The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 50 Picking Pearls (Part 2)

The sun has not yet climbed to the top, and after the morning prayer time, a group of citizens poured out on the streets of Herat. They took away all the metal products that could be used as weapons from the metal processing craftsmen in the bazaar, and gathered in the Demonstration in the square in front of the castle.

Ibn Hussein, who was worried about defending the city, stayed up all night. He was mentally exhausted and felt tired when he heard the news of the sudden rebellion of the citizens.

We don't want usurpers!

Peace! Stability! We want the old Sudan back!

You are a lackey of foreign countries, God curses you!

The gate of the castle slowly opened, and Ibn Hussein led his soldiers and rode up to the mob, pretending not to hear the slogan just now: Citizens, what are you dissatisfied with?

The mob was very excited to see the usurper. Incited by the priests, they had concluded that the war outside the city was related to the usurper sitting in the castle. The large army outside the city was God's punishment for the usurper!

The failure to properly accommodate the influx of refugees into the city and stabilize the prices of daily necessities was indeed Ibn Hussein's fault, and it also gave the clerics the opportunity to foment popular discontent.

But Ibn Hussein had no intention of reasoning with the mob. After all the troops were deployed, he simply took off his mask. The trampling of the war horses and the wielding of the saber harvested the lives of the mob. They immediately dispersed, but the surrounding streets All officers and soldiers intercepted them.

The square that usually provided trading venues for traders and held various celebrations was now filled with the corpses and blood of the mob. Ibn Hussein trampled on these mobs wantonly and used their blood to show off his power.

However, among the government troops brought in to quell the chaos, only his own soldiers were responsible for killing people in the square. The town militia composed of local people only assisted in blocking the streets to prevent the mob from escaping. And they also witnessed the brutality of Ibn Hussein.


The sound of stone bullets falling to the ground was deafening, and everyone in the square looked towards the city wall.


The cart delivered the stone projectiles that had been cut in advance to the forward position. The auxiliary soldiers had just assembled the parts into a trebuchet and completed the first round of ejection.

The defenders at the top of the city watched in horror as the Safavid army's counterweight trebuchets slowly operated, pouring death on the defenders on the city wall.

Behind the counterweight trebuchet, deeper into the camp, defenders with good eyesight could still see the materials and parts stacked orderly on the ground as well as the siege equipment being assembled nearby.

During the interval between the trebuchets, the red heads rushed out of the trenches and guardrails on horseback and approached the city. While they fired arrows sparsely at the defenders, they whistled and used vulgar language to ridicule the incompetence and incompetence of the Herat defenders. cowardly.

Hold it.

The militia officer pressed the crossbow that had been raised and aimed: Our arrows are not for now.

But then they pulled out a mule that seemed to be lame from the camp. A humanoid creature wearing a long skirt and a women's headscarf, with his hands tied behind his back, was sitting precariously on the back of the mule. This made the defenders a little confused, and the crossbows they had just lowered were aimed at the city again.

The captain leading the mule estimated that the distance was enough for the militiamen at the top of the city to see clearly, so he roughly pulled off the women's headscarf. Surprisingly, the person covered by the headscarf and veil was a man. s face.

Cowards! Please allow me to introduce to you this distinguished guest - the noble Sultan Hussin Baihara!

The defenders looked at each other, and they couldn't believe what the captain shouted at them. Most of the militiamen came from humble backgrounds, and even as citizens of the capital, they could only glimpse the aristocratic emir from a distance during annual celebrations.

They were doubtful and just continued to wait and see.

The tenth captain trotted his horse and pulled the rope tied to the mule. He planned to circle the city as ordered by Ibrahim, so as to humiliate the emir who refused to cooperate with him and take the opportunity to demonstrate in the city.

It is impossible to see how Ibrahim reacted in Herat. We can only observe Hussin Baihara who was so humiliated. Emil, who was forced to shave his beard and parade around in women's clothing, suffered a huge psychological blow. His eyes were lifeless, and he felt a sense of decadence radiating from the inside out.

If the person in front of him was a young woman like this, maybe Ibrahim would write a short essay about his illness overnight like many people in modern times, but his sexual fetish was not so weird.

At the other end, the guards reported the news of Hussin Baihara's defeat and humiliation to the castle. Because there were so many people watching, the news spread throughout the castle in less than a full day. Streets and alleys.

For a time, the priests took advantage of the panic and consternation in the public to once again incite the emotions of the citizens. However, the square covered with human tissue forced everyone to calm down. No one went to the Bazaar to obtain weapons anymore, but under the leadership of the priests Sit-in at the castle gate.

In order to prevent the tragedy from happening again, obstacles were placed in various lanes to hinder the passage of horses.

The public appearance of the clergy this time made it difficult for Ibn Hussein to take action. The legitimacy of his own governance was questionable. Civil servants were forced to submit to his force. Most of the nobles died or fled, and their influence plummeted. Now it is clear that he is disobedient. Forced suppression is no longer an option.

He had no choice but to invite several respected jurists into the castle to negotiate with him. Under the watchful eyes of the mob, they entered the man-eating Herat Castle like heroes.

But no one noticed that in the chaos, a new chaos was about to be born.

The spy who was tortured to death by Ibn Hussein left one last gift for the ruler of Herat. While he was under the protection of Badi Zaman, in addition to gathering intelligence, he also established a line with local Shia and other oppressed religious minority leaders.

After Mirza's residence was raided, the community leaders were worried that their collusion with the Safavid side would be discovered, and planned to carry out revolt in advance, but they were unable to find the opportunity.

And when the jurists came to incite them, the leaders realized that their opportunity had come. They gave full play to their influence and selected some people who were willing to put their heads in their belts. During the first day of riots, they first followed the crowd and took advantage of the chaos to loot the bazaar. Then they returned to the community with their property and weapons to wait and see the situation as planned. .

This prudent decision preserved the core strength of Juyi. When the believers who participated in the sit-in protest sneaked back to report that the jurists were negotiating with the new sultan, they attacked the city gates and set fire to alert the city's outlying camps. The operation was carried out immediately as planned. .

When the militiamen stationed on the city wall discovered that someone was trying to raid the city gate, they were immediately stunned. Not only the militants came, but also a large number of mobs who were brought in, and even the leader of a certain guild. In the entire team, there are quite a few people who know each other.

You also know that the owner of the castle has now changed from the benevolent old Sultan to the tyrannical new Sultan. In his eyes, both you and us are nothing more than weeds that can be cut away at will. And the militia and guards in the town They are not his soldiers. Your salary and our income all come from within the city walls, not from his manor. Why should we bleed for him?

In short, most of the militiamen were persuaded by the rhetoric of Why give him life for this little money? and out of consideration for their own lives, they chose to abandon Ibn Hussein.

The city gate was immediately opened, and the original plan of setting fire to alert the Safavid army was replaced by sending a messenger.


Your Majesty, urgent report.

The scout in charge of the alert passed through the layers of security composed of bow-wielders and saw Ibrahim and senior officers who were having daily gatherings in the big tent.

Ibrahim was immediately confused when he learned about this outrageous fighter jet. He couldn't believe it was true. Although there were many valuables recorded in history books, he didn't think he would be the one to encounter such valuables. The European Emperor.

Following the advice of senior military officers and staff, and out of caution, he ordered a hundred-man team to be dispatched to explore the truth.

While waiting for the reward, everyone was restless, especially for Ibrahim. This unknown was enough to make him nervous enough to live like a year.

The result was surprising. After waiting for only ten minutes, everyone was ecstatic after receiving the good news. For Ibrahim, it was like winning the SSR in the first draw of the activity pool. I feel the joy of a good harvest.

The large group of cavalry quickly dispatched and swarmed towards the south gate of the Herat city wall.

The sudden intrusion of the Safavid army caught all the forces in the city unprepared. Looking for the book to witness the red-headed soldiers entering the city with their own eyes, they broke into the hall regardless of etiquette and interrupted Ibn Hussein and the jurists. their conversation.

Your Majesty, the enemy has somehow managed to break through the city gate, and they are pouring in!

After a brief moment of consternation, the scene immediately descended into a situation of blame and blame.

If you and others deliberately fabricated facts and incited riots so that I could not concentrate on defending the city, how could the situation have fallen into such a situation! Ibn Hussein pointed directly at the noses of the jurists and cursed.

You despicable usurper, hateful thief! Your evil thoughts are the total source of this disaster. May Huda punish you! The accused priests also fought back mercilessly, and both sides were torn apart. Losing face.

However, the critical situation did not allow them to continue to escalate the dispute. The clergy heard from the experiences reported by travelers and businessmen that the Sunnis were not tolerated by the Safavids and planned to organize resistance on their own.

At the gate of the south wall, after Ibrahim learned that the lane leading to the castle was blocked by debris, he immediately changed his plan and asked the red heads to control the outer wall and outer city area, and sent manpower to slowly clear the debris.

Taking advantage of this window period, Ibn Hussein and his cronies left Herat through the small door. They were not able to take away any property in Herat, and they could not even damage it. They could only take away Escape with armor and weapons.

After the red heads cleared the alleyway leading to the castle, the cavalry galloping on the streets easily dispersed the fanatical rabble. The leaders of various communities and guilds in the city were aware of the current situation. They decided to take the initiative to join the Safavid army, and the town militia eventually obeyed Ibrahim.

This ownerless pearl finally fell into Ibrahim's hands, allowing him to play with it.

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