The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 49 Picking Pearls (Part 2)

After learning that the deployed scouts had been driven away by the enemy's cavalry, Talish Khan immediately dispatched a team of 100 men to hunt down the Kuleghani cavalry. While the two sides were fighting in the open space outside the city wall, Ibn Hussein had already led The soldiers slipped out.

They secretly attacked a small group of red heads who were resting by the road, leaving the captain to interrogate them on the spot, and executed all the others.

Ibn Hussein personally observed the red-headed corpses lined up on the ground. Their heads were all wearing towering red hats wrapped with a white turban. Under the red hats was a half-helmet, and under the half-helmet. Below is a shiny bald head. In addition to red hats and bald heads, another distinctive feature of red heads is their beards. They either don't have beards, or they only have beards on their upper lips.

The dead bodies lying on the ground perfectly matched the red heads that Ibn Hussein knew and heard about.

They were not Hussin Baihara's subordinates. In other words, no one knew about Ibn Hussein's usurpation of the throne and the chaos in the city.

Ibn Hussein was filled with uneasiness at this time. He had not fought against Ibrahim, but being able to defeat Hussin Baihara was enough to illustrate his strength. However, at this time, he still hoped that the two would fight to the death, and came to Herat just to bluff with the power of the victory.

After waiting for a while, the soldier in charge of the interrogation came over and shook his head: Master, the slave is incompetent. These heretics wearing red hats are all lunatics. No matter how they interrogate him, they never tell us any useful information.

Ibn Hussein was shocked again. He knew all the methods used for interrogation. He had also imagined how long he could last if he was the interrogator.

The setbacks in two consecutive interrogations made him re-recognize the power of faith, so much so that he swore in his heart: If God has mercy on me and allows me to survive this crisis, I will be a pious king until my death.

Soon, the test from Allah came.

Sir, it's bad, a large group of cavalry is coming here.

Ibn Hussein looked at the soldiers who came to report. Following the direction of his finger, he could see the rising smoke and the high triangular military flag. He immediately turned the horse's head and whipped it: Follow me back to the city!

Dozens of riders then returned to Herat dragging smoke and dust. When the red heads arrived, there were only a dozen dead bodies left here. They had no choice but to drag their colleague's body back for burial and report everything to Talish Khan truthfully.


The sun rose on a new day, and the heat-carrying sunlight penetrated into the prison car along the gaps between the fences. Even though his eyelids were blocking it, this ray of sunlight still stimulated Hussin Baihara's eyeballs, causing him to wake up. .

He spent the entire past week in a prison car, and Ibrahim even sent a hundred-man team of bow-wielders to escort and guard him. This is not an easy job. The sick and severely damaged old man who lived at the end of the 15th century can be regarded as a fragile porcelain doll. So much so that Ibrahim sent a military doctor to monitor his health.

Fortunately, the respected Emir survived and did not die on the road like Bayezid II. He was also lucky enough to see the coastal scenery. These familiar scenery and the settlements he passed made him more and more sure of Ibrahim's fate. One target was Herat.

And his biggest role is to order the city to surrender as the emir, and to be called the king.

Thinking of this, he felt sad again.

The prison car stopped in the siege camp, the door was opened, and he was dragged out of the car by the bow holder. He was arranged to an exclusive tent next to the big tent, still guarded by the fully armed bow holder.

After handling the siege matters, Ibrahim decided to take time to chat with the prisoners. Hussin Baihara was invited to the big tent before he was familiar with his new residence.

The waiter filled Ibrahim's gold-plated cut glass with sweet wine, while the guests were served non-alcoholic sherbet in ordinary silver glasses - although he did not know who he was. The Emir does not drink alcohol in private, but since he has issued a ban on alcohol in his territory, he respects the wishes of his guests.

Ibrahim took a sip of sweet wine and got straight to the point: The city outside the siege camp is the city of Herat that you are most familiar with. As a descendant of the heroic Timur and the legal ruler of Khorasan, you must still have someone. I will obey your orders. Autumn is coming soon. Whether it is the soldiers and civilians in the city or our army, fighting in winter is not comfortable after all. In order to save everyone from the disaster of swords, I hope you can use Emir for the last time. In return, I can leave a castle for you in the countryside of Khorasan, along with the village.

Since you are so kind, why don't you retreat to avoid the disaster of weapons? Hussin Baihara choked Ibrahim and planned to reject Ibrahim's request.

I am the messenger of the Imam, who came to the world on the orders of Huda to end all chaos and injustice. If I stop here, it will just let Herat fall into the hands of the warlords and careerists, and then I will become chaos and injustice. An accomplice to injustice.”

Ibrahim justified his actions to Hussin Baihara in terms only recognized within the order. Seeing his heretical behavior and hearing such heretical remarks being spoken openly, Emil felt that his world view was greatly impacted.

Hussin Baihara rubbed his forehead, which was filled with Twelve Imams and Sufism. In his opinion, Ibrahim at this moment was not an enemy monarch trying to persuade him to surrender, but a man who was preaching to him. Dervish.

Then he kept making it clear that he refused to be the king of the house, which made Ibrahim unhappy, so he had to drag him back to the tent specially prepared for him.

Just watch how Timur's inheritance is ruined in the hands of you unscrupulous descendants.

At the last moment, he heard Ibrahim's harsh words.

Talish Khan, who was appointed as the outpost commander, tried his best to collect information about the current situation of Herat through various channels. Today was a lucky day for that team of scouts. They happened to bump into a team of Guregani's colleagues who secretly left the city, and caught a tongue that had not escaped.

The interrogation didn't last more than a quarter of an hour before Tongue confessed everything he knew, including Ibn Hussein's usurpation of power.

When Talish Khan came to report, the emir had not left the scene. Hearing the news of such a loving father and a filial son, he finally couldn't help but have a fit.

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