The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 47 Herat is panic-stricken

In Herat Castle, the senior officials gathered together because of rumors always felt that the end was coming. Everyone present at the meeting was more or less uneasy, but no one showed their fear of the unknown on their faces.

Just a day earlier, news of their emir's defeat at Mashhad had begun to spread through Herat, starting with the caravanserai and then with the citizens and guards of the city. By the time these rumors reached the ears of senior officials, the news had already changed hands.

Everyone, the city is now in panic because of some rumors. The number of security incidents handled by the patrol team has increased sharply, which has even shaken the morale of the military. Regardless of whether these rumors are true or false, we must try our best to eliminate its negative impact. The Grand Vizier came up. This set the main tone of the meeting.

When ignoring is not an option, the only way to eliminate rumors is to silence them or refute them with strong evidence.

Suppression by force is out of the question. They don't know who is spreading the rumors now, and tough measures will only aggravate the people's rebellious psychology.

Then the only thing they can do is to refute the rumors with strong evidence, but they lost contact with the emir a week ago. They have no idea about the situation on the front line. How can they publicize this?

As for why contact was lost, everyone has thought about the possibility, but they are unwilling to say it clearly, and it is even more nonsense to admit it to the public.

But this is not the most pressing issue. The top priority is to quell the riots in the city.

After some hard thinking and gathering the wisdom of all the nobles present, the Grand Vizier finally formulated a plan - to send a team of absolutely loyal elite soldiers disguised as the vanguard of the army into the city to report victory to the people.

With Mirza present, Ibn Hussein believed that this was not enough and that he could also use the excuse of preparing to welcome the army that was about to triumph to control the city defense and the city defense troops who were influenced by rumors.

This aroused the vigilance of the grand vizier. His intention was just to temporarily calm the current panic and buy them time. As for quelling the riots in the city, Hussin Baihara has been operating in Khorasan for nearly thirty years and has established enough prestige under his throne. The long-term peace has also allowed him to gain enough popular support. According to current reports, The so-called riots are still in the stage of petty theft and loud talk in social situations. The big families in the city are also observing the situation and have no intention of fleeing.

The troops used to serve as the vanguard of the army were Mirza's personal soldiers. He was ordered to stay and look after the family, and thus mastered the most powerful force in the city of Herat.

But these hundreds of horsemen usually stayed in the military camp outside the city wall. If he wanted to cause chaos in the usual way, he would not be able to cross the outer wall alone.

In the end, the Grand Vizier talked his way out and persuaded other senior officials present to oppose Ibn Hussein's proposal. In the end, Mirza had no choice but to smile and give up.

Hmph, once my soldiers enter the city, it's not up to you how the situation will develop.

Ibn Hussein remained silent until the meeting was over, only ordering his attendants to prepare drinks for him. He spent the rest of the meeting drinking, looking at the faces of these civil servants and laughing at their naivety in his mind.


In Badi Zaman's mansion, the Safavid spies who were protected by him walked around the streets and learned a lot of news, especially the rumors that the Safavid army had defeated Hussin al-Bahara. It cheered him up. So much so that on the way he was thinking about how many more days he would stay in this city.

After returning to his room, he felt something was wrong and quickly dug into his pocket.


He suddenly discovered that his pocket had been cut at some point, and the coins, charcoal pens, and pottery sherds used to record information were gone.

This was undoubtedly the work of a thief. He didn't know what the thief would do after seeing the charcoal and the pottery fragments written with Persian writing. The only thing that was clear was that he was unable to make any effective response to this unexpected incident.

He was pacing the room, hands behind his back, imagining several scenarios that might happen next.

After an unknown amount of time, he heard a commotion outside. He looked out through the window and saw a group of soldiers suddenly coming outside Buddy Zaman's house.

Ibn Hussein, who was riding a horse in front of the gate, pointed his whip at the house slave responsible for guarding the gate: Take them all down!

Before the slaves could argue, a few strong soldiers stepped forward to control the first few people who came out and took them into custody.

Then he dismounted and led his troops into the hall. None of the servants dared to stop him along the way. Only the housekeeper who stayed behind came out: Your Highness, I wonder why you are here today?

Hmph. Ibn Hussein raised his whip and threatened: You are still pretending to be stupid here, and you can't escape your involvement in your master's cheating. Tell me, where is the spy who is hiding you here?

Seeing that everyone remained silent, the housekeeper continued to deny the accusation, thinking that he was setting up a frame-up. Find Shuyuan He didn't come with patience to begin with, and the backup plan that could force them to confess was already prepared in advance.

Don't even think about denying it. Ibn Hussein asked his soldiers to bring in important witnesses - the bribed messengers.

All the slaves looked at each other. They didn't know what to do. Ibn Hussein, who didn't have much patience, whipped the housekeeper with a whip and started a violent interrogation.

Realizing that something was wrong, the spy initially tried to escape through the window, but he had nowhere to go. When he returned, the guards in the city had already begun to rush for performance. In addition to real petty theft, they would also catch beggars and the like to make up for their performance. He could not get into Hanaka, nor into the almshouse. No one could stop them except the priests and their superiors.


The door to the room was knocked open by the soldiers, and before he could recover, he was already controlled by two big men.

Do you recognize this thing? Ibn Hussein waved his stolen face in front of his eyes. The changes in the spy's face did not escape his observation. Then, to be safe, the thief was brought up to identify him. spy.

If your identification is correct, then your crime today can be treated as if it never happened.

The captured and tortured thief was eager to exonerate himself and actively identified the spy, even telling which pocket of his clothes he had slit.

He was dragged to the interrogation room in the castle dungeon, and out of loyalty to his faith and monarch, the spy was eventually tortured to death.

Ibn Hussein, who was watching the interrogation, just looked through the correspondence found in the study. Even if the spy refused to let go, he had evidence that Badi Zaman's home was raided.

And these conclusive evidences also strengthened his determination. It seemed that there was more than one Mirza with evil intentions.

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