for here the object of their pursuit stopped, and turned about in formation.


The sudden sound of trumpets startled the Delhi cavalry. The Safavid cavalry had already begun to charge. In the midst of lightning and flint, several Delhi cavalry had been shot off their horses.

The chaos meant that the Delhi officers could not organize their troops. On the contrary, the smaller Safavid cavalry had the upper hand in the fight. The Delhi officers had no choice but to bite the bullet and fight the enemy in front of them, thinking of killing them first. The enemy will make another plan.

But they haven't realized that this is actually a trap. Ibrahim is worried that the defenders are too strong, and the warriors who have sneaked into the city will be killed before the army arrives. He plans to lure some of the defenders out of the city to fight.

Soon, on their way here, the troops who had already been ambushing on the nearby hillside quickly descended the mountain, blocking the return path of the Delhi cavalry, and formed a flanking situation for the Delhi cavalry with the fighting friendly forces.

With hills on both sides, the Delhi cavalry was trapped in a dead end.

After a while, the heads of the Delhi cavalry officers were displayed in front of Ibrahim. He asked: Is this the end?

Yes, Your Majesty, the lure and ambush went very smoothly. Our army killed and captured many enemy troops in the valley, a total of 1,234 people. replied the officer who came to report.

Ibrahim waved his hand and motioned to the guards to take down the heads. He didn't know whether this number was too much or too little for the Peshawar defenders. It was just that the time had come to attack the city. After the battle started, he would naturally know the opponent's strength.

During this period, the Safavid army collected a lot of fire starters and stored them in a place outside the city. They first lit a pile of dry firewood, and then poured a whole can of kerosene in order to intensify the fire.

But the smoke was not eye-catching enough. In order to burn out the thick smoke, the engineers spread a layer of damp firewood on the burning fire.

After the smoke burned for a while, Ibrahim ordered the entire army to march towards Peshawar to avoid delaying the fighter plane.

The billowing smoke outside the city naturally aroused alarm in the city, but not much. When the sentry reported it to the emir, he just cursed: Those losers, why haven't they driven away those gangsters for so long!

Then he started to plan to send more troops out of the city, but something suddenly occurred to him and he ordered: First send scouts out of the city to check what happened to the troops sent out earlier. Why did they not complete the task and not report back to the city? Also? , who are the attackers? Who ordered them? Let me investigate these clearly.

The scout flew out with a lot of tasks, but he returned quickly like lightning: Dear Emir, there was a riot in the city. A group of thugs are attacking the city gate, and the road out of the city is blocked. I escaped from my humble position only with the blessing of Allah.”

Emil immediately thought of the strangeness. These emergencies all happened on the same day, so they could only be caused by the same people. These unidentified invaders plundered the countryside to raise food and grass, and the riots in the city were also because they sent agents to the city in advance to capture the city in a coordinated manner.

What's terrible is that the Governor is not in Peshawar at this time. He is on his way to Delhi to meet with the Sultan of Delhi. At the same time, the Sultan of Delhi is busy with the eastward expedition to Bihar and has mobilized a large number of troops from the region.

These invaders and ignorant mobs... He held the handle of the knife tightly and gave orders to the herald on the side: Gather all the troops in the city and listen to my orders!

The first batch of Delhi troops set off soon. At this time, the Safavid army had killed all the city gate guards and controlled the city gate. The city gate was wide open, and archers were deployed on the towers on both sides, firing arrows into the city.

Faced with the sudden attack of arrows, the Delhi soldiers were caught off guard. They only had some quick reflexes to block the blow with their shields and escaped unscathed. Seeing that the enemy's formation had been shot into chaos, the Safavid army did not move forward to attack. Their task was only to persist until the main force arrived. To bother to defeat all invading enemies would add unnecessary trouble.

Even so, a few dedicated Delhi soldiers were lucky enough to rush to the city gate and look for Shuyuan www.zha They tried to break through this line of defense, but it was difficult for ordinary humans to deal with groups of multiple enemies.

The few stragglers who tried to engage in close combat with the red head were quickly chopped down with swords. They waited in place. These repelled Delhi soldiers were just a small group of advance troops, and the larger ones were still behind.

Their guess was good. The guards from the castle rushed to the battlefield immediately, led by a group of cavalry. The city gate is connected to the city's main road, which is wide and flat, and the red heads have no time to set up obstacles to hinder the cavalry.

The archers on the city walls and towers tried their best but failed to stop the charge of the Delhi cavalry. Their impact instantly shattered the formation of the red heads.

Seeing that the battlefield situation was gradually turning towards our own side, the Delhi infantry following behind also swarmed forward, intending to completely eliminate the small group of enemy troops in front of them and recapture the city gate.

Unfortunately, just when the fight was getting intense, Ibrahim arrived. The people who appeared in front of him at this time were all Delhi soldiers. The Safavid army suffered heavy losses and were squeezed under the tower.

Take out the little hornet! Ibrahim shouted loudly to the firearms troops behind him.

Two camels carrying breech-mounted revolving guns were led to the door. The gunners quickly completed the loading and ignition of the Little Hornet. The shotguns ejected by the two breech-mounted revolving cannons cleared many blocks blocked in the city. Delhi soldiers at the door.

The shelling was followed by shooting. Two rounds of shooting had already thrown the Delhi army into chaos.

Under the low sound of trumpets, the camel cannon and musketeers quickly withdrew from the bridge to make way for the cavalry. They held their lances high and brandished their sabers, killing everyone in sight.

The emir had been killed in the shelling, and no one could organize the army to continue to resist the Safavid army's attack.

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