The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 46 Come and lie! Come for a sneak attack!

The next morning, the neatly dressed Ibrahim mounted his white horse and rode out of the camp after saying morning prayers. The attendants who followed behind were carefully selected bow holders. Everyone was fully armed. Even the horses under their crotches were uniformly equipped. The well-maintained iron armor reflected the sunlight.

In addition to the armored cavalry following Ibrahim, he also sent a team of scouts in advance to stand in front of him and be responsible for leading the entire team.

He turned around and personally counted the personal guard team. After confirming that it was correct, he ordered to wait for the scout responsible for leading the way.

The scout did not let him wait long, and two of the riders came back quickly: Your Majesty, as agreed, Nahusin Baihara only brought fifty riders to wait for the meeting with you. He also specially prepared an awning. , I hope you can negotiate with him alone under the shed, and the guards will only be around to guard you.

Oh, that's quite thoughtful. After complaining in his heart, Ibrahim just ordered: Lead the way.

The distance from the camp to the negotiation location was shorter than he expected. It took less than half an hour to reach the hillside near the predetermined location after trotting on a horse. Ibrahim stood on horseback and observed the negotiation venue in the distance with his sharpshooter-like vision.

As the scouts reported, there was only one awning on the desolate flat land. The number of Guregani cavalry who followed Hussin Baihara was not large, and they were scattered about a hundred meters away from the awning.

Ibrahim held the scabbard at his waist: Everyone, follow me forward.

The surrounding Guregani cavalry were not blind, but the fifty armored cavalry rushing towards them panicked them. Facing the opponents who defeated them the day before, the Guregani cavalry did not step forward to stop them. They all retreated to the back of the awning to gather together.

Only one of his bodyguards tried to step forward, but Ibrahim drew an arrow from his quiver, drew his bow, and shot the arrow at the comer.

The arrow pierced the leather armor on the rider's torso, causing him to fall off his horse.

The bow-bearers who followed Ibrahim immediately charged, using bows, arrows and lances to deal with the guards brought by Hussin Baihara.

The Gulegheni cavalry knew they could not defeat them and did not intend to fight head-on with the bow-wielders. However, they did not forget Emil and planned to cover his escape before running away. But the bow-holders used their superb shooting skills to knock off the riders one after another who tried to approach the awning, and surrounded the helpless Emir.

Seeing that there was no hope of rescuing Emil, the riders had no choice but to run back to the camp alone.

After the relaxed battle, Ibrahim rode his horse to the Emir and looked at the temporary venue he had set up to prepare for negotiations: The Emir has really thought carefully.

Hussin Baihara was stunned when he suddenly became a prisoner. He didn't expect that Ibrahim asked him to come out for negotiations to behead him. He had never seen such an unworthy opponent in his life.

The original idea of ​​surviving by keeping one's head down and paying tribute became a fantasy, and Ibrahim had no intention of giving him a way to survive.

There was no fight, and the two bow wielders easily escorted an old man in his sixties who suffered from paralysis out of the awning. Hussin Baihara, who was under control, could only make weak threats to Ibrahim: Aren't you afraid of being scorned and despised by the whole world after the incident? I advise you to take care of yourself.

As long as I don't confess, you can only fight and be captured. Ibrahim replied contemptuously.

Ha, if you can hide it from the world, can you also hide it from Allah? God in heaven knows everything. When the time comes, no one in this world will negotiate with you.

But it's a pity that Huda will not come down to earth to redress your grievances.

After speaking, Ibrahim did not want to talk nonsense with the emir, and ordered the guards with gestures to escort the prisoners back to the camp.


Suddenly, the ground shook.

Countless red heads appeared on the road as planned, and the scouts had already detected the specific location of the Guregani military camp. Under their guidance, the endless cavalry moved along the road.

The cavalry soon arrived at the temporary camp of the Guregani army. The sudden attack by the Safavid army did not allow the Guregani army to react in time. For a while, the arrows shot by the red heads knocked down many people.

The infantrymen tried to repel the sudden attack by throwing spears and arrows behind the guardrails and holding back their horses.

However, the Guregani Army, which lost the unified command of the emir, performed in a mess. It only relied on the spontaneous organization of middle and low-level officers. They were just divided into several groups of varying sizes and fought independently, with no coordination at all.

They failed to block the passages in and out of the camp. The Safavid army violently blasted in through these weakly fortified passages, pouring a large number of red heads in good condition into the camp.

Where's Emil? Where's Emil!

Since Hussin Baihara's attempts at peace talks with Ibrahim were kept secret, find Shuyuan www. Only he and his cronies knew about it. The officers and soldiers who could not see the monarch were panicked. They began to wonder whether the Emir of Guleghani of Herat had quietly left with his treasury and cronies. to the camp.

A large number of low-level officers broke into the big tent, which was originally accessible only to senior officers. They united to question the whereabouts of the emir to the senior officers and staff who stayed in the big tent.

The war situation at this time was no longer optimistic, and the Guregani army in the camp had been divided and surrounded. The one with the largest number of troops and the strongest defense line is the encirclement centered on the big tent.

The Emir did not escape. He secretly went to make peace with the enemy.

Under the pressure of everyone, an aide finally told the truth: Your Majesty and the enemy agreed to meet during noon prayer. It has been a long time since noon prayer. It is a matter of time before the camp is attacked and destroyed. Your Majesty is afraid that the same will happen. It's more dangerous than bad...


The public opinion representatives who broke in looked at each other. The current war situation was indeed what the staff said. It was only a matter of time before they were annihilated. Do they still need to continue to resist?

A sword with a cold light suddenly pierced the tent, inserted it in, and swiped downwards vigorously to cut it open.

The officers in the big tent looked outside and found that the tent was surrounded by Turkmen wearing red hats and white turbans.

Countless eyes intertwined, silence, suffocating silence.

The sound of metal falling to the ground alerted everyone, and the officers present took off their sabers from their belts and threw the scabbard on the ground. Not only did they throw their weapons on the ground, the officers also took the initiative to take off all the armor they were wearing, whether it was iron armor or leather armor.

The red heads who were watching watched them do all this, and finally stepped forward to receive the spoils.

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