The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3806: Purple Cloud Forest

Fang Chuan also learned a little about Ziyun Peak.

Only then did he know that it turned out that some true celestial and golden celestial monster races and fairy beasts might appear in the top of Ziyun.

Of course, the probability of this occurrence is very low.

However, once it appears, it is a sign of group destruction.

Especially Jin Xian, even if Fang Chuan had exhausted all his strength now, he might not be able to match it.

The morning passed.

At this time, Fang Chuan walked out of his courtyard together with Zhang Kui and Yong Wei.

Chen Wei was waiting at the door.

He looked embarrassed, and he actually knew that his relationship with Fang Chuan was actually not very good.

However, he wanted to ask Fang Chuan to take him.

He still doesn't know how to speak.

However, he is also a goddess anyway, he still has the qualification to go to the top of Ziyun.

"You want to go too?"

Fang Chuan looked at Chen Wei and smiled faintly, "Do you know that this time is actually very dangerous?"


Chen Wei nodded, but he also knew that following Fang Chuan might have a chance.

Others didn't know, but he knew that Feng Jie was able to become the son of luck by following Fang Chuan, step by step.

He had offended Fang Chuan before, but now he just wants to hug his thighs tightly.

"Since you are not afraid, then go with us."

Fang Chuan didn't care either. They assigned the number of people to other people because they were losers, and they were the winners this time.

Successful people naturally have the power to break the rules.

"Thank you, big brother!" Chen Wei was overjoyed and quickly thanked him.

Yong Wei glanced at Chen Wei, but did not speak.

The four then came to the hall together.

In the hall now, in addition to Ling Yunzi, Ling Bozi, Mr. Liuyun and Zi Kongzi, there are two partners of Zi Kongzi.

One is called Meng Qin and the other is called Yao Xing.

These two people are both powerful in the late Tianxian stage.

However, in front of Fang Chuan and others, they did not dare to have the slightest arrogance.

Not long after, Ziyunzi and Su Fang, as well as two powerhouses of the late Xuanxian period, Zhou Wu, and Chen Xin.

These two are friends of the host.

They also plan to go to the summit of Ziyun with Fang Chuan.

As a result, Ziyunmen's strength was much stronger.

Seeing Fang Chuan's lineup, Zi Kongzi's heart is very complicated, but after entering the ruins, everything is possible.

Therefore, he still had some flukes in his heart.

"Now we are almost there, let's go."

Seeing that everyone had arrived, Ziyunzi immediately led the crowd, with an aura like a rainbow, and flew out of the Ziyun Gate.

They flew towards the depths of the Ziyun Mountain.

The Ziyun Mountains have a large area.

And if you fly above nine days, you can see that the Ziyun Mountain Range is actually an arc shape.

The top of Ziyun is the most depressed position in the Ziyun Mountain.

The height there is already the highest point of the Ziyun Mountain Range, and it is surrounded by clouds.

This kind of cloud and mist, even the immortal consciousness of the immortal, has been affected, and once it reaches it, it will be restricted.

not to mention.

Ziyunzi and the others also knew that there were many natural formations and traps in the forest near the top of Ziyun.

If the immortal falls into it accidentally, he is dead or alive.

Moreover, there are also very powerful fairy beasts and monster races, which are not comparable to other places in the earth fairy world.

Soon, they fell to a distance of five thousand kilometers near the top of the purple cloud.

In front of them, there is a dense forest.

This forest is also surrounded by mist.

"This mist is actually poisonous. Once it enters the body, it may affect our fairy body and foundation."

Fang Chuan's fairy consciousness covered the past, and immediately felt a slight dizziness in his mind.

With his fairy body, he would feel this way, let alone other people.

When everyone heard it, their hearts became tight.

They approached quickly and felt the dizziness.

At this time, Ziyunzi said, "This is the Ziyun Poisonous Miasma. Mortals in the mortal realm will die if they touch it. It will also do great harm to our immortals.

He flipped his hand and immediately flew out a dozen black pills.

He said indifferently: "This is the detoxification pill that my master refined from this poisonous miasma back then. Take it, everyone."

As he said, he took one first.

Seeing the pill floating in the air, Fang Chuan thought about it and took one.

After he took it, he immediately felt a medicinal power rising from his body, and this medicinal power did not have much effect on him.

However, when he touched the poisonous miasma again, he felt that the power of the medicine had an immediate effect, and he ran around to dissolve the poisonous miasma.

He smiled and said, "Sure enough, it can detoxify."

Before he said this, Su Fang and others had actually taken it, because they had confidence in Ziyunzi and Fangchuan.

And after he said this, Ling Yunzi and the others took one to take.

Zi Kongzi said coldly: "Master is really partial, we don't have this detoxification pill!"


Ziyunzi didn't speak, and waved his hand. "We are going in now, but please follow me. Among the Ziyun jade slips, half of the jade slips are the safest route my master has found by himself."

"The other half is the route of Ziyun Ruins itself."

After he finished speaking, he stepped into the forest.

The forest is five thousand kilometers deep, and if mortals are in it, it’s not just a matter of getting lost.

For mortals, it is vast.

For these immortals, it takes a long time to walk without using the ability of flying.

They went deep and saw many weird plants, animals, and occasionally some fairy beasts.

The humidity here is heavy.

Moreover, there is toxicity everywhere.

From time to time you will encounter mud.

These quagmire is also full of corrosive, smelly, people dare not approach.

Fairy beasts are also poisonous. Once, a large poisonous clam jumped out and attacked Meng Qin. Meng Qin subconsciously fought back.

Toxic Clam's strength was not strong, so Meng Qin exploded with immortal power.

But Meng Qin was also stained with the blood of the poisonous clam, and his palms immediately became charred, like black charcoal. Fortunately, Fang Chuan shot it in time, otherwise, his hand would be useless.

Even so, his strength is still damaged.

This made everyone understand that even some weak animals and fairy beasts could poison them.

The poison here is extraordinary.

They are advancing very fast, and everyone has a spell similar to shrinking the ground, but within two hours, they have already reached the center of the forest.

They have encountered several attacks.

However, when they came to the center of the forest, they always felt a little depressed, as if they were being stared at.

Waiting for a water hole, this feeling reached its peak.

"Everyone, be careful."

As soon as Fang Chuan raised his hand, he looked at the cold, but not frozen, and green water pool.

There was some ominous feeling in his heart.


Suddenly, a lot of green water filled them, like a fountain, and it became more and more fierce.

And-this green water is strongly corrosive, and Meng Qin's body guard fairy qi was instantly corroded and damaged by the green water, scaring him back quickly.

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