Chapter 37

“Who are you?” Shigaraki Tomura stared at Chi Feng, “Why do you know the quirk and characteristics of this Nomu?”

“My guess.”

Shigaraki Tomura: “???”

Hell if you can guess it, Shigaraki Tomura laughed furiously, “Nomu, kill him.”

Chi Feng did not hesitate, took out the quirk supplement from his pocket and used it up for the last time.

At the same time, Nomu’s attack also arrived instantly. Shoto Todoroki and Aizawa Shouta shot at the same time. The former froze Nomu’s feet and the latter wrapped Nomu’s hands. Chi Feng jumped and came to Nomu’s back with his hands pressed behind it. Thunder light came on.

“Thunder is shaking.”

Nomu’s back shook in an instant, and Lei Guangfan was very frightening.

“Don’t bother, it’s not afraid of thunder and lightning.” Shigaraki Tomura scratched his chin and said, “You are lazy to survive, but you are so unbearable in front of it. Experience despair.”

Nomu shook his whole body, and instantly shattered the ice on his feet, and then threw Aizawa Shouta out. Chi Feng leaped quickly, but it was still a step too late. Nomu’s speed was very fast, and a punch was already on Chi Feng’s body. .

Chi Feng flew out a distance of tens of meters in an instant, spitting out a mouthful of blood. If he hadn’t displayed the air barrier, he might have died with this punch.

“Chi Feng!” Shoto Todoroki’s face changed and he rushed towards Chi Feng. This punch of Nomu knocked Chi Feng so far, Chi Feng is likely to be life-threatening.

“You should take care of yourself first.” Shigaraki Tomura narrowed his eyes, and Nomu rushed towards Shoto Todoroki, raised his hand and grabbed his head.

Shoto Todoroki’s unprecedented fighting spirit was inspired. He put his hands together and pushed forward suddenly. A big ice burst instantly appeared, freezing Nomu directly into a giant sculpture.

Aizawa Shouta is worthy of being a professional Heroes as a teacher. Although he is physically weak, he can still show the strength of Chang Chao. Under the weird pace, he will follow the white band to wrap Shigaraki Tomura around Shigaraki Tomura. .

Midoriya stared blankly at Chi Feng lying motionless on the ground. His eyes suddenly turned red. Could it be… Mr. Chi Feng is dead?

He couldn’t imagine that Chi Feng, who is usually outstanding, would be knocked down by a punch. This Nomu’s punch seemed to contain infinite power, which he had only seen in All Might’s body.

Nomu is painless and painless like a war machine. After breaking the ice blast again, he relentlessly kills Shoto Todoroki. Shigaraki Tomura is its will. Whoever he wants to die will die.

Shoto Todoroki knew that he was not Nomu’s opponent at all, but now it is a bit to delay a little time. After using the big ice burst again to freeze Nomu, he turned his head to look at Chi Feng lying on the ground.(Read more @

Chi Feng did not die, nor fainted, but was resting. He knew his current condition very well. He had three broken ribs. Although it was painful, he did not lose his combat effectiveness.

At this moment, he also understood how naive his thoughts were. The black Nomu was really not something he could contend with now. This kind of creature didn’t know how to make it, and his power was so powerful.

It can be said that except for All Might, basically none of the people present are opponents of this black Nomu, let alone add Shigaraki Tomura and Kurogiri.

Nomu broke free again, Shoto Todoroki was also a little weak. After all, his stamina was limited. It took too much to deal with Nomu, and he was tired of coping.

Just when Nomu was about to catch Shoto Todoroki, Midoriya on the side finally broke out and rushed towards Nomu, tears flickering in his eyes, but more decisive.

He knew that with this punch, his right hand would be abolished, but there is nothing more important than his friends and classmates. If he were to watch them die, he couldn’t do it!

“Stop it for me!” Midoriya accelerated suddenly, punching Nomu in the back, “Smash!”


There was a shock, and after Midoriya’s impulse, he was pleasantly surprised to find that his right hand was not broken, which means that he hit a full-point punch.

But the next moment his face looked ugly, Nomu seemed to have no scars on his back, the punch didn’t work, and even Villain didn’t hurt him.

What kind of Villain is this?

Midoriya’s face turned pale. He felt that he was going to die and couldn’t save everyone, and he couldn’t save himself. Why, why is he so useless and can’t control his strength?

The deep self-blame could not disappear for a long time, Midoriya sat down weakly and faced the reality.

“Sometimes, it’s not that the individual’s strength is the strongest, nor that he is incompetent, but that the opponent is too strong.” Midoriya turned his head in surprise, Chi Feng slowly stood up, straightened his waist.” Then what should be done?”

Chi Feng surrounded his legs with thunder and lightning, and rushed towards Nomu after exerting his force. His hands were constantly changing, seeming to be brewing strong power.

“It’s very simple, we just need to be stronger!” Chi Feng suddenly shouted, “Lightning Style· Lariat!”

With a flash of speed, under the extremely dense thunder and lightning, Nomu’s waist was cut open unexpectedly, and the outflow of red liquid meant that it was injured.

“It seems to be a bit worse.” Chi Feng fell forward weakly, Midoriya jumped up and hugged Chi Feng quickly, and said with tears, “Chi Feng, thank you.”

At this moment, Midoriya seemed to understand a lot of truths, and understood that the world is not peaceful after all. Villain is everywhere, and darkness is everywhere. Since you can’t change the world, change yourself first.

When you have that ability, it is not too late to change the world.

When Shigaraki Tomura was busy coping with it, he saw Chi Feng making another move, but with a single blow, Nomu’s extremely hard body was cut open in the waist.

His pupils shrank, Shigaraki Tomura looked at Aizawa Shouta, “What’s his name?”

“Why, you are very interested in him?” Aizawa Shouta gasped and said, “Or, you are very afraid of his strength and potential?”

“It’s really annoying…” Shigaraki Tomura ran towards Chi Feng after avoiding Aizawa Shouta’s attack. He must kill this kid, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

“Not good!” When Aizawa Shouta reacted, Shigaraki Tomura had already passed Chi Feng, and the white bandage swept away but was avoided by the opponent, it was too late.

“Disgusting guy, let Laozi deal with you.”

There was a loud roar, Bakugo Katsuki hurried towards this side, his hands turned from red to red, and there was a big explosion at Shigaraki Tomura.

As the smoke filled the dust, Midoriya held Chi Feng and jumped out of the danger zone and landed on the side of Aizawa Shouta. Aizawa Shouta glanced at Chi Feng, who seemed to be in a coma, and said to Midoriya, “Good job.”

“Every one hinders me, why? Is it because of Heroes’ justice?” Shigaraki Tomura walked out of the smoke and dust with his hands hanging down, his eyes swept around everyone, “UA high school does not need to exist, and the world does not need it. Heroes, everyone will soon understand that what we are doing is for everyone and for the world!”

Shigaraki Tomura, whose hands were covered with Bloodline, suddenly burst into laughter. His smile was distorted and very permeating. It seemed that there was endless pain and sadness in his heart, and the black devil’s will to tear him to pieces was burning.

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