The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 61 Banquet, Military Parade and Hunting (Part 1)

Your Highness, it's getting dark, it's time to go back.

Ismail frowned impatiently and shot an arrow at the black shadow leaping in the bushes in the distance. The entourage on the side ran to the bushes to confirm the victory, and soon returned carrying a dying rabbit.

He looked at the rabbit that was still bleeding, told the servants to handle it as usual, and then said to the centurion who had been waiting for a long time: You can now carry out the emperor's order.

As soon as he finished speaking, the centurion took out his horn to convey the order to assemble to his troops. The hundred riders who had been scattered for a few minutes to rest gathered together. They surrounded Ismail in the center, preparing to capture the noble prince. Return to the main account.

At this time, the saddlebags of his mount were already loaded with about ten prey that had been drained of blood, including small animals such as foxes, hares, and marmots.

Since receiving formal education, Ismail's talent has quickly been revealed. Among his peers, no one can match his wrestling, fencing, equestrian and archery skills.

There is also an extremely exaggerated legend in the original timeline - if a sheep is buried in the ground and only its horns are exposed, Ismail can hold the horns with both hands to pull out the entire sheep and hold it high while riding a horse.

However, the age limit is insurmountable. No matter how outstanding Ismail's archery skills are, an eleven-year-old child cannot draw a bow that can shoot down ferocious beasts. When encountering ferocious beasts, the old hunters and red heads help, and he is only responsible for the final touch-up.

In addition to his talent, what also promoted his learning was his curiosity about the world. Because of the battles between the Safavid Order and other forces, most of his memories were in the prison of the Aries Dynasty, where Ye Gubai and Rostam does not care about the education of prisoners.

In short, according to the current study plan, when he is fifteen or sixteen years old, he can be transferred to the army, first serving as an adjutant next to Ibrahim, and then leading the army with him under the guidance of a senior officer.

After a while, the team arrived at the camp, and the bow holders all dispersed. After taking the horses back to the stables, they returned to their tents. And he went to the big tent to attend the banquet under the guidance of his attendants.

Everyone, I am very pleased that you can come to the hunting ground on time to participate in the hunt.

When Ismail returned to the big tent, all the invited dignitaries had gathered here, and Ibrahim was hosting the dinner.

“From tonight until the end of Nowruz, this is our paradise!”

Long live your Majesty!

Amid the cheers of the ministers, Ismail trudged through the crowd and reached the empty seat next to the main seat. At this time, Ibrahim was still talking to the Khan kings. Mira, who was free, gently pulled Ismail, who had just arrived, to her side and helped him tidy up his appearance.

After blowing the rainbow fart, the attendant standing aside went through the process and read out the next schedule, but both Ibrahim and the Khans below simply started to enjoy the fruits, desserts and drinks placed on the plate.

Ibrahim, who discovered that his brother had returned, pushed a large plate of desserts over and said, Ismail, you must have had a lot of fun today. The world outside the castle is much more interesting.

Ismail consciously picked up the dessert and ate it, nodding along the way.

Ibrahim somehow reached out his hand and touched Ismail's head, and he was very obedient. I just accidentally messed up the headscarf that Mira had just arranged.

Mira glanced at Ibrahim helplessly, and then had to start sorting it out again.

This nothing special dinner lasted until midnight and ended at midnight. Ibrahim did not arrange any additional entertainment for the first night of banquet. Everyone returned to their tents early to rest.



The low and long horn sounded on time, announcing to the camp that the sun had risen. Like a conditioned reflex, the riders scattered in various tents put on their clothes and armor, gathered according to their belongings, prayed and received the distributed breakfast.

After simply eating naan bread, chickpeas and dairy products, they went to the stables to ride their horses in an orderly manner, and followed their superiors to the designated location to participate in the military parade.

This is the easiest job for them in the next nearly half a month. When their masters disperse to hunt in the forest, they will have to bear the most arduous, boring and dangerous part of the entire hunting activity.

They do everything from finding and following animal tracks to driving designated prey in a designated direction, and the nobles just need to enjoy the process of killing.

In a large open space near the big tent, each person's soldiers and flag officers gathered at the designated location early. Seeing the various flags flying in the air, the riders knew where to gather.

Because there was no advance arrangement or rehearsal, the riders only knew that there was going to be a small military parade before falling asleep last night. Looking for Shuyuan www. There is some confusion now. Fortunately, because this time Ibrahim and the Khans were only out hunting instead of going on an expedition, the guards brought out by everyone were much smaller.

Ibrahim did not bring all the bow-bearers. He only brought five centurions of the Janissaries, and in order to facilitate hunting, they only wore chain mail, arm armor, helmets and breastplates.

The guards led by other Khan kings could not exceed half of Ibrahim's at most, but even so, the number of troops present easily exceeded two thousand.

Fortunately, these soldiers were well-trained, and it only took less than half an hour for officers at all levels to form the team. The herald will deliver the prepared message to the nobles.

After a while, luxuriously dressed riders appeared in front of them, led by Ibrahim and his guards. Behind the slowly advancing riders was a group of walking military bands who marched and played.

Before the hunt, he also customized a set of ceremonial armor. The half helmet, arm armor and four-sided mirror armor set on the chain mail were all decorated with gilt craftsmanship and painted with beautiful patterns and scriptures.

The sunlight reflected by a layer of gold plated on the stainless steel is tainted with an aura of wealth.

Following Ibrahim were the Khans and their soldiers, but their appearance was not as luxurious as the King of Kings. Most of them were dressed in wartime clothes, and there was no military band behind him to play music for him.

Everyone just walked around in front of the riders, and then went to the predetermined height. The camp servants had prepared everything needed for the nobles to watch, including canopies for sun protection.

Ibrahim jumped off his mount, and the guards came forward to take him aside to feed and take care of him. He walked straight to his canopy and overlooked everything, preparing to give orders after everyone was in place.

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