The sneered sound made Meng Qin's whole body tremble.

At this moment, Yao Xing, who was beside him, suddenly let out a scream. It turned out that he, like Meng Qin, was splashed with corroded green water.

It's just that his luck seemed to be a little worse, the body guard was broken, and his body was contaminated.

He was in extreme pain.

In just a moment, the green water spread on his body, and the muscles on his arms were immediately corroded.

You know, the heavenly body has far surpassed the hardest metals in the mortal world, and even they are a hundred times taller.

And this green water caused the heavenly body to be corroded in an instant.

Moreover, there is a tendency to spread.

Yao Xing's reaction was also very fast, immediately running the fairy power to stop the corrosive force.

Chi Chi...


However, when his fairy power ran over, he felt more pain and almost fainted.

At the same time, the scope of corrosion has expanded further, and the bones have gradually been damaged.

This kind of pain cannot be experienced by ordinary people.

"Oh my God!"

Everyone was also shocked, this green water was so ferocious, they didn't expect it.

Ziyunzi was also very surprised.

Because he had already followed the route left by the ancestor Ziyun and avoided many dangers, but he still encountered such a terrible crisis.


At this moment, Fang Chuan waved his hand, and the light of atmospheric therapy shone on Yao Xing's arm.

The chick sound continued.

However, Yao Xing's expression seemed to gradually relax.

A burst of white smoke rose.

Only then did the corrosive force on Yao Xing's body be ablated by atmospheric therapy, and his injuries were also contained.

"Thank you Fang Shangxian." Yao Xing quickly thanked him.

If it wasn't for Fang Chuan, he would really be planted here this time.

When everyone saw it, Fang Chuan was even more admired, because Fang Chuan's atmospheric therapy was obviously the nemesis of this green water.

However, everyone was too late to be happy at this time.

Including Yao Xing, he also immediately took a third-grade recovery elixir, and immediately moved his body skills, wanting to escape the green water.

The green water surging on the ground became more and more fierce.

There are fewer and fewer places where they can hide.

And, they found a problem, there seems to be a natural formation here.

The green water surging on the ground forced them to one direction, and waves of green water were bound to gush out in other places.

They have not been attacked for the time being, but they cannot always escape.

The scope of green water is getting wider and wider, and their scope of activities is getting smaller and smaller.

The situation is getting more and more crisis.

"Fang Shangxian, what should I do?" At this time, everyone was focused on Fang Chuan.


Fang Chuan frowned. In fact, he had already seen some clues about the formation of the green water and the ground.

However, this total natural formation is not so easy to solve.

What's more, he always felt that there was something dangerous waiting for them in the sky.

That is the one who has been monitoring their existence.

Everyone feels this way.

Therefore, none of them jumped to the sky.

Hh hh...

Another stream of green water spouted from the ground, and the ground had already gathered a lot.

At this moment, Mr. Liuyun had already thrown out a cover, and in an instant, they were in an enchantment.

The green water rushing from the ground could not soak this cover for a while.

The hood made a sneer.

There was a puff of white smoke, and it was clear that they were constantly fighting.

"The best five-dragon cover." Zi Kongzi raised his brows.

The Five Dragon Guard is a relatively common defensive weapon in the heavens, but the Five Dragon Guard in front of you is obviously unusual.

"Let's think of a way faster."

Mr. Liuyun snorted coldly. If he hadn't seen them in danger, he wouldn't bring out the best five dragons he had refined for a long time.

This five-dragon cover also cost him a lot of effort.

He said that, everyone did not mind to pay attention to this valuable Five Dragon Guard, but looked at Fang Chuan.

Fang Chuan is deducing this natural formation.

Natural formations, high and low.

And the one in front of him is obviously a more powerful one.

After a while, the edge of the Five Dragon Guard had begun to fester, relying on the light of the barrier to resist the green water.

The white smoke became stronger and stronger.

Everyone became more and more anxious.

"Take the cover and follow me. If there is a sneak attack above your head, don't be merciless!"

Fang Chuan waved his hand to Mr. Liu Yun, and Mr. Liu Yun nodded immediately, and then put away the top five dragon covers.

He also feels distressed.

Once damaged, a lot of celestial stones are needed to repair it.

As soon as the Five Dragon Mask disappeared, a stream of green water flowed towards them.

Fang Chuan's step-by-step footsteps were quick and profound. Every time he stepped on a position, the ground sank a point.

Then, the rushing green water changed its direction.

But everyone discovered that there was no green water spewing out where he stepped on the depression.

You know, there may be green water everywhere in the ground. If you are not careful, I am afraid that Fang Chuan will be attacked by green water immediately.

They move on.

Compared to before, he approached the direction of Ziyun Peak a lot, and went around without being attacked by the green water.

Soon, they have come to the edge of the pool.

The danger level of the water pool is probably far greater than where they were just now.

Once someone falls into it, I'm afraid it really turns into a bone hack in an instant.

Neither immortal nor Xuanxian can die well.

Therefore, everyone is more cautious.

"This kid is amazing!"

However, Mr. Liu Yun also had to admire Fang Chuan. He had also tried to break the formation before, but his understanding of the formation was so bad that he couldn't do it.

He was in danger on several occasions.

Now they are halfway out.

Seeing to go further ahead, you can leave this dangerous and weird place.


Suddenly, there was a sharp to extreme scream in the sky, which seemed to be a certain kind of bird.

Among the fairy birds, there are also many powerful attacks.

Therefore, when this voice came, everyone's hearts were shocked.

When they looked towards the sky, a black shadow had flown in front of them like an arrow.

The first to bear the brunt is Chen Wei!

Chen Wei is the weakest among them.

Lushui has no discrimination ability in the formation, so it is a random attack.

The immortal bird is intelligent, not even inferior to the immortal, so it has long been secretly observing and knowing who is the best person to attack.


Chen Wei was subjected to a violent impact. At that moment, his whole body was enveloped by the sharp claws of the immortal bird, and his fear was extreme.

This fairy bird is at least the Dzogchen level of Heavenly Wonderland.

Dealing with him can be said to be easy. Mr. Liuyun did not dare to confront him head-on.

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