The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 78 Academic Funding (Part 2)

What Ibrahim wanted was not just to fund scholars' creations, but he planned to take this opportunity to transform the Safavid education system.

Prior to this, in order to cultivate enough clergy, he recruited a group of Shiite scholars from Lebanon and Arab Iraq to open religious schools across Iran. However, it is very confusing because of the differences in teaching staff and the different economic levels in different places.

To this end, in addition to summoning neglected secular scholars, he also summoned Sadr. This position of assisting the King of Kings in managing religious affairs can be described as a high-power position, because many matters such as justice and education are handled by clergy.

While waiting, Ibrahim gradually conceived the educational system of the religious school. It happened that he had learned about the educational undertakings recorded and envisioned by Ibn Sina in his writings.

Since the Prophet founded the Tianfang religion, religious education has flourished along with the expansion of the religion. In the golden age of Tianfangism in which Ibn Sina lived, religious schools not only offered religious courses, but also taught different rational sciences - astronomy, mathematics, astrology, geography, alchemy, philosophy - depending on factors such as teachers. wait. And a division between basic education and higher education has been developed.

However, no matter how brilliant the development achievements of his predecessors were, Ibrahim could not inherit these legacies. Even excluding the previous wars in Safavid, the red-headed warriors’ actions of expelling and killing all Sunni clerics were enough to completely destroy the education industry.

Your Majesty, Sadr is already at the door, ready to see you.

The attendant's announcement interrupted his thoughts, and Ibrahim paused before speaking: Let him in.

Sadr walked into the study full of doubts. After all, there were too many religious matters, and he didn't know what kind of work Ibrahim would arrange for him.

Your Majesty, what do you need me to do for you? Sadr bowed and said.

It's a matter of religious schools. You also know that I want to implement examinations in all walks of life. It just so happens that the first batch of students have been recruited just now. I want to implement it as soon as possible, but there is a problem.

As soon as Ibrahim said there was a problem, Sadr's expression changed: I am stupid, please make it clear, Your Majesty.

He looked at Sadr helplessly: This is not your problem.

Students in madrassas study a variety of subjects including scripture, teachings, literature, metaphysics, Arabic, Al-Qaeda ethics and a practical skill. But the problem is that the textbooks in each school are unified only for the classics, and other aspects are completely dependent on the teachers' discretion.

After learning this, Sadr said with relief: Your Majesty, you don't have to worry so much. You just need to order what to take the test and they will learn it themselves, right?

Ibrahim shook his head: No, I want you to convene scholars from all walks of life to organize and compile unified teaching books. All teachers should teach students according to the issued books and syllabus.

Sadr looked at Ibrahim in disbelief. Even if there was no universal compulsory education, providing books for religious schools was still a huge expense. Can the book workshops under Safavid rule meet these needs?

However, the order of the religious order prevented him from questioning. Questioning the Sheikh was tantamount to blasphemy and could be punished by death. Although Ibrahim has never thoughtlessly used this crime to kill anyone.

Ibrahim already knew that craftsmen had successfully copied Gutenberg's printing press. As long as sufficient paper and ink could be supplied, the constantly running printing press could output a large number of scriptures and other religious texts using new editions of annotations to interpret scriptures.

After saying that, Ibrahim, who was sure that Sadr understood the order, looked through the books again. He didn't know whether he could directly transplant modern education methods, so he had to learn from the materials left by past scholars and the colleges currently in operation. Learn from experience.

All he could do was make small changes to the old thing.

After waiting for a while, the attendant responsible for summoning the scholars returned. The scholars who came looked at each other, and they did not know what Ibrahim wanted to do to them.

Everybody sit down, there's no need to stand.

The scholars were stunned for a moment, and then sat down.

Before the scholar could ask questions, Ibrahim spoke: I have called you here to inquire about your wishes. I want to establish a new academy in Isfahan, not only for the study of scriptures and teachings, but also for the study of scriptures and teachings. There is also science, which is what you know as astronomy, mathematics, medicine, etc.

I can give you enough freedom to retain your own beliefs, whether heretical or heretical. Of course, you will not be the only group of scholars.

Ibrahim was not worried about the inner thoughts of these scholars. They were neither bureaucrats nor military officers. Even if they were determined to reject him, they would not suffer much loss.

At this point, the leading scholar has heard that they are just a vase, and Ibrahim doesn't care whether they can exert actual value.

According to Ibrahim's vision, the New Wisdom Palace located in Isfahan is composed of multiple parts, with the academy and library as the main body, and some ancillary buildings, including Book workshops, observatories, translation bureaus, etc.

In terms of organizational management, you can refer to the seminary and other academic institutions in Qom and make changes after practice.

After finalizing matters related to religious schools, Sadr and the scholars left the study, but Ibrahim's work did not stop, and next he met with the Grand Emir.

Hussein can be said to be the vassal he summoned most frequently. As Ibrahim's former guardian and teacher, this allowed him to exert influence in areas far beyond military affairs. He also often gave Ibrahim advice on political and religious affairs. Rushing has many suggestions.

Ibrahim planned to take advantage of the academic funding plan to establish a specialized military school. On the one hand, it could stably supply military talents to the palace, and on the other hand, it could also be used to control the nobles.

At the same time, in order to carry out military education, Ibrahim also planned to let Hussein take the lead in compiling military drill codes.

Since the Crusades, military science in Tianfang World has developed rapidly. The military pressure from the Crusaders and Mongolia has led to the emergence of a large number of military works in Tianfang World, which cover all aspects of military affairs and are very detailed.

Regarding Ibrahim's idea, Hussein expressed his understanding and support. Allowing noble children to receive formal military education would also help stabilize the lower limit of noble officers. The practice of denying nobility status by refusing to accept military education can effectively prevent degeneration and corruption.

However, establishing a naval school was very difficult for Hussein. After all, there are a lot of military books on the market describing land warfare, but there are almost none about naval warfare.

about this difficulty. Both of them had no choice but to leave this task entirely to Ahsan, who was still stranded in Tabriz.

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