The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 82 The homeless cute tiger (Part 2)

Without further ado, Babur's small army was quickly prepared. Three hundred horsemen, covered with stars and moons, were on their way day and night. But just as everyone was camping and resting, the scouts sent out brought back bad news.

Hasim, who was in charge of the alert, was the first to learn the news, and then he yelled: A bunch of cowards who don't keep their word! Then he quickly walked to the main tent and asked to see Babur who was resting.

Hasimu, what happened to make you come to see me so anxiously? Sitting cross-legged on the blanket, wearing only single clothes, he still felt a little dazed.

Your Majesty, the five thousand cavalry promised by your uncle Khan have retreated. They did not show up at the agreed gathering place, and only left a messenger notification. Hasim suppressed his anger and reported to Babur.

Babur couldn't believe it: What? Did I eat too much sesame seeds?

Hasimu broke his illusion: Your Majesty, this is not an hallucination caused by eating sesame seeds. This is something that actually happened.

Babur lowered his head and was stunned for a while, then suddenly raised his head: Why?

It is said that the leader of the Uzbeks, Shaybani, led thousands of horsemen to appear near the city of Samarkand. As soon as these Mughal losers heard that Shaybani had arrived first, they simply went back home.

Hearing this, Babur didn't know what to say. Grief and helplessness surged into his heart. If Hasim hadn't been there, he might have cried.

He quickly regained his composure and summoned all the accompanying officials.

Everyone, we can't get to Samarkand. Uzbek Khan Shaibani has already arrived first. Even if my uncle Khan and I join forces, it will be difficult to compete.

Everyone was silent for a long time before someone asked: Your Majesty, are we going back to Huzhen?

It seems that this is the only way. Babur was very unwilling. He knew that he could not capture Samarkand no matter what, so he focused on the areas around Huzhen.

Now Ali Muhammad was entangled with Shaibani and could not spare any troops to deal with him. It seemed that Tanbal would not take the initiative to attack Fergana. Just a few days after Babur withdrew from Fergana, the rebels sent his grandmother and mother intact to Khuzel. It seems that Come, it seems that no strong enemy can stop him.

But at this time, he only had 300 cavalry under his command. It was not easy to control Hu Zel, let alone attack the surrounding castles.

So he planned to continue to turn to Mahem Khan for help: Hasim Bek, you take the troops back first and let the soldiers have a good rest. Ibrahim Salubok, you pick a team of ten and I’ll go to Tashkent together.”

Yes, Your Majesty.


Babur took the eleven cavalry that guarded him and ran all the way north. After a lot of troubles, he finally arrived in Tashkent and met his uncle inside the castle.

My virtuous nephew, did you come all the way from Khuzel to Tashkent to blame me for the first two things?

Mahem Khan entertained Babur warmly, and his attendants brought him delicacies and fruits that he could not afford to eat in Huzhen.

Looking at his uncle with a smile on his face, Babur also knew that he was here to ask for help, or to put it more harshly - to beg for food. He had no choice but to be very generous: It's not your responsibility that uncle Khan failed to help me a few times before. Allah's arrangements are difficult for mortals to resist. We can only accept the fate He has given us. Therefore, I am still I will be grateful for your kindness from now on until the day of resurrection.”

Don't be so outspoken. After all, your mother is my sister. After all, she is also the grandson of my father. It can be said that it is my responsibility to take care of my nephew. If you need any help, just tell your uncle.

Seeing Mahem Khan's sincere expression, Babur chose to accept this rhetoric.

Then he said: Dear uncle, you are also aware of your nephew's current difficulties. Now I have only three hundred warriors under my command, and the area I occupy is only one city. All the properties my father left to me have been lost...

Babur's constant crying seemed to move Mahemu Khan, but when it came time to actually dig into his pocket, he hesitated again. After all, nice words that can comfort people are worthless, but sending out troops costs real money, and what they are going to fight is someone else's country.

After thinking for a long time, Mahmud Khan finally agreed to lend troops to Babur. There were nearly 900 and nearly 1,000 people, which was more than three times the number of Babur's direct descendants.

Seeing that his family offensive was working, Babur was overjoyed. He thanked Mahmud Khan on the spot and said: My dear uncle Khan! May God bless you forever! A monarch with good qualities and habits like you is an important asset to Tashkent and even the entire country. Chagatai Uluth’s blessing.”

When Babur appeared in Khuzel with Jaghatai Burke and a thousand Mughal cavalry, he felt hopeful again with the compliments and encouragement from Burke and other officials. In his diary before, he also used a The fool who has walked out of this shore but cannot reach the other shore laughs at himself for losing Fergana and Samarkand.

Now, he feels a strong motivation to push himself into a great cause.


On the grass outside the city of Samarkand, Ali Muhammad was arranging troops. These troops were originally assembled to deal with the tenacious and annoying cousin Babur. Look for Shuyuan, but the scout suddenly reported that Uzbekistan When the enemy invaded, he had to change the direction of his march.

At this time, Ali's army had dug trenches and erected fences. He expected that Shaibani's sudden invasion would be insufficient for supplies, and his army was camped in the wild. If this threat was not resolved, it would be difficult to disperse the army to search for supplies. The Uzbeks will inevitably take the initiative to attack.

Although he did not dare to compare himself to his ancestor Timur, the victory in previous military adventures made him confident, and now he had a numerical advantage. How could a numerically superior force deployed on the defensive in field fortifications possibly fail?

But the next development of the war exceeded his expectations.

The Uzbek cavalry on the left and right wings ignored the frontal fortifications and quickly circled to the flank of Ali's army. The Guleghani cavalry who went to intercept were all defeated. Ali was shocked and quickly mobilized the infantry on both wings to turn around.

Then something very incredible happened on the battlefield - the infantry under Ali's command had never changed and turned in formation on such a scale. With this movement, the entire formation fell apart.

Hahahaha! Shaibani laughed when he saw the enemy in front of him stretching his hips, and then drew out his saber: Tell the warriors to charge!

The Uzbeks' horse hooves immediately broke into the chaotic crowd, and countless unlucky ones were trampled to death. The sabers even harvested the lives and courage of countless people, and the two wings of troops collapsed.

At this time, something even worse happened. Some of the Mughal riders deployed in the Chinese army saw that their own side was defeated. They planned to run away directly. They slashed their knives at the friendly troops, then snatched the horses and left the battlefield.

But while all the tragedies were unfolding, Ali Muhammad had already fled back to Samarkand.

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