The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 60 Trivia on the Hunting Ground

It was early spring, and a large group of people were marching in a wilderness. Under the guidance of the guide, they were slowly walking towards the camp in the distance. The owners of this team are the tribal Khans. Each of them brings a three-digit number of guards and servants, and their luggage and luxuries have to be pulled by carts.

This is the hunting ground of the King of Kings? Is this where the camp is set up?

At this time, the distinguished guests walking at the front of the team had already approached Ibrahim's temporary camp. Just like in a march, the King of Kings' tent was in the middle, with temporary bathrooms, army treasury and other facilities close to the tents of the servants. Next to the big tent, the outermost layer is the guard tents and stables.

Afshar Khan and Talish Khan were the first to jump off their mounts and approach the tent on foot. However, before they passed through the tents of the Janissaries, they were told: The King of Kings is not in the tent, and His Majesty is at the hunting ground. elsewhere.

Forget it, let's set up the camp first. I think this slope is good.

While King Khan's servants were setting up tents and carrying luggage in the wasteland next to the big tent camp, Ibrahim was still visiting the zoo.

Several beasts are being locked in iron cages, including Caspian tigers, cheetahs and lions. They have just finished the feast provided by the keepers and are sitting cross-legged to digest their food.

Ibrahim looked at these beasts that seemed lazy either because they were too full or because they were restricted from freedom. Among them, the cheetah was the most tame, so he planned to keep it alive. There is a high probability that the remaining ferocious beasts will not survive this spring. Very few animals can survive a beast fight against professional warriors. Most of the ferocious beasts used for fighting beasts for fun will only become consumables in competitions.

“Where should these beasts be consumed?”

After much thought, he couldn't think of any other use for them besides viewing them. Watching tigers baring their teeth was boring, at least for the King of Kings.

After thinking about it, the beast fighting show is still too boring. Whether it is the King of Kings or other nobles, most of the people brought to accompany the hunt are experienced warriors. If the fight is in the arena, there will be no suspense unless a female slave or an ordinary servant is forced to take part.

Leave the cheetahs, send the lions and tigers far away, and then open the cages when the hunting begins, and then drive these animals towards us.

After saying that, a group of bow-wielders cooperated with the hunters at the hunting ground to drive the carts carrying animal cages in different directions.

These captured beasts will be appetizers for hunting activities. If nothing else happens, the one who takes this blood will be the King of Kings. After these controlled animals are consumed, what can be driven out of the forest depends entirely on Huda's arrangement.

Just at this time, the herald arrived, dismounted and knelt down to report to him: Your Majesty, the guests you invited have arrived, and the servants are setting up camp. They want to see you.

When Ibrahim heard this, he first scanned the team he brought to see if there were any missing people, because the camp here was not far away. He only brought a team of fifty people as a guard to accompany him and the noisy Ismail while wandering in the hunting ground. .

However, after watching the beasts in the cage for a while, Ismail, who was bored, planned to go somewhere else to play. Ibrahim did not comment on this, but appointed two old hunters to act as guides and protect them. .

From the moment Ibrahim brought Ismail back, he fell into the boundless sea of ​​learning. The elders of the religious order headed by Hussein who were responsible for educating Ibrahim now shouldered the responsibility of educating Ismail. Your mission. He mainly played a supervisory role and often intervened in Ismail's studies. When he went on an expedition, Mira took over. Although the number of books she read and the knowledge she possessed were not at the same level as Ibrahim, she was still a well-educated noble lady.

Of course, in order to relieve the pressure brought to him by the heavy studies and the closed environment, Ibrahim specially recruited a group of school-age children from various tribal nobles and even the Khan's family. In the end, he selected a few people to serve as companions to accompany him in studying and playing. When they reach adulthood, they become close friends who share the same tent with Ismail.

Ibrahim looked left and right but didn't see those children, so he had to form a team of ten people: Go find little Mirza and remind him to come back when he has had enough. Don't wait until dark.

Then he returned to the big tent as quickly as possible and asked the herald to go to the camp on a hillside not far away to summon the Khans.

As soon as he came back, he saw a man in his prime talking to his wife. He paused for a moment before he recognized who it was.

Your Majesty. Mira, who saw Ibrahim coming back first, stood up from the carpet and walked forward to greet him. Ali Kakia, who was wearing a gorgeous hunting suit next to him, put on a flattering smile: Your Majesty, my virtuous son-in-law, the great conqueror.

Ibrahim interrupted his father-in-law's flattery: Okay, Gilanshah, let's keep these beautiful words in the diplomatic documents. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.comm But you came really early.

I originally wanted to see His Majesty, but Your Majesty is not in the main tent. When he said this, he looked at the couple in front of him at the same time, and nothing could be seen in his eyes.

When he saw his daughter alone in the big tent, an inexplicable worry came to his heart. The King of Kings has only one legal wife, but the number of monarchs who prefer female slaves is not uncommon in the world of heaven.

Suddenly someone interrupted his random thoughts. He turned around and saw a dignitary with a silver cross pendant on his chest walking in.

Then he watched the Christian kneel down to Ibrahim respectfully and salute him. He stepped forward and motioned for him to stand up: Gerkin Khan, may Huda protect you, my loyal and brave minister.

Heraclius was ambitious since he took office and wanted to make some political achievements. He implemented Ibrahim's policy towards Georgia, resolutely attacked dissidents, and retained the Georgian feudal lords who were willing to surrender. In official documents, he is called Khan, while the petty feudal lords in Georgian provinces are collectively called Sultans.

Those areas that were taken back due to the rebellion of feudal lords were governed by officials selected from local elites by the governor, who also accepted central supervision.

In addition to secular rulers, Heraclius also dominated the church. Although he was an Orthodox Christian, the Georgian Orthodox Church gained government support by selling out personnel, appointments, and financial talents.

The Duke of Abkhazia, the only remaining independent lord in Georgia, was also very calm and did not commit any transgressions. But before that, Ibrahim told him something. After settling in the province, he continued to send irregular troops abroad for reconnaissance, and got some information about the Caucasus mountainous area.

After he finished his report, Ibrahim nodded approvingly: You did a good job, Gerkin Khan.

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