Chapter 36

Ten minutes later, Chi Feng stood up. He just recovered a little bit of energy and could keep moving, but it was impossible to shoot like the previous one, unless he used up the last quirk supplement.

“What should I do now?” Shoto Todoroki rarely consulted Chi Feng’s opinion. He was originally a maverick, but now Chi Feng is here. He wants to hear Chi Feng’s opinion.

“It’s very simple. First go to support Teacher No. 13, and then find a way to help Teacher Aizawa share the pressure. After all, the black Nomu is much stronger than this.” Chi Feng looked into the distance, and the surrounding movement was not small. The students seemed to be caught up in a hard fight.

“I remember there is another Nomu that hasn’t been solved…”

“That’s dead,” Chi Feng smiled and looked at Shoto Todoroki. “Did you see the storm before?”

Shoto Todoroki’s face changed, “You mean you formed the storm?”

Think about it and feel wrong, Chi Feng’s quirk is a thunder quirk, where does the thunder and lightning come from the storm? How can a storm be formed? Shoto Todoroki couldn’t figure out this. He didn’t even think about the double quirk. He himself is a double quirk, but it doesn’t mean that others are the same as him.

Chi Feng didn’t answer, but Shoto Todoroki knew he had acquiesced. The winged Nomu died in Chi Feng’s hands, and he knew it from the thunder and lightning storm.

It seems that he still looks down on Chi Feng.

“23 seconds…” Shigaraki Tomura finally took action. He couldn’t wait. There seemed to be a lot of changes happening today. Both of his Nomu seemed to be dead, but right now he couldn’t confirm who killed him. Nomu.

These other two Nomu are the products that he brought out in advance. Although the strength is not as strong as this black Nomu, they are definitely not the ordinary professional Heroes can deal with, but these two Nomu died in the facility.

Then, it means that the students are doing good things. There are quirks and methods comparable to professional heroes in these stinky brats. Even if All Might doesn’t come today, he will kill these troublesome brats so as not to hinder the Villain Alliance’s will in the future.

“20 seconds…” Shigaraki Tomura kept chanting numbers and came to Aizawa Shouta. Aizawa Shouta hit Shigaraki Tomura’s stomach with an elbow, but was blocked by the opponent’s hand.

“Although you are running around all the time, it is somewhat difficult to tell, but there is indeed a moment when your hair hangs down, which means the end of your action, and the interval becomes shorter and shorter.” Shigaraki Tomura opened wide The eyes said, “Don’t be too aggressive, Eraser·Head.”

Aizawa Shouta’s elbow was scrapped by Shigaraki Tomura. Midoriya was worried but to no avail. With his current strength, he could not fight Villain at all, unless he used 100% of his power, but in case Villain escaped, or blocked it, Then he became a burden to Teacher Aizawa.

Not only Midoriya is anxious, but Mineta Minoru and Asui Tsuyu are anxious, but they can’t help it. Their quirks are only auxiliary types, and their attack performance is currently very weak, so they can’t help much.(Read more @

In this situation, Aizawa Shouta still has to face many Villains, and without one hand’s attack, the ability will be greatly reduced.

“Your [quirk] is not suitable for long-term battles with multiple people, right?” Shigaraki Tomura seemed to see through Aizawa Shouta’s weakness at a glance, “Isn’t it completely different from what you usually do at work?”

“What you are good at is after all just a short-term decisive battle under a surprise attack, right?” Shigaraki Tomura analyzed like a tarsus maggot, “Even so, you still charged from the front. Is this to make the students feel at ease?”

Aizawa Shouta knew that he was in a bad situation now, and his right elbow could hardly move, involving the entire joint.

In order not to put pressure on the students, Aizawa Shouta continued to move, and stared at Shigaraki Tomura out of breath after clearing up a few Villains. This guy is the main messenger of this battle and is quite important.

“It’s so handsome… so handsome!” Shigaraki Tomura opened her hands and laughed. “But then again, Heroes…”

Before Shigaraki Tomura’s words were finished, Aizawa Shouta felt something was wrong and turned to look. A huge black Villain was standing behind him. This should be the ‘Nomu’ that Villain said before.

“The boss is not me.” As soon as Shigaraki Tomura’s voice fell, Nomu raised his hand and grabbed Aizawa Shouta’s head.

When Aizawa Shouta didn’t respond, she watched the other’s giant hand grabbing towards her, is she going to die here?

“The Gun of Thunder!”

A loud roar came from a distance, followed by a azure blue light passing by, hitting Nomu’s hand, giving Aizawa Shouta time to react, and quickly avoided.

At this time, Chi Feng and Shoto Todoroki also arrived.

“Chi Feng, Bang!” Midoriya stood up excitedly and walked towards Chi Feng and Shoto Todoroki. At this moment, he actually felt safe. Is it because Chi Feng and Hong are here?

He couldn’t tell, but he just felt very stable in his heart.

“Student Chi Feng, thank you.” Aizawa Shouta stood weakly beside Chi Feng. As a teacher, he was supposed to protect the students, but today he was protected by the students.

At this moment, the situation of the battle has been changed imperceptibly.

“Is it you again?” Shigaraki Tomura scratched his chin, a little annoyed. “My two Nomu are dead. Does it have anything to do with you?”

“Two Nomu?” Midoriya and others were taken aback, then looked at the black Nomu and instantly understood, but who can kill this suspected boss, it is Chi Feng?

Shoto Todoroki stood aside and didn’t speak. Only he knew who killed Nomu. It was Chi Feng in front of him. One of them was killed under his nose, shocking and inexplicable.

“Well, who knows?” Chi Feng spread his hands and did not admit or deny.

Shigaraki Tomura stared at Chi Feng for a while, and then suddenly opened his eyes and laughed, “Every one is like this. Now even a little ghost dare to talk to me like this. It seems that Villain Alliance is going to be with you people. In his eyes, it became deeply rooted.”

“Nomu, kill that kid.” Shigaraki Tomura gave orders to Nomu. He kept holding his fingers on his chin, and soon red marks were made.

“Student Chi Feng, you take Midoriya with them and leave it to me here.” Aizawa Shouta said weakly, but still using quirk, her hair fluttered.

Chi Feng put his left hand on Aizawa Shouta’s shoulder and said, “Mr. Aizawa, this Nomu is useless to eliminate with quirk. Let me do it. I want to wait for Mr. Ida to escape from the facility. Ms. All Might will be here soon. .”

When Midoriya heard the words All Might, the hope in his eyes became brighter, but Aizawa Shouta looked back at Chi Feng suspiciously, “How do you know that my quirk is useless?”

“It’s the same if you eliminate the quirk. It has achieved such strength purely by the physical body. A few more quirks are just stronger, so let’s wait for Teacher All Might to come.” Chi Feng released his hand. After that, Thor’s return was fully aroused.

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