The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 37 Battle of Mashhad (3)

Don't sleep, look! A sentry who did his duty slapped his comrades awake. The archer who was dozing against the wall was awakened by this slap: What's the matter? Someone is coming?

Look at what's going on outside. The sentry shook his head and pointed outside the city.

The thunderous sound of horns and the sound of horse hooves struck his eardrums. It was early in the morning, and the light from the sun allowed him to see clearly the scene outside - military flags were fluttering, dust was flying, and there were countless horses galloping outside the city. It was as if they were specifically demonstrating to the defenders.


But the two took a closer look and found that the Safavid army was not moving towards the city wall. Their movement direction was roughly parallel to the city wall, and no siege equipment was found.

Fortunately, it's not for us.

The two looked at each other, and then the sentry said to the archer: You continue to watch, I will go back to report, and I have to get in front of the others.

The large-scale deployment of the Safavid army obviously could not be concealed from the guards on the city walls. For a while, the decision-makers in Mashhad City received many reports from the sentries on various sections of the city wall.

Afterwards, after discussion, Bey and the heads of thousands of households agreed that the harassment by Mahmoud outside the city had an effect, triggering a response from the Safavid army. However, the red heads are so powerful that Bey is worried that if they do nothing to save them, the situation in the future will be even more passive.

Therefore, the raid on the Safavid army camp was logical.

According to the observations of the defenders at the top of the city, the southern camp was larger in scale, with more military flags erected. The large tent in the middle of the camp was also the most exquisite, and the number of soldiers' tents in the surrounding area was not comparable to that of the other two camps.

The battle plan was very simple. All the raiders attacked the siege camp in the south. Taking advantage of the emptiness of the camp, the fighter planes fought all the way to the tent, looted all the property in the camp, and burned the camp.

Without further ado, the city gate was quickly opened, and the team composed of team members with different thoughts went straight to the siege camp.

The civil engineering level of the Safavid army was not as good as that of the Ottomans, but under Ibrahim's order, the red heads still tried their best to build the camp. Although there are no walls, fences and horses surround the camp, and even several entrances and exits are barricaded.

In addition to fences and horses, patrols and sentries will also be arranged around the camp as a rule.

The sentries soon discovered them. The Guregani soldiers advanced with their shields and quickly rushed to the entrance of the camp. The two red heads who were originally guarding the horses realized that they were outnumbered and had to retreat to join their colleagues.

It is not easy to clear these temporary obstacles without anyone blocking it. After moving away the resisting horses blocking the road, the Guregani army filed in and violently searched all the tents.

The red heads who stayed behind in the camp retreated towards the tent in panic when they saw this Guregani army. The performance of the red heads greatly encouraged the leading officers. The suspicion that the enemy camp was empty was correct. No one could be seen in the temporary stables or tents, and the few defenders that could be seen were sparse.

The Cygrian army marched towards the big tent with confidence, and they encountered no resistance until the bow-bearing camps surrounding the big tent.

The appearance of the bow holder made everyone's hearts freeze - standing in front of them was a monster made of iron. Unlike ordinary red heads, the bow-wielders did not bother to cover their armor with clothing. Their goggles and armor were openly displayed to the enemy in front of them. The reflected sunlight made the Guleggani soldiers feel dizzy. .

Under the armor made of a mixture of iron and leather armor, they also wore a layer of chain mail. The knee-length chain mail and skirt armor and the greaves on the calves also provided sufficient protection for their lower bodies.

Moving your gaze upwards, the bow wielder is equipped with a throat guard and visor, and the helmet also has a lock neck guard to protect the back of the neck.

This is absolute protection. The Guregani soldiers present were at best town guards, not elites who had seen the world - even the leading officers had never worn such luxurious armor.

The bow-holders held a shield in one hand and a bone in the other, and pressed towards them in an orderly manner. The Guregani army was at a loss and could only bite the bullet and fight with the bow holder.

Pushing forward with his shield, before the Guregani soldier could regain his balance, the bow holder's bone hit him in the abdomen. The impact quickly spread to his internal organs, and the pain caused him to lose the strength to continue standing. Then, Guduo hit him in the face.

If it were just the bow-wielders who executed the enemies in front of them, the attackers could still save their lives by running away, but the disappearing red heads suddenly appeared on their flanks and rear, cooperating with the bow-wielders under the command of Ibrahim. The enemies who were about to invade were all surrounding him.

Only then did the officer leading the team realize that it was a trap and looked for Shuyuan www. But so what? He is not a decision-maker.

Ibrahim, the planner of all this, just looked at the massacre in front of him with a mocking smile. All the Guregani soldiers who accidentally caught a glimpse of this scene wanted to rush forward and torture him severely.

The large number of red heads who go out early in the morning is certainly not fake. There are thousands of people there, and it’s boundless. Ibrahim did not send out 10,000 cavalry. Thousands of cavalry galloping on horseback would have been a spectacular scene for an individual.

And Ibrahim deliberately reduced the number of sentries and patrols, and asked the red heads who stayed behind to pretend to be defeated and retreat to the big tent, while the other red heads hid outside the camp. In this way, the empty camp deceived them. The red-heads' feigned defeat reinforced their misconceptions.

In this way, they walked step by step into Hell.

Enough! Enough! Suddenly someone dropped the sword in his hand and fell to his knees, trying to surrender to the red heads.

However, the red head closest to him kicked him to the ground, and then stabbed the tip of Sheschl's knife into his neck, severing his trachea and carotid artery.

After more than ten minutes of killing, the Guregani army lay down on the ground. Their heads were cut off as usual and prepared to be piled up outside the camp where they could be seen at the top of the city.

And these headless corpses would not be spared, and craftsmen rushed to make sharp wooden stakes. These sharp wooden stakes were inserted into the corpse from the anus and stood beside Jingguan.

At the same time, the red heads who left the camp also returned to the camp in triumph. They reported the good news of the victory to Ibrahim and brought with them the heads of Mahmud, the head of a thousand households, and the heads of a group of heads of a hundred households.

Very good, add these heads to Jingguan as well!

With the defeat of Mahmoud and the raiding camp, no more troops would interrupt the Safavid army's siege until Mirza returned to support.

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