The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 36 Battle of Mashhad (2)

Mahmoud's judgment was correct. The Safavid army would not let go of the surrounding villages. The red heads divided into small teams and went to various villages to requisition civilians and food.

They escorted the young men and women tied together with ropes and the trophies loaded on the cart, and walked slowly on the return journey. The sounds of the red heads talking and the sobbing sounds of the prisoners were like the two extremes of heaven and hell.

From a military point of view, it is easiest to intercept and kill the enemy army returning with the loot. The enemy's march will be dragged down by the huge amount of loot, and after successfully completing the robbery, this army will start from above. You will relax when you arrive, and you will no longer be as vigilant as when you came.

Moreover, the red heads were extremely arrogant and thought that going to burn villages was an easy and dangerous job. After all, most farmers in the world are powerless to resist organized armed forces, and the farmers who ride and kill in a certain DLC are a rare exception.

For this reason, many red heads did not wear their equipment neatly. In front of the attacking Guregani cavalry, the unprotected enemies were like a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

They charged directly after firing a round of arrows at the red heads. The red heads were caught off guard by the sudden arrows. Seeing that there were far more enemy cavalry rushing toward him, the fifty-man commander made a decision that violated military discipline.

But it was still unrealistic to run away alone. After a short period of observation and thinking, he decided to gather some survivors back to the camp so that he would not be judged as a deserter by the military judge.

There were many red heads outside the convoy fighting with the approaching Guregani cavalry. Despite the numerical disadvantage, the red heads persisted in fighting and soon fell into a disadvantageous position.

Rush, rush out!

The fifty-man leader approached a horse archer who was drawing his bow from behind, then used a sheschl to cut him off his horse, and shouted orders to his men. He constantly rescued his trapped men and trudged across the battlefield with them.

Mahmoud found fifty men running around to gather the remaining troops on the plains full of wails and war cries. He immediately ordered the cavalry to encircle and suppress them.

At this time, there were only a dozen red heads in armor beside the fifty-man leader, and he was going to take these men back to the camp.

However, the performance of Gulegheni's cavalry was even worse. Most of them were busy handling the property on the cart. Except for Mahmoud's personal soldiers, no one was willing to give up the opportunity to make a fortune and cut off people's heads.

There was only one horse oncoming, and the fifty-man captain caught his arrow with his shield, while the rider's lance hit him in the abdomen, knocking him off his horse.

The Guregani cavalry chasing behind them was called back by the cautious Mahmud after chasing for a certain distance.

In this way, the team of red heads escorting the loot saved their lives because of the breakdown of the enemy's military discipline.


The two messengers who entered the big tent reported to Ibrahim: Your Majesty, Romru Khan and Talish Khan salute you. The grain collection teams of the North Camp and the East Camp were attacked in the countryside, with a total loss of hundreds. No. 1, all the baggage he obtained has been lost.

The same encounter not only happened to the troops of Romru Khan and Talish Khan, but also the food collection team sent by Ibrahim was attacked.

However, Mahmud's attacks were not successful every time. Mashhad's elite cavalry was taken away by Mirza. The cavalry commanded by Mahmud was composed of mercenaries and ordinary-quality left-behind officers and soldiers, and nomadic horsemen. For the body's team.

The weapons in Mashhad's armory were used to arm the city's defenders, and all that could be given to Mahmoud were some arrows.

Although Mahmoud gathered all the cavalry into a group and tried to overwhelm the red heads with their numerical advantage, the losses were still considerable. When encountering a larger red head, they had to retreat.

According to the accounts of eyewitnesses and the scouts who visited the surrounding fortified strongholds earlier, it can be proved that the attackers were not some other force, but certainly the Guregani Army. The prisoners' interrogation reports also support this.

It just so happens that the army has nothing to do now. A hunt can relieve this boring mood. Ibrahim immediately ordered the messenger: Go back and tell Romuru Khan and Talish Khan to ask them to send more troops. Send troops to guard against these horse bandits, and occupy all the empty small castles, leaving no possibility for the enemy to take advantage of them.

Yes. The two messengers bowed and left the tent with their messages.

But prevention alone is not enough. Today, the free cavalry can raid your food collection team. Then, after a few days, they can rush into the camp and disrupt our army during the siege.

Before this enemy force is eliminated, siege is not an option.

Ibrahim looked at the map of Mashhad that was temporarily drawn by military engineers, and thought that he had not sent a single soldier to the west side of the city because it was a mountainous area with no roads.

The rugged terrain of Binalang Mountain is indeed not suitable for large army activities. It is true that the garrison of Mashhad cannot escape if it runs westward, but they don’t want to run away and just use your blind spot to move around. Then his operation It can be called an oversight. Find Shuyuan www.

But this is only a possibility. Perhaps the enemy's stronghold is further away in the area beyond the scope of the scout's investigation.

Are all the officers here? Ibrahim wanted to give an order, but when he looked up, he saw that the herald who went to inform the officers of the meeting had not returned yet. He had no choice but to ask the attendants around him knowingly, and the attendants also replied seriously: Your Majesty, you may need to wait for a while.

He had to wait patiently for a while and asked the military engineers about the progress of preparations for the siege.

The noisy footsteps outside interrupted his conversation with the military engineer. He cleared his throat, quickly adjusted his appearance, and sat upright to wait for the officers.

Huda bless my Lord. Everyone bowed and prepared to listen to Ibrahim's order.

The attack on the grain collection team caused losses to many troops. This unknown Guregani force posed a threat to our siege. We must prevent the enemy from damaging our logistics and morale through harassment.

First of all, I decided to increase the scope and frequency of the scouts' reconnaissance. We must ensure that there are no enemy troops who can spend the night within a day's march of the cavalry. This order also applies to the Romuru Khan and Talish Khan tribes. Then Tomorrow we will send scouts to focus on the Binarang Mountain area on the west side of Mashhad. I suspect that the enemy is likely to use this as a stronghold. The mountainous area is not suitable for cavalry maneuvers. It is easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is concealed enough and close to the two parts of Mashhad. connect.

Do you have any comments or suggestions?

After speaking, Ibrahim glanced around.

Your Majesty, could we try to exploit the renegades and local nomads?

Well, this is a good idea. Ibrahim confirmed. If there's nothing else, let's adjourn the meeting and prepare for tomorrow's battle.

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