
Haotian knew that he had no resistance in front of Fang Chuan. He had also witnessed the scene where Fang Chuan broke through at the City Lord's Mansion before.

He was not Fang Chuan's opponent before, and certainly not anymore.

He looked at Fang Chuan: "This matter has nothing to do with Afeng. If you want to kill me, you can kill me, but please let Afeng go!"

"Afeng is innocent from beginning to end!"

His eyes are full of imploring.

"Haotian, don't say that, I am willing to live and die with you!" Qiao Xufeng hurriedly pulled Haotian, looking affectionately.

"No, Afeng, I said, I will guard you for the rest of my life, and protect you well, even if it makes me a person to be cast aside, it is the same!" Haotian said, taking Qiao Xufeng's hand.


Fang Chuan shook his head: "Although you are so affectionate, your target is not like that."

However, he would not continue to speak, because although he knew Qiao Xufeng was lying, the matter had nothing to do with him.

He waved his hand: "Don't talk about this, you are here to enter the restricted area, how do you get in?"

"We want to break in." Haotian looked at Fang Chuan: "Because we have offended you, we will definitely not be able to get along in the City Lord's Mansion, so we have to take a risk."

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan laughed, then his gaze was dazzling, and he looked at Haotian: "Do you really think I am a liar, or do you think I am stupid than you?"

His eyes were full of murderous intent.

Haotian's face changed. In fact, he also knew that it was very difficult to fool Fang Chuan, but he had no choice.

He sighed: "Well, in fact, we have been controlled by the general's men before, but then the city lord's mansion has changed, we took the opportunity to escape, and before, Afeng had already obtained the access order for the restricted area."

"Passing order?" Fang Chuan frowned.

"When she was in the City Lord’s Mansion, she got it by chance. It seems that another person came to steal it. As a result, that person was forced to hide the access order in one place. Find."

Haotian had no choice but to tell the whole story: "This pass has not been maintained for a long time, and the scope is very narrow, and, because we have not been allowed, we must enter the restricted area as soon as the guards leave."

He looked at Fang Chuan again: "So, there is no way, we can't give you the pass!"

"Very good." Fang Chuan smiled: "Haotian, you give me the permit, and the conflict between us is wiped out. Now you are in the city of the forbidden zone, and it is impossible to be wanted by Yang Hongbo, because I don't know. What reason, but he is no longer my friend.


"No!" Qiao Xufeng hurriedly shouted loudly: "It's useless for you to pass the permit, and this is my permit!"

"So, for this thing, are you willing to risk being killed by me?" Fang Chuan frowned.

"Anyway...no!" Qiao Xufeng gritted his teeth and said.

Haotian looked at Qiao Xufeng: "Afeng, why don't we give them the pass. If the general is not helping Mr. Fang, the general will ignore us. We will leave the restricted city and return to the original life. Is it?"

"No!" Qiao Xufeng shook his head: "I must go back to the restricted area!"

"Go back?" Haotian's expression changed.

Qiao Xufeng hurriedly explained: "I lived in it for a while. Before I met Ji Zihou, I met a sister in it. I must go and rescue her. They are in danger now!"

"But..." Some doubts appeared on Haotian's face.

He is also a powerhouse with the triple level of Ascension Realm, and his understanding is not too bad. Even if Qiao Xufeng said nothing wrong, he still feels wrong.

Fang Chuan smiled, "No matter what you say, you are now in my hands. If you don't hand over the pass, I will only kill you!"

Between talking and laughing, the murderous aura grew stronger.

Qiao Xufeng was suddenly uncomfortable by this murderous intent.

She looked at Fang Chuan: "Even if you kill me, I won't give it to you. The pass has been refined by me. If you want the pass, you must ask me to cooperate!"


Fang Chuan smiled faintly, and when he stretched out his hand, Qiao Xufeng was directly grasped by his empty hand.

"Huh?" Qiao Xufeng exclaimed, and then he was grabbed by Fang Chuan's empty hands.

"Mr. Fang, spare your life!" Haotian exclaimed nervously.


However, the next moment, Fang Chuan's aura was already exuding, directly suppressing Haotian, making Haotian immobile.

Haotian struggled hard, even if his Ascension Realm's triple power burst out, there could not be the slightest looseness.

He suddenly paled with anxiety: "Mr. Fang, please!"


Qiao Xufeng continued to snorted and looked at Fang Chuan: "I just won't give it to you. What can you do to me, how can you kill me?"


Fang Chuan shook his head: "I can really kill you, and then I can use the soul search technique to find the pass from your soul!"


After that, as he talked, there was a terrible thunder and lightning in the sky, and there was a feeling of dark clouds pressing down on the city.

Fang Chuan's expression also changed, because he felt an unknown force that seemed to be threatening him.

The breath of heaven has also changed.

Time suddenly became a little tight.

He looked at Qiao Xufeng and said coldly: "I will ask you one last time. If you don't cooperate, I can only kill you."

This time, he was serious, and everyone could feel his killing intent.

Qiao Xufeng's face also changed and changed.

She thought for a while and looked at Fang Chuan: "Unless you promise to let me be with you, I will destroy my soul immediately!"


Haotian's face was ugly to the extreme, because Qiao Xufeng seemed to abandon him at this time.

Moreover, he didn't understand why Qiao Xufeng was willing to annihilate his soul and was unwilling to return to a normal life with him?

"Haotian, you are a good person, but you don't understand what I need, and I won't go back with you!" Qiao Xufeng sneered and looked at Haotian: "I'm in the restricted area and got the favor of Tianlong, if It's not Ji Zihou, I've already gotten better with an adult from the Tianlong clan, and he promised to pass on the secrets of my dragon clan and become a Tianlong clan!


"Once I become a Tianlong tribe, I may be above human beings. At that time, I will be the lord of the forbidden city!"

"You may not know that Ji Zihou also promised me benefits at the beginning, so I came to you and asked you to help deal with Mr. Fang!" Qiao Xufeng's words fell silent, and Haotian was struck by lightning, and the whole person was stunned. Unexpectedly, this would be the case.

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