The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 77 Funding Academic Affairs (Part 1)

Salute to you, Your Majesty. The financial vizier and the palace steward saluted Ibrahim in the study. After the naval commander retired, he immediately summoned them to understand the current financial situation.

Ibrahim glanced at the two of them: I summoned you here to find out how much money there is in the treasury and internal funds. I think the attendant who went to inform you should have explained it to you.

Of course, Your Majesty. As moneybags, they knew that the King of Kings would most likely call them to discuss financial issues. When they learned that they were going to meet Ibrahim, they prepared the documents.

Thanks to Ibrahim's policy of suspending expansion and the recovery and development of economies in various places, the estimated fiscal balance in 1498 is much larger than last year, even after deducting the increased expenditure.

After reading the document, Ibrahim also had a full understanding of his current financial situation. Then you have to plan how to spend the money.

The first is to fulfill the promise made to Ehsan and ask the financial vizier to increase the allocation for the navy. Not all of this money will be at Ehsan's own disposal. A large part of it will be used to expand the logging industry in the Zagros Mountains. , construction of new slipways and naval equipment workshops for the navy, etc.

The largest project is the construction of a new port. The location of this port is not far from Hormuz. It is called Bandar Abbas on modern maps. Before the name was changed, it was called Gombrun. . The port has a rich history, dating back to the Achaemenids, but has never been an important transportation hub.

After taking control of Qeshm Island and Hormuz Island, Ibrahim decided to stop investing in Kuwait Port and planned to transfer the resources originally used for Kuwait Port to Gomburen Port, where the new navy will be Headquarters, and the port of Kuwait will not be completely abandoned and will remain as a future squadron anchorage.

After finishing the arrangements for the navy, Ibrahim no longer made things difficult for the financial vizier. After all, it was not the finance who relied on political power to monopolize the luxury goods trade, lead the mining, financial and salt industries to make huge profits and run the royal industry. Department, but the Imperial Property Department headed by the eunuch.

Vache, the Ministry of Finance's appropriation for the Navy must also come from internal funds. Whatever is missing will be made up.

Tofmas felt a little relieved after hearing what Ibrahim said, but he can't expect to let the internal money go out. Will Waqie, who discovers something wrong, complain to the King of Kings? Not to mention, the ledger And data Ibrahim has already seen.

Then Ibrahim discovered something was wrong from Vache's report: How come there is such a large amount of expenditure? The renovation of public baths and caravanserais in Tabriz and the donation to religious schools...

Waqie frowned when he saw his master, and quickly explained in an extremely humble manner: Your Majesty, Khanum ordered the slaves to use their internal funds to fund charity...

Ibrahim's expression quickly softened. He couldn't blame Waqie or Mira for misappropriating property. As early as in the tent at the Royal Hunting Ground, he had talked about charity and other topics when chatting with his wife, and Waqie also Be present.

For high-ranking officials, funding public utilities is considered a moral obligation and can also establish a good image in society. As the wife of the King of kings, she is not exempt from the commonality.

They used their political power to exploit society and then used part of their wealth to repair public facilities such as mosques, bathhouses, and caravanserais and to provide relief to the poorest of the poor. In a sense, this can be regarded as easing social conflicts.

Ibrahim himself was not interested in philanthropy, but out of utilitarianism, he still supported Mira's philanthropic undertakings in her own name and the name of the royal family.

After returning to Tabriz, Mira learned about society's needs for public services through the servants around her. After learning that the queen planned to invest in charity, the clergy were very enthusiastic, and she easily learned about the donation needs and the extent of other nobles' contributions to charity.

She also understood Ibrahim’s needs. For this reason, most of the donations were used to fund educational undertakings sponsored by various mosques. In other areas, she only randomly selected a few symbolic funds for funding.

At the same time, out of her personal interests, she planned to expand the royal book workshop and library on her own initiative, and recruit a group of famous literati and miniaturists to serve the court.

After understanding these in detail, go to Shuyuan Ibrahim first lamented in his heart that he was a noble man who forgot things, and then he came up with some ideas.

When Ibrahim invaded Herat, among the leading figures he met there were many literati and scholars, most of whom had received funding from the Emir of Guregani. Since Shaharul, all Timurid descendants have sponsored cultural undertakings, promoting the so-called Timurid Renaissance, and Samarkand has become a major cultural center.

Then he packed up many local scholars and brought them back to Tabriz. These astronomers, mathematicians, miniaturists, and some skilled jewelry craftsmen and carpet weavers who once served the court of Guregani are now in Tabriz. Tabriz contributed its talents to the Safavids.

It's just that Ibrahim didn't pay too much attention to them. His attention has always been attracted by the army and the government.

How will the scholars who were brought back be placed? Let them nominate a few representatives. I will meet with them later. Ibrahim immediately asked Wache and ordered.

My slave, you obey. After receiving the order, Waqie immediately walked out of the study and made arrangements to invite scholars to the palace.

Then Thomas, who was standing aside, saw that there was no business for him next, and asked Ibrahim: Your Majesty, please go and complete the affairs assigned by your Majesty.

Yes. After saying that, Kamran, who was responsible for drafting documents on the side, handed the orders regarding various allocations to Ibrahim for signature, and then handed them over to the financial vizier.

After the financial vizier retired, Kamran looked at Ibrahim, who was planning to summon the scholar. He was usually responsible for recording history in addition to handling paperwork, hoping to ask for some help in the next meeting.

At this time, while waiting for the relevant personnel to arrive, Ibrahim was thinking about how to build a school as grand as the Wisdom Palace.

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