The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 83 War Preparations

At this time, Babur was while Khuzel and Ulati were running for their future, while thousands of miles away in Tabriz, Ibrahim was passing the time in the courtyard of the palace.

About three weeks after Ali Muhammad's defeat by Shaybani Khan, news finally reached the Safavid court. As early as the conquest of Herat, Ibrahim had set his sights on the rivers and India. To this end, he allocated a large amount of funds to Turgut and asked him to use trade routes to spread the espionage network to the river and Delhi.

After the spy disguised as a business traveler returned to Herat, his report was sent to Tabriz with the highest priority through the post system.

Turgut, who received the document, did not dare to neglect and immediately came to the palace to request an audience with Ibrahim. Then he was led by the guards to a pavilion in the courtyard, which was covered with carpets and on which were placed some plates with some desserts left, as well as wine glasses and silver jugs filled with drinks.

But Ibrahim was not here. The guard asked him to wait for a while and then went elsewhere to report to the King of Kings.

Ibrahim, who was walking in the garden in a daze, was suddenly stopped by the guards. When he came to his senses, he only heard the spymaster coming to see him. I walked quickly back to the pavilion and saw Turgut waiting outside the pavilion.

Ibrahim sat back in the pavilion, took half a glass of wine from the slave girl, and after he bowed, he asked: Why do you come to see me this time?

Your Majesty, this is new news from the river. Turgut handed over the document. This is the news that the spies found in Samarkand. It is all about the changes in the situation in the river area.

Ibrahim then browsed the content. It talks about all the major events from the time when Song Huoer was captured to the time when Shabani Khan went south.

The Transoxiana area at the center of the storm was the most chaotic. After the siege of Samarkand, this area changed hands three times in less than a year. The main current situation is the fight between Ali Muhammad and Shaibani Khan.

The spy who wrote the report believed that Shaybani was in a must-win situation. He destroyed Ali Muhammad's main force in the field. Although the Uzbeks lacked the ability to siege the city, they could only besiege but not attack Samarkand. With the arrival of other Uzbek leaders, Shaibani's troops quickly expanded from thousands to thirty to forty thousand. After leaving the siege troops behind, he attacked everywhere, controlling the villages and castles around Samarkand, and divided his forces to attack Bukhara. .

But Ali Muhammad had no choice. He could not find any reinforcements that could defeat the Uzbeks. He could only watch Samarkand become an isolated island. It was only a matter of time before Shabani Khan laid siege to the city.

When talking about Samarkand, the report also mentioned Chagatai Khan Mahmud and Fergana Emir Babur, but the spies believed that they were unable to affect the current situation in the river, so they just mentioned them briefly.

When Ibrahim saw this, he shook his head, asked the guard to bring a pen, and then drew a horizontal line under Babur with red ink.

When the document was returned to Turgut, Ibrahim ordered: Did you see the Babur I drew the red line on? Go back and ask the spies to pay more attention to him.

Turgut didn't ask why, and just responded: Yes, Your Majesty, I will give you all the information about him.

Ibrahim stood up, walked down the pavilion, and told the guards: Go and summon all the viziers and go to the hall. Then he said to Turgut: You come too.


As soon as the waiters made arrangements, the viziers entered the hall.

Ibrahim, who was studying the map, turned around and everyone bowed to him. He pressed down with his right hand and motioned for everyone to sit down. Then he got to the point: Viziers and Emirs, I am calling you here because there is an emergency.

After hearing Ibrahim mentioning the emergency, the faces of the viziers suddenly became solemn, and Hussein even took the initiative to ask: Your Majesty, where are the troops rebelling? Or is there someone who wants to invade your territory?

Ibrahim waved his hand: No, no one took the initiative to challenge me, but... He picked up the whip and pointed at Samarkand marked on the map: The opportunity has come. Turgut, pass the document To the viziers.”

One by one, the viziers looked at the information sent back by the spies, and Ibrahim observed their expressions until the last one finished reading and the document was returned to Turgut.

Muhammad Shaibani's attack disrupted the order in the river. These barbaric Uzbek heretics have become the focus of the entire Turan, and everyone's attention is on them. For a long time to come, the Uzbeks They will all become the public enemies of the tribes of Qiliganni. Ibrahim used his whip to mark on the map, looking for Shuyuan and finally, after speaking, he knocked twice on Turkestan.

Hussein immediately asked: Your Majesty, do you mean to send troops to help... Shaibani or the descendants of Timur?

My idea is... Ibrahim pointed at Kabul, Take advantage of this opportunity to capture Kabul first, and then go north. Let Shaibani and the descendants of Timur fight first, they are absolutely unable to interfere. My actions.”

With a general understanding of the direction of history, he knew that Shaibani would unstoppably conquer the Transoxiana region, and then move further south to invade Khorasan, posing a great threat to Safavid's northeastern border.

Your Majesty, why don't you go north to intervene in the fight between Uzbekistan and Guregani first, and then deal with the fringe forces that are unable to affect the situation after the overall situation has been decided? The situation changes in an instant. If it is because of Kabul's delay, it will be missed. It would be a pity to intervene in the river at the best time. The Grand Vizier, who had never had any opinions on military affairs, suddenly asked Ibrahim.

Ibrahim explained: I got the inspiration from Huda. Although the Uzbeks are already an unstoppable opponent for Qulegani, this does not mean that Shaibani can crush an ant. Tread down Turan.

The Uzbeks are at a disadvantage in terms of numbers. They now have to besiege big cities such as Samarkand and Bukhara, and also allocate their forces to ensure control of local areas. It just so happens that their siege capabilities are very weak, even if they defend the city The army is in a deadlock, but it can hold out for several months. At this rate, how long will it take him to capture Samarkand? How long will it take him to prepare Khwarazm and Hisar?

After speaking, he glanced at the viziers and saw that everyone seemed to be convinced by him, so he ordered: Now, let's discuss the matter of raising military supplies and deploying troops...

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